Pokemon Sleep

List of All Skills and Effects

Skills are unique to each Pokemon and help progress your game by assisting you in sleep research in Pokemon Sleep. Read on for a list of all skills, as well as how to level them up!

List of All Main Skills

Main Skills are skills that Pokemon of the same species have. These skills are unlocked immediately once you recruit a Helper Pokemon, and can be randomly triggered when interacting with Pokemon in the field.

Skill Effect
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S Restores 12 Energy to the user.
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M Increases Snorlax's Strength by 880.
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S Increases Snorlax's Strength by 400.
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S Increases Snorlax's Strength by anywhere from 200 to 800.
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S Gives your pot room for 7 more ingredients next time you cook.
Pokemon Sleep - Disguise (Berry Burst) Disguise (Berry Burst) Gets a set amount of Berries plus a few of each of the Berries other Pokemon on your team collect. On rare occasions, you'll get a Great Success and receive a greater number of Berries.
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S Obtain 240 Dream Shards.
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S Obtain 120 to 480 Dream Shards.
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S Restores 14 Energy to one random Pokemon on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Energy for Everyone S Energy for Everyone S Restores 5 Energy to each helper Pokemon on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Extra Helpful S Extra Helpful S Instantly gets you x5 the usual help from a helper Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Electric) Helper Boost (Electric) Instantly gets you bonus help from all Pokemon on your team that increases in amount the more Electric-type Pokemon species are on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Fire) Helper Boost (Fire) Instantly gets you bonus help from all Pokemon on your team that increases in amount the more Fire-type Pokemon species are on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Water) Helper Boost (Water) Instantly gets you bonus help from all Pokemon on your team that increases in amount the more Water-type Pokemon species are on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S Gets you 6 ingredients chosen at random.
Pokemon Sleep - Metronome Metronome Uses one randomly chosen main skill.
Pokemon Sleep - Mimic (Skill Copy) Mimic (Skill Copy) Copies and performs the main skill of one randomly selected Pokemon on the team.
Pokemon Sleep - Moonlight (Charge Energy S) Moonlight (Charge Energy S) Restores Energy to the user, but if a Great Success occurs, it will also restore a small amount of Energy to a random Pokémon on your team.
Pokemon Sleep - Stockpile (Charge Strength S) Stockpile (Charge Strength S) Either Stockpile or Spit Up is selected. When Spit Up triggers, Snorlax gains strength according to the number of times Stockpile was triggered. After Spit Up triggers, Stockpile's number resets.
Pokemon Sleep - Tasty Chance S Tasty Chance S Increases the likelihood of making an Extra Tasty dish.
Pokemon Sleep - Transform (Skill Copy) Transform (Skill Copy) Copies and performs the main skill of one randomly selected Pokemon on the team.

All Main Skills

List of All Sub Skills

Sub Skills are secondary skills that can vary even among Pokemon of the same species. These skills are unlocked at certain levels, and is always in effect as long as that Pokemon is included in your team.

Skill Effect
Berry Finding S Increases the number of Berries this Pokemon finds at one time by 1.
Dream Shard Bonus Boosts the number of Dream Shards you earn from sleep research by 6%.
Energy Recovery Bonus Multiplies the Energy the team recovers from sleep sessions by 1.12.
Helping Bonus Allows team members to help 5% faster.
Helping Speed M Allows this Pokemon to help out 14% faster.
Helping Speed S Allows the Pokemon to help out 7% faster.
Ingredient Finder M Boosts the likelihood of this Pokemon finding ingredients.
Ingredient Finder S Slightly boosts the likelihood of this Pokemon finding ingredients.
Inventory Up L Increaes the max number of Berries and ingredients this Pokemon can have by 18.
Inventory Up M Increases the max number of Berries and ingredients this Pokemon can have by 12.
Inventory Up S Increaes the max number of Berries and ingredients this Pokemon can have by 6.
Research EXP Bonus Boosts the EXP you earn from performing sleep research by 6%.
Skill Level Up M Boosts the level of this Pokemon's main skill by 2.
Skill Level Up S Boosts the level of this Pokemon's main skill by 1.
Skill Trigger M Boosts the chance of this Pokemon's main skill being used.
Skill Trigger S Slightly boosts the chance of this Pokemon's main skill being used.
Sleep EXP Bonus Boosts the EXP earned by the team after sleep sessions by 14%.

All Sub Skills

How to Level Up Skills

Use Main Skill Seed for Main Skills

You can level up your Pokemon's Main Skill with a Main Skill Seed, which can be bought from the Premium Exchange store for 1,800 Sleep Points.

Use Sub Skill Seed for Sub Skills

You can improve a random Sub Skill with a Sub Skill Seed, which can be bought from the Premium Exchange store for 1,400 Sleep Points.

List of All Items and Effects

Can You Change Skills?

Skills Cannot Be Changed

A Pokemon's Main Skill and Sub Skills cannot be changed, even if the latter is random.

If you want to have a Pokemon with different Sub Skills than the one you have, you need to befriend and recruit a new one.

What are Skills?

Modifiers Unique per Pokemon

Skills are unique to each Pokemon and help progress your game by assisting you in sleep research. Main skills vary per Pokemon species, while Sub Skills are random per individual Pokemon.

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1 Anonymous2 months

Once the main skill is triggered (pot +10) on the team, do you need to keep the team member on the team in order for the skill to still work? Or does it bank it even if I swap the team member out?


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