New World

Weapon Mastery Guide: List of Weapon Skills and Abilities

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Weapon Mastery Guide
This is a guide on New World's Weapon Skills. Read on to see all of the available skills and abilities for each weapon and how Weapon Mastery works in the game!

List of Weapon Skills

Sword and Shield

Sword and Shield

Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Sword and Shield Skills

Active Skills

Defiant Stance ImageDefiant Stance Shield Rush ImageShield Rush Shield Bash ImageShield Bash
Leaping Strike ImageLeaping Strike Whirling Blade ImageWhirling Blade Reverse Stab ImageReverse Stab

Passive Skills

Defensive Formation ImageDefensive Formation Restoration ImageRestoration Final Count Down ImageFinal Count Down
High Grip ImageHigh Grip Recuperation ImageRecuperation Fortitude ImageFortitude
Defensive Training ImageDefensive Training Sturdy Grip ImageSturdy Grip Intimidating Rush ImageIntimidating Rush
Improved Rush ImageImproved Rush Final Blow ImageFinal Blow One With The Shield ImageOne With The Shield
Elemental Resistance ImageElemental Resistance Sturdy Shield ImageSturdy Shield Concussive Bash ImageConcussive Bash
Intimidating Bash ImageIntimidating Bash Leadership ImageLeadership Cowardly Punishment ImageCowardly Punishment
Final Strike ImageFinal Strike Achilles Heel ImageAchilles Heel Critical Precision ImageCritical Precision
Counter Attack ImageCounter Attack Freeing Justice ImageFreeing Justice Empowered Stab ImageEmpowered Stab
Tactical Strike ImageTactical Strike Opportunity ImageOpportunity Confidence ImageConfidence
Opportunist ImageOpportunist Mobility ImageMobility Precision ImagePrecision
Tactician ImageTactician Unstoppable Stab ImageUnstoppable Stab Invigorating Bulwark ImageInvigorating Bulwark



Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Rapier Skills

Active Skills

Fleche ImageFleche Evade ImageEvade Riposte ImageRiposte
Flurry ImageFlurry Flourish And Finish ImageFlourish And Finish Tondo ImageTondo

Passive Skills

Momentum ImageMomentum Interruption ImageInterruption Backside ImageBackside
Quick Lunge ImageQuick Lunge Swiftness ImageSwiftness Perfectionist ImagePerfectionist
Controlled Breathing ImageControlled Breathing Crescendo ImageCrescendo Adagio ImageAdagio
Allegro ImageAllegro Breathe In ImageBreathe In Red Curtains ImageRed Curtains
Desperation ImageDesperation Lasting Consequence ImageLasting Consequence Priority ImagePriority
Insult To Injury ImageInsult To Injury Finalize ImageFinalize To The Bone ImageTo The Bone
Fleeting Strikes ImageFleeting Strikes Overwhelm ImageOverwhelm Light Edge ImageLight Edge
Engarde ImageEngarde Bloody End ImageBloody End Fuel ImageFuel
Swagger ImageSwagger With Flair ImageWith Flair Heavy Puncture ImageHeavy Puncture
Unerring ImageUnerring Refreshing Strikes ImageRefreshing Strikes Proper Spacing ImageProper Spacing
And Again ImageAnd Again Thirst For Blood ImageThirst For Blood



Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Hatchet Skills

Active Skills

Infected Throw ImageInfected Throw Social Distancing ImageSocial Distancing Rending Throw ImageRending Throw
Raging Torrent ImageRaging Torrent Berserk ImageBerserk Feral Rush ImageFeral Rush

Passive Skills

Persistent Hinderance ImagePersistent Hinderance Aerial Transmission ImageAerial Transmission Mortal Power ImageMortal Power
Rejuvinating Crits ImageRejuvinating Crits Adrenaline Rush ImageAdrenaline Rush Exploitation ImageExploitation
On Fire ImageOn Fire Critical Throw ImageCritical Throw Stay Back ImageStay Back
Quick Power ImageQuick Power Boot And Rally ImageBoot And Rally Refreshing Throws ImageRefreshing Throws
Aimed Throw ImageAimed Throw Second Wind ImageSecond Wind Opportunistic ImageOpportunistic
Targeted Impact ImageTargeted Impact Defy Death ImageDefy Death Final Blow ImageFinal Blow
Aggressive Approach ImageAggressive Approach Desperate Refresh ImageDesperate Refresh Fortifying Strikes ImageFortifying Strikes
Relentless Fury ImageRelentless Fury Accumulated Power ImageAccumulated Power Uninterruptible Berserk ImageUninterruptible Berserk
Berserking Purge ImageBerserking Purge Berserking Refresh ImageBerserking Refresh On The Hunt ImageOn The Hunt
Frenzied Purge ImageFrenzied Purge Against All Odds ImageAgainst All Odds Enraged Strikes ImageEnraged Strikes
Crippling Strikes ImageCrippling Strikes Dispatch ImageDispatch



Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Spear Skills

Active Skills

Vault Kick ImageVault Kick Skewer ImageSkewer Perforate ImagePerforate
Sweep ImageSweep Javelin ImageJavelin Cyclone ImageCyclone

Passive Skills

Exploited Weakness ImageExploited Weakness Continuous Motion ImageContinuous Motion Relentless Blows ImageRelentless Blows
Refreshing Jabs ImageRefreshing Jabs Exposed Wounds ImageExposed Wounds Aggressive Maneuvers ImageAggressive Maneuvers
Finishing Blows ImageFinishing Blows Deep Wound ImageDeep Wound Follow Through ImageFollow Through
Deadly Ambush ImageDeadly Ambush Exacerbating Crits ImageExacerbating Crits Unerring Precision ImageUnerring Precision
Crippling Jabs ImageCrippling Jabs Impactful Strikes ImageImpactful Strikes Rupturing Strikes ImageRupturing Strikes
Precise Jabs ImagePrecise Jabs Reserved Strength ImageReserved Strength Coup De Grace ImageCoup De Grace
Tenacious Sweep ImageTenacious Sweep Defensive Stance ImageDefensive Stance Merciless Strength ImageMerciless Strength
Evasive Maneuvers ImageEvasive Maneuvers Deadly Reach ImageDeadly Reach Deadly Distance ImageDeadly Distance
Refreshing Precision ImageRefreshing Precision Forceful Impact ImageForceful Impact Strong Conditioning ImageStrong Conditioning
Invigorating Crits ImageInvigorating Crits Deadly Consistency ImageDeadly Consistency Strong Momentum ImageStrong Momentum
Invigorating Combo ImageInvigorating Combo Refreshing Reach ImageRefreshing Reach

Great Axe

Great Axe

Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Great Axe Skills

Active Skills

Gravity Well ImageGravity Well Maelstrom ImageMaelstrom Whirlwind ImageWhirlwind
Execute ImageExecute Reap ImageReap Charge ImageCharge

Passive Skills

MaulerMauler's Fury Unyielding ImageUnyielding Crowded Well ImageCrowded Well
Crowded Protection ImageCrowded Protection Revenge ImageRevenge Enduring Strike ImageEnduring Strike
Heavy Pull ImageHeavy Pull No Reprieve ImageNo Reprieve Absorb ImageAbsorb
StormStorm's Reach Center Of Attention ImageCenter Of Attention Gravity ImageGravity
MaulerMauler's Resolve Surrounded ImageSurrounded Unending Winds ImageUnending Winds
Gusting Winds ImageGusting Winds Blood Lust ImageBlood Lust Executioner ImageExecutioner
Unstoppable Greed ImageUnstoppable Greed ExecutionerExecutioner's Speed Critical Condition ImageCritical Condition
DeathDeath's Embrace Greed ImageGreed Fatal Attraction ImageFatal Attraction
Hunger ImageHunger The Collector ImageThe Collector Feed ImageFeed
Keen Edge ImageKeen Edge Frustration ImageFrustration Critical Gains ImageCritical Gains
Unpredictable Strike ImageUnpredictable Strike Frenzied Momentum ImageFrenzied Momentum

War Hammer

War Hammer

Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

War Hammer Skills

Active Skills

Path Of Destiny ImagePath Of Destiny Clear Out ImageClear Out Shockwave ImageShockwave
Wrecking Ball ImageWrecking Ball Mighty Gavel ImageMighty Gavel Armor Breaker ImageArmor Breaker

Passive Skills

Aftershock ImageAftershock Stimulated Reduction ImageStimulated Reduction Seismic Waves ImageSeismic Waves
Acceleration ImageAcceleration Prevailing Spirit ImagePrevailing Spirit Concussive Impact ImageConcussive Impact
Guarded Sprint ImageGuarded Sprint I Can Do This All Day ImageI Can Do This All Day Swing Away ImageSwing Away
Clean And Refreshed ImageClean And Refreshed Power Cleaner ImagePower Cleaner Resurgence ImageResurgence
Facilitated Expedition ImageFacilitated Expedition Outnumbered ImageOutnumbered Meteoric Crater ImageMeteoric Crater
Frailty ImageFrailty Breathing Room ImageBreathing Room Safety Measures ImageSafety Measures
Hardened Steel ImageHardened Steel Power Through Pain ImagePower Through Pain Contemption ImageContemption
Hammer Time ImageHammer Time Justice For All ImageJustice For All Expedite ImageExpedite
Impact Fracture ImageImpact Fracture Summary Judgment ImageSummary Judgment Quick Recovery ImageQuick Recovery
Exhaustive Attacks ImageExhaustive Attacks Epitome Of Bonk! ImageEpitome Of Bonk! Opening Act ImageOpening Act
Lasting Trauma ImageLasting Trauma Indomitable ImageIndomitable



Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Bow Skills

Active Skills

Splinter Shot ImageSplinter Shot Penetrating Shot ImagePenetrating Shot Rapid Shot ImageRapid Shot
Rain of Arrows ImageRain of Arrows Evade Shot ImageEvade Shot Poison Shot ImagePoison Shot

Passive Skills

Concussion ImageConcussion Calculated ImageCalculated Scatter Shot ImageScatter Shot
Bullseye ImageBullseye Arrow Range ImageArrow Range Opening Strike ImageOpening Strike
Unbreakable Focus ImageUnbreakable Focus Aim True ImageAim True Deep Strike ImageDeep Strike
Blood Soaked Arrow ImageBlood Soaked Arrow Hawkeye ImageHawkeye Surprise Attack ImageSurprise Attack
Finishing Shot ImageFinishing Shot Long Range ImageLong Range Final Blow ImageFinal Blow
Rapid Accuracy ImageRapid Accuracy Hooked Arrows ImageHooked Arrows Barbed Arrows ImageBarbed Arrows
Catch Me If You Can ImageCatch Me If You Can Battle Precision ImageBattle Precision ArcherArcher's Speed
HunterHunter's Insight Closing In ImageClosing In Evasive Tactics ImageEvasive Tactics
Knee Shot ImageKnee Shot Go the Distance ImageGo the Distance Evasive Knockback ImageEvasive Knockback
Mark ImageMark Dodge and Weave ImageDodge and Weave Impale ImageImpale
Direct Hit ImageDirect Hit Infected Arrows ImageInfected Arrows



Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Musket Skills

Active Skills

Sticky Bomb ImageSticky Bomb Traps ImageTraps Stopping Power ImageStopping Power
ShooterShooter's Stance Power Shot ImagePower Shot Powder Burn ImagePowder Burn

Passive Skills

Lethal Combo ImageLethal Combo Sticky Slow ImageSticky Slow Unflinching Walk ImageUnflinching Walk
Back it Up ImageBack it Up Kick Kick 'Em When They're Down Tactical Reload ImageTactical Reload
Empowering Weakness ImageEmpowering Weakness Double Trap ImageDouble Trap Scent of Blood ImageScent of Blood
Trapped Damage ImageTrapped Damage Energy Burst ImageEnergy Burst Hustle ImageHustle
Weakened Defense ImageWeakened Defense Supplementary Repulsion ImageSupplementary Repulsion Lasting Impression ImageLasting Impression
Salt on the Wounds ImageSalt on the Wounds Sniper ImageSniper Marksman ImageMarksman
Shoot More ImageShoot More Empowering Headshot ImageEmpowering Headshot Heightened Precision ImageHeightened Precision
Called Shot Resupply ImageCalled Shot Resupply Called Shot ImageCalled Shot Bullseye ImageBullseye
First Blood ImageFirst Blood Initial Engagement ImageInitial Engagement Hit Your Mark ImageHit Your Mark
Ballistic Advantage ImageBallistic Advantage Greater Accuracy ImageGreater Accuracy Critical Reload ImageCritical Reload
Chronic Trauma ImageChronic Trauma Backdraft ImageBackdraft

Fire Staff

Fire Staff

Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Fire Staff Skills

Active Skills

Burn Out ImageBurn Out Flamethrower ImageFlamethrower Incinerate ImageIncinerate
Fireball ImageFireball Meteor Shower ImageMeteor Shower Pillar of Fire ImagePillar of Fire

Passive Skills

Reheat ImageReheat Heat it Up! ImageHeat it Up! All In ImageAll In
Combat Speed ImageCombat Speed Watch it Burn ImageWatch it Burn Let it Burn ImageLet it Burn
Pyro Dancer ImagePyro Dancer Infernal Flames ImageInfernal Flames FireFire's Reach
Trial by Fire ImageTrial by Fire Kindle ImageKindle Heat Up ImageHeat Up
Pyromania ImagePyromania Flame Out! ImageFlame Out! Cauterize Wounds ImageCauterize Wounds
Scorched ImageScorched Runes of Helios ImageRunes of Helios Catch ImageCatch
Scorched Earth ImageScorched Earth Clear Mind ImageClear Mind Clear Casting ImageClear Casting
Singe ImageSinge Fiery Restoration ImageFiery Restoration Judgment of Helios ImageJudgment of Helios
Fiery Determination ImageFiery Determination Immolation ImageImmolation Flare ImageFlare
Spellslinger ImageSpellslinger Spell Focus ImageSpell Focus Prophet of a Fire God ImageProphet of a Fire God
ArsonArson's Advantage First Strike ImageFirst Strike

Life Staff

Life Staff

Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Life Staff Skills

Active Skills

Beacon ImageBeacon LightLight's Embrace Orb of Protection ImageOrb of Protection
Splash of Light ImageSplash of Light Sacred Ground ImageSacred Ground Divine Embrace ImageDivine Embrace

Passive Skills

Speed of Light ImageSpeed of Light RadianceRadiance's Blessing Infused Light ImageInfused Light
Glowing Focus ImageGlowing Focus Balance ImageBalance ProtectorProtector's Touch
Magnify ImageMagnify Connection ImageConnection Inspire ImageInspire
Defensive Light ImageDefensive Light Spirits United ImageSpirits United ProtectorProtector's Strength
Bend Light ImageBend Light Aegis ImageAegis Shared Protection ImageShared Protection
ProtectorProtector's Blessing Divine Blessing ImageDivine Blessing Purify ImagePurify
Shared Recovery ImageShared Recovery Blissful Touch ImageBlissful Touch Intensify ImageIntensify
Enchanted Justice ImageEnchanted Justice Revitalize ImageRevitalize Mending Touch ImageMending Touch
Absolved ImageAbsolved Blessed ImageBlessed Holy Ground ImageHoly Ground
Sacred Protection ImageSacred Protection Desperate Speed ImageDesperate Speed Rebound ImageRebound
Shared Struggle ImageShared Struggle Privilege ImagePrivilege

Ice Gauntlet

Ice Gauntlet

Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Ice Gauntlet Skills

Active Skills

Entombed ImageEntombed Ice Shower ImageIce Shower Ice Pylon ImageIce Pylon
Wind Chill ImageWind Chill Ice Storm ImageIce Storm Ice Spikes ImageIce Spikes

Passive Skills

Ultimate Frost ImageUltimate Frost Cleansing Tomb ImageCleansing Tomb Pylon Refresh ImagePylon Refresh
Defiant Freeze ImageDefiant Freeze Frigid Showers ImageFrigid Showers Strengthened Tomb ImageStrengthened Tomb
Refreshing Frost ImageRefreshing Frost Pylon Dodge ImagePylon Dodge Quick Shower ImageQuick Shower
Pylon Regen ImagePylon Regen Frozen Touch ImageFrozen Touch Enduring Shower ImageEnduring Shower
Empowered Frost ImageEmpowered Frost Greater Pylon ImageGreater Pylon Quick Frost ImageQuick Frost
Blocking Stamina ImageBlocking Stamina Ultimate Chill ImageUltimate Chill Punishing Storm ImagePunishing Storm
Spiky Reach ImageSpiky Reach Heavy Freeze ImageHeavy Freeze Chilling Blast ImageChilling Blast
Storm Summoner ImageStorm Summoner Critical Frost ImageCritical Frost Deadly Path ImageDeadly Path
Enduring Chill ImageEnduring Chill Weakening Gust ImageWeakening Gust Gathering Storm ImageGathering Storm
Empowered Spikes ImageEmpowered Spikes Refreshing Spikes ImageRefreshing Spikes Energized Critical ImageEnergized Critical
Critical Rejuvenation ImageCritical Rejuvenation Cold Reach ImageCold Reach

Void Gauntlet

Weapon Skill Categories
Sword & Shield Rapier Hatchet Spear
Great Axe War Hammer Bow Musket
Fire Staff Life Staff Ice Gauntlet Void Gauntlet

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Void Gauntlet Skills

Active Skills

Void Blade ImageVoid Blade Oblivion ImageOblivion Petrifying Scream ImagePetrifying Scream
Orb of Decay ImageOrb of Decay Baleful Tether ImageBaleful Tether Essence Rupture ImageEssence Rupture

Passive Skills

Forsaken Pact ImageForsaken Pact Keen Confidence ImageKeen Confidence Refreshing Precision ImageRefreshing Precision
Fortified Blade ImageFortified Blade Keen Humility ImageKeen Humility Empowering Proximity ImageEmpowering Proximity
Efficient Harvest ImageEfficient Harvest Withering Oblivion ImageWithering Oblivion Invigorating Oblivion ImageInvigorating Oblivion
Leeching Agony ImageLeeching Agony Vicious Void ImageVicious Void Bone-Chilling Voice ImageBone-Chilling Voice
Fortifying Echoes ImageFortifying Echoes Refreshing Frailty ImageRefreshing Frailty Leeching Blade ImageLeeching Blade
Voidcaller ImageVoidcaller Deadly Range ImageDeadly Range Fervent Thirst ImageFervent Thirst
Radiant Efficiency ImageRadiant Efficiency Draining Orb ImageDraining Orb Refreshing Harvest ImageRefreshing Harvest
Tethered Refresh ImageTethered Refresh Leeching Bolts ImageLeeching Bolts Slowing Orb ImageSlowing Orb
Tethered Focus ImageTethered Focus Detonating Orb ImageDetonating Orb Extended Suffering ImageExtended Suffering
Invigorating Rupture ImageInvigorating Rupture Soul Eater ImageSoul Eater Mending Evasion ImageMending Evasion
Overflowing Essence ImageOverflowing Essence Glimpse of the Void ImageGlimpse of the Void

What is Weapon Mastery?

New World - Weapon Mastery.png
Weapon Mastery is a system in New World that grant weapon skill points depending on your mastery level for that particular weapon. You gain One skill point every time your mastery with that weapon levels up. You can use these skill points to learn a new skill in one of the weapon's skill trees — assuming you fulfill a skill's other requirements as well. Take note that each weapon has two available skill trees that determine the weapon's overall playstyle.

How to Increase Weapon Mastery

New World - Weapon Mastery Exp.png
Each weapon starts at mastery level zero. You gain experience for a particular weapon whenever you use it in combat or hunting wild animals.

Party Members Share Weapon Mastery Exp!

Kills by party members also provide weapon mastery exp. The mastery exp will only be credited to your active weapon, regardless if it's sheathed or not. This means weapons that you swapped out of will not get mastery exp from your ally's kill.

Example: Player A has a Musket and Hatchet equipped. Player B killed a wolf while Player A is swapped to his Musket. Player A will only receive weapon mastery exp for their Musket.

Lastly, kills from party members only grant weapon mastery exp within a certain range. You won't receive any weapon mastery exp if your allies are too far!

How Do Weapon Skill Trees Work?

New World - Weapon Skill Tree.png
Skills within each weapon skill tree are categorized into two types:

  • Active Skills: Skills that have square borders within the tree and need to be slotted in one of a weapon's three skill slots to use. These typically come with mana costs and cooldowns.
  • Passive Skills: Skills that have circular icons within the tree. Passive Skills can either augment active skills by granting them additional effects when used or grant on-going effects for your character as long as the skill is learned.

There are a total of 3 active skills and 16 passive skills per tree.

Mixed Builds Are Possible!

New World - Mixing Skill Trees.png
It is important to note that you don't have to choose between a weapon's skill trees. Even though each of these trees cater to a specific playstyle, it is possible create hybrid builds that utilize certain skills from each of them. Don't be afraid to experiment as well! It is possible to Respec your skill points at any time out of combat. Resetting your skill points is free until your weapon reaches mastery level 10. Skill respecs at mastery level 10 and above require Azoth.

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