Splatoon 3

Undercover Brella Guide: How to Use, Stats, and Best Gear Abilities

The Undercover Brella is a Brella weapon in Splatoon 3. Read on to see its stats, including its sub, special, damage, and range, as well as our analysis and tips on how to use Undercover Brella and the best gear abilities to go with it.

Undercover Brella Info and How to Get

Undercover Brella Overview

Weapon Sub Special
Splatoon 3 Undercover BrellaUndercover Brella Splatoon 3 Ink MineInk Mine Splatoon 3 ReefsliderReefslider
Points for Special Type
180 Brella
Unlock Level
Undercover Brella will be available for purchase from Ammo Knights upon reaching Level 18.

Undercover Brella Tier Ranking

C Undercover Brella currently is considered a C Tier weapon.
Undercover Brella is severely outclassed by other weapons available and doesn't really do any better. Try this weapon for fun but it will be hard to win with Undercover Brella.

Best Weapons Tier List: Main Weapons Ranked

Undercover Brella Stats: Damage and Range

Damage 40 (Direct Hit)
12.0 to 36.0 (Umbrella Hit)
(Test Range Lines)
2.5 (Maximum)
2.3 (Effective)

Undercover Brella Analysis, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Undercover Brella Analysis

Overall Ranking
Turf War.png Turf Wars Splat Zones.png Splat Zones Tower Control.png Tower Control Rainmaker.png Rainmaker Clam Blitz.png Clam Blitz

Undercover Brella Characteristics

Ratings of Individual Characteristics
Inking Potential 3 Star.png Ease of Use 2 Star.png
Offense 2 Star.png Defense 3 Star.png
Utility 3 Star.png Shield Penetration 1 Star.png

Undercover Brella Strengths and Weaknesses

Undercover Brella Strengths Undercover Brella Weaknesses
Splatoon AdvantagesAllows for one-sided combat where you can shoot the enemy but you're safe from their ink.

Splatoon AdvantagesCan charge up Reef Slider easily.
Splatoon DisadvantagesStruggles in drawn-out skirmishes as the brella's durability is at risk.

Splatoon DisadvantagesVulnerable to attacks from the side.

Best Gear Abilities for Undercover Brella

Gear Ability Effect
ComebackComeback Boosts some of your abilities for a short time after respawning.
Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink.
Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your main weapon.
Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon.
Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed.
Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Increases movement speed in Inkling or Octoling form.
Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up Increases special-gauge fill rate.
Stealth JumpStealth Jump Hides your Super Jump landing point from distant players.
Sub Power UpSub Power Up Upgrades your sub weapon.
Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Increases movement speed in swim form.

All Gear Abilities and Effects

How to Use Undercover Brella Effectively

Stay beside a long-ranged ally to protect and aid them.

Stick to an ally who is using a long-ranged weapon and protect them by drawing fire from the enemy and activating your Brella's shield to deflect the ink shots.

Try to target damaged enemies instead of fully healthy ones.

You won't be dealing a huge amount of damage with this weapon, so try to target enemies who are currently being attacked by a teammate.

Use Reefslider often.

Reefslider may be your only option of dealing lethal blows to the enemy team. Use it when enemies are gathered together to maximize the special weapon and splat as many opponents as you can with one use!

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List of Brella Weapons

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4 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I actually think it is pretty bad.

3 Anonymousover 2 years



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