Pokemon Sleep

List of All Main Skills and Effects

Main Skills are skills that Pokemon of the same species have in Pokemon Sleep. Read on to see a list of Main Skills and their effects.

List of All Main Skills

Skill Effect
Pokemon Sleep - Berry Burst Berry Burst Gets a set amount of Berries plus a few of each of the Berries other Pokemon on your team collect.
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S Restores 12 Energy to the user.
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M Increases Snorlax's Strength by 880.
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S Increases Snorlax's Strength by 400.
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S Increases Snorlax's Strength by anywhere from 200 to 800.
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S Gives your pot room for 7 more ingredients next time you cook.
Pokemon Sleep - Disguise (Berry Burst) Disguise (Berry Burst) Gets a set amount of Berries plus a few of each of the Berries other Pokemon on your team collect. On rare occasions, you'll get a Great Success and receive a greater number of Berries.
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S Obtain 240 Dream Shards.
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S Obtain 120 to 480 Dream Shards.
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S Restores 14 Energy to one random Pokemon on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Energy for Everyone S Energy for Everyone S Restores 5 Energy to each helper Pokemon on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Extra Helpful S Extra Helpful S Instantly gets you x5 the usual help from a helper Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Electric) Helper Boost (Electric) Instantly gets you bonus help from all Pokemon on your team that increases in amount the more Electric-type Pokemon species are on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Fire) Helper Boost (Fire) Instantly gets you bonus help from all Pokemon on your team that increases in amount the more Fire-type Pokemon species are on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Water) Helper Boost (Water) Instantly gets you bonus help from all Pokemon on your team that increases in amount the more Water-type Pokemon species are on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S Gets you 6 ingredients chosen at random.
Pokemon Sleep - Metronome Metronome Uses one randomly chosen main skill.
Pokemon Sleep - Mimic (Skill Copy) Mimic (Skill Copy) Copies and performs the main skill of one randomly selected Pokemon on the team.
Pokemon Sleep - Moonlight (Charge Energy S) Moonlight (Charge Energy S) Restores Energy to the user, but if a Great Success occurs, it will also restore a small amount of Energy to a random Pokémon on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Stockpile (Charge Strength S) Stockpile (Charge Strength S) Either Stockpile or Spit Up is selected. When Spit Up triggers, Snorlax gains strength according to the number of times Stockpile was triggered. After Spit Up triggers, Stockpile's number resets.
Pokemon Sleep - Tasty Chance S Tasty Chance S Increases the likelihood of making an Extra Tasty dish.
Pokemon Sleep - Transform (Skill Copy) Transform (Skill Copy) Copies and performs the main skill of one randomly selected Pokemon on the team.

How to Level Up Main Skills

Use a Main Skill Seed

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Main Skill Seed Main Skill Seed A mysterious seed that can raise the level of a Pokemon's main skill by one.

You can level up your Pokemon's Main Skill with a Main Skill Seed, which can be bought from the Premium Exchange store for 1,800 Sleep Points.

List of All Items and Effects

Evolve Your Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Espeon Level 2 Skill

If your Pokemon is able to evolve, it will automatically level up its Main Skill by 1 upon evolving. Take note that in some cases, such as evolving Eevee into one of its evolutions, its Main Skill may also change.

How to Evolve Pokemon

What are Main Skills?

Skills Specific to Pokemon Species

Main Skills are specific to each Pokemon Species, and have various effects that trigger randomly when interacting with Pokemon in the field.

Unlike Sub Skills, main skills are specific to each Pokemon, so recruiting multiple Pikachus for example, will result in all of them having the same Main Skill, despite having different Sub Skills.

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Skills Partial Banner

List of All Skills and Effects

All Skills

All Skills
List of Main Skills List of Sub Skills


1 Anonymous7 months

Are the Helper Boost types really separate skills? Shouldn't Helper Boost (Fairy) be included? If you get Helper Boost from a Fairy type through Metronome you seem to get the Fairy type variant.


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