Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Perilous Stakes Illithid Power Guide and Effect

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Perilous Stakes is one of the Illithid Powers you can get and use in the game. Check out this guide to learn how Perilous Stakes works in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3).

Perilous Stakes Illithid Power Information

Perilous Stakes Overview

Power Effect
Perilous Stakes
Perilous Stakes
Invest a creature with power that heals it when it attacks, but also makes it Vulnerable to all damage.
Class Actions
Skill Tree Location Nodes Unlocked
Second Rim Absorb Intellect

How to Use Perilous Stakes

Uses of Perilous Stakes

Effective Against Enemies With Many Resistances

This particular ability turns the tide against enemies with many resistances against certain types of attacks. It may grant your intended target an ability to heal itself when it attacks, but the upside of this ability is that it exposes your foe to the many possible attacks or spells you might unleash.

Use Against Single Enemy Bosses

Perilous Stakes is ideal to use in combatting enemy bosses, given their particular set of resistances to many attacks. This ability helps you land decisive strikes against bosses that are uncompromisingly resistant to your offensive arsenal.

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List of All Illithid Powers

All Illithid Powers

List of Illithid Powers
Ability Drain Absorb Intellect Black Hole
Charm Concentrated Blast Cull the Weak
Displace Displacer Beast Shape Favourable Beginnings
Fly Force Tunnel Fracture Psyche
Freecast Illithid Expertise Luck of the Far Realms
Mind Blast Mind Sanctuary Perilous Stakes
Psionic Backlash Psionic Dominance Psionic Overload
Repulsor Shield of Thralls Stage Fright
Transfuse Health

This list of all Illithid Powers is still incomplete and currently updating. Please help us complete this list by sharing your findings below the comment section.


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