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Half-Elf Race Guide and Best Classes

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The Half-Elf Race is a major playable Race in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about the Half-Elf Race, its subraces if any, their feats and best classes and backgrounds for a member of the Half-Elf Race, and more!

Half-Elf Race Overview

Half-Elf Information

Baldur Race Features
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Civil Militia
Curious, ambitious, and versatile, half-elves are welcome everywhere, but struggle without a community to call their own.

Half-Elf Race Features

Feat Description
Base Racial Speed The distance your race can move per turn. (9m)
Civil Militia You have Weapon Proficiency with spears, pikes, halberds, and glaives, and Armour Proficiency with Light Armour and Shields.
Darkvision Can see in the dark up to a range of 12m.
Fey Ancestry You have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Half-Elf Subraces

Subrace Information
Baldur Drow Half-Elf Most half-drow result from liaisons between Seldarine drow and surfacers. While half-drow inherited a few magical gifts, they aren't usually raised in the Underdark.
Baldur High Half-Elf A touch of the Feywild remains in half-elves with this bloodline, and even those untrained in magic possess a hint of wild power.
Baldur Wood Half-Elf Like their wood elf parent, these half-elves have a quickened stride and an eye for stealth. Yet many break away from isolation in Faerun's forest to explore the rest of the Realms.

Best Classes and Backgrounds for Half-Elf

Best Classes for Half-Elf

Class Information
Cleric Clerics are representatives of the gods they worship, wielding potent divine magic for good or ill.
Druid Druids channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals. Mastery of Wild Shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms.
Ranger Rangers are unrivalled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.

Best Backgrounds for Half-Elf

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