Pokemon Sleep

List of All Generation 2 Pokemon

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This is a list of all Generation 2 Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep. Read on to learn all Gen 2 Pokemon from Johto that appear in the game and their Sleep Types.

List of Generation 2 Pokemon

All Gen 2 Pokemon

No. Pokemon
Type | Sleep Type
Berry | Ingredients
152 Pokemon Sleep - ChikoritaChikorita
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x2 | Soothing CacaoHoneyLarge Leek
153 Pokemon Sleep - BayleefBayleef
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x2 | Soothing CacaoHoneyLarge Leek
154 Pokemon Sleep - MeganiumMeganium
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x2 | Soothing CacaoHoneyLarge Leek
155 Pokemon Sleep - CyndaquilCyndaquil
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x2 | Warming GingerFiery HerbPure Oil
156 Pokemon Sleep - QuilavaQuilava
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x2 | Warming GingerFiery HerbPure Oil
157 Pokemon Sleep - TyphlosionTyphlosion
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x2 | Warming GingerFiery HerbPure Oil
158 Pokemon Sleep - TotodileTotodile
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x2 | Bean SausagePure Oil
159 Pokemon Sleep - CroconawCroconaw
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x2 | Bean SausagePure Oil
160 Pokemon Sleep - FeraligatrFeraligatr
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x2 | Bean SausagePure Oil
172 Pokemon Sleep - PichuPichu
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Grepa Berry x2 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
173 Pokemon Sleep - CleffaCleffa
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Pecha Berry x2 | Fancy AppleHoneyGreengrass Soybeans
174 Pokemon Sleep - IgglybuffIgglybuff
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Pecha Berry x1 | HoneyPure OilSoothing Cacao
175 Pokemon Sleep - TogepiTogepi
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Pecha Berry x1 | Fancy EggWarming GingerSoothing Cacao
176 Pokemon Sleep - TogeticTogetic
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Pecha Berry x1 | Fancy EggWarming GingerSoothing Cacao
179 Pokemon Sleep - MareepMareep
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x1 | Fiery HerbFancy Egg
180 Pokemon Sleep - FlaaffyFlaaffy
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x1 | Fiery HerbFancy Egg
181 Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x1 | Fiery HerbFancy Egg
185 Pokemon Sleep - SudowoodoSudowoodo
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoGreengrass SoybeansTasty Mushroom
194 Pokemon Sleep - WooperWooper
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Tasty MushroomSoft PotatoBean Sausage
195 Pokemon Sleep - QuagsireQuagsire
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Tasty MushroomSoft PotatoBean Sausage
196 Pokemon Sleep - EspeonEspeon
Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Mago Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
197 Pokemon Sleep - UmbreonUmbreon
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
199 Pokemon Sleep - SlowkingSlowking
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Oran Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato
202 Pokemon Sleep - WobbuffetWobbuffet
Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Mago Berry x1 | Fancy AppleTasty MushroomPure Oil
208 Pokemon Sleep - SteelixSteelix
Pokemon Sleep - Steel Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Belue Berry x2 | Snoozy TomatoBean SausageSoft Potato
214 Pokemon Sleep - HeracrossHeracross
Pokemon Sleep - Bug Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Lum Berry x1 | HoneyTasty MushroomBean Sausage
215 Pokemon Sleep - SneaselSneasel
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x2 | Bean SausageFancy EggGreengrass Soybeans
225 Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird
Pokemon Sleep - Flying Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Pamtre Berry x1 | Fancy EggFancy AppleSoothing Cacao
228 Pokemon Sleep - HoundourHoundour
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x2 | Fiery HerbWarming GingerLarge Leek
229 Pokemon Sleep - HoundoomHoundoom
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x2 | Fiery HerbWarming GingerLarge Leek
243 Pokemon Sleep - RaikouRaikou
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x1 | Bean SausageFiery HerbLarge Leek
244 Pokemon Sleep - EnteiEntei
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Pure OilSnoozy TomatoTasty Mushroom
245 Pokemon Sleep - SuicuneSuicune
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Fancy ApplePure OilGreengrass Corn
246 Pokemon Sleep - LarvitarLarvitar
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Warming GingerGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage
247 Pokemon Sleep - PupitarPupitar
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Warming GingerGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage
248 Pokemon Sleep - TyranitarTyranitar
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x1 | Warming GingerGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage

Generation 2 Region and Games

Johto Region

Generation 2 consists of the Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, and Pokemon Silver games, which all took place in the Johto region.

The Pokemon introduced in these games are considered Gen 2 Pokemon.

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Partial Banner

All Pokemon in the Pokedex

Pokemon by Sleep Type

Pokemon by Sleep Types
Pokemon Sleep - Dozing Types Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing Types Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering Types

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass Type Water Type Fire Type
Electric Type Ice Type Fighting Type
Ground Type Poison Type Flying Type
Psychic Type Bug Type Rock Type
Ghost Type Dragon Type Dark Type
Steel Type Fairy Type Normal Type

Pokemon by Generation

All Generations
Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3
Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6
Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9

Other Pokemon Guides

Other Pokemon Guides
List of Baby Pokemon List of All Basic Pokemon
List of Evolution Pokemon List of Rare Pokemon
All Special Evolution Conditions List of Unevolved Pokemon


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