New World

Stonecutting Leveling Guide and List of Materials

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Stonecutting Guide
Stonecutting is a trade skill in New World that allows you to refine gems and rocks through the Stonecutting Table in Settlements. This guide will show you how to level the Stonecutting skill quickly from 0 to 200, as well as show a list of materials you can obtain through Stonecutting. Read on to know more!

How to Level Up Stonecutting from 0 to 200

With most of the end-game content locked behind Tuning Orbs, Trinket crafting, and Gemstone min-max usage, Stonecutting is a trade skill dedicated crafters will not want to skip.

This guide will show a concrete leveling path from Stonecutting level 0 to 200, taking into account the crafting meta changes introduced in the Into the Void Update 1.1.

Stonecutting Level Ranges
0-50 50-100 100-150 150-200

Use the links above to quickly navigate to each Stonecutting level range!

Stonecutting Level 0 to 50

Check IconMine Stone and All Kinds of Ore

Check IconCraft 391 Stone Blocks

Check IconRefine Cut Flawed Gemstones

Mine Stone and All Kinds of Ore

In order to level up Stonecutting, players will need to mine a lot of Stone for bulk crafting brick materials. Starter beaches and settlements are perfect locations to farm Stone.

Additionally, players should also aim to farm as many ore veins as they can to acquire uncut gemstones. These raw materials can later be refined for a ton of Stonecutting XP.

Gathered Resources
Stone IconStone Stone can be mined from Boulders scattered throughout Aeternum. For easy mining, nodes can be found along the beaches and forests around starter settlements.
Flawed CarnelianUncut Gemstones Uncut Gemstones are typically found as an additional drop when mining ore veins like Iron or Silver.

Craft 391 Stone Blocks

New World - Craft Stone Blocks

To get from 0 to 50 Stonecutting, players will need to craft 391 Stone Blocks. Head over to any settlement's Tier 2 Stonecutting Table to craft these blocks.

Item Req. Materials
Stone Block IconStone Block x391
StoneStone x1564

Refine Cut Flawed Gemstones

New World - Refine Cut Flawed Gemstones

In order to reduce the amount of time spent farming resources for Stone Blocks, players can opt to also start refining Flawed Gemstones into Cut Flawed Gemstones.

This refining process will give out a lot of Stonecutting XP, but will rely on gathering luck for mining. Equip a pickaxe, trinket, or armor piece with the following perks to boost gemstones drop chances:

Perk Effect
Mining Luck iconMining Luck While mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Mining Luck iconReinforced Mining Luck While Mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Adored Mining Luck iconAdored Mining Luck While Mining, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.

Stonecutting Level 50 to 100

Check IconRaise Mining and Harvesting to 50

Check IconGather Elemental Essences for Gemstone Cutting and Fusion

Check IconCraft 850 Stone Bricks

Check IconFuse Flawed Gemstones

Check IconRefine Cut Gemstones

Raise Mining and Harvesting to 50

As players progress through Stonecutting levels, Mining and Harvesting are two of the chief gathering trade skills they will need to level up.

Get both skills up to 50 to unlock the harvesting and mining of elemental essence nodes. The elemental motes that players get will be used for gemstone refining, later on.

Gather Elemental Essences for Gemstone Cutting and Fusion

Refining and fusing gemstones will be needed from here on out as leveling Stonecutting by simply crafting different Stone Blocks tiers will be too time consuming.

Make sure to dedicate a bit of time gathering Elemental Essences from Magical Plants, Magical Creatures, or Alchemy Stones. Different essences will allow players to refine and fuse different types of gemstones.

Elemental Essence Associated Gemstones
Soul EssencesSoul Essences
Opal Icon Opal
Fire EssenceFire Essences
Ruby Icon Ruby
Air EssenceAir Essences
Jasper Icon Jasper
Topaz Icon Topaz
Earth EssenceEarth Essences
Amber Icon Amber
Water EssenceWater Essences
Death EssenceDeath Essences
Life EssenceLife Essences
Onyx Icon Onyx

Craft 850 Stone Bricks

New World - Craft Stone Bricks

In order to get to level 100 Stonecutting, players will need to craft 850 Stone Bricks.

Item Req. Materials
Stone Brick IconStone Brick x850
StoneStone Block x3304
SandpaperSandpaper x826

This step calls for a lot of raw resources. For faster farming runs, make sure to equip a pickaxe with the Mining Yield Perk or use Proficiency Boosters.

Consumable Effects and Level Req.
Weak Proficiency Booster ImageWeak Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 5% for 10 minutes.
Required Level 5
Common Proficiency Booster ImageCommon Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 7% for 15 minutes.
Required Level 20
Strong Proficiency Booster ImageStrong Proficiency Booster Increase the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 10% for 20 minutes.
Required Level 40
Powerful Proficiency Booster ImagePowerful Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 15% for 30 minutes.
Required Level 60

Fuse Flawed Gemstones

New World - Fuse Flawed Gemstones

At level 50 Stonecutting, players will unlock the ability to fuse Flawed Gemstones into their Tier 3 Gemstone counterparts.

Start fusing flawed gemstones and elemental essences to make Tier 3 Gemstones as this refining process rewards a lot of XP.

Refine Cut Gemstones

New World - Refine Cut Gemstones

With a high enough mining luck stat or via Flawed Gemstone fusion, players at level 50 Stonecutting will now be able to refine their new Tier 3 Gemstones into Cut Gemstones.

Start refining cut gemstones for a significant boost in Stonecutting XP as this process greatly reduces the amount of Stone Brick crafting needed to reach level 100 Stonecutting.

Stonecutting Level 100 to 150

Check IconCollect, Buy, or Convert Sandpaper

Check IconRaise Mining to 105 and Mine Lodestone

Check IconMine or Harvest Elemental Essences

Check IconCraft 772 Lodestone Bricks

Check IconFuse Gemstones

Check IconRefine Cut Brilliant Gemstones

Collect, Buy, or Convert Sandpaper

New World - Use High Tier Sandpaper

Refining Materials will be one of the biggest time gates for crafters leveling up to 200. Make sure to save up all types of Sandpaper in preparation for bulk crafting.

Collect them from chests scattered around the world or buy them off the Trading Post (provided they are sold at reasonable prices). Players can also opt to convert other refining materials into sandpaper using Material Converters bought at any Faction Shop.

Faction Item Cost & Required Rank
Common Material Converter ImageCommon Material Converter 100 Tokens
Scrivener, Gladiator, Templar
Advanced Material Converter ImageAdvanced Material Converter 200 Tokens
Cabalist, Destroyer, Lumen
Masterwork Material Converter ImageMasterwork Material Converter 500 Tokens
Chronicler, Ravager, Excubitor

Raise Mining to 105 and Mine Lodestone

New World - Raise Mining to 105

At Mining level 105, players will unlock the ability to mine Lodestone deposits. This gives out Lodestone, a precious commodity when it comes to Stonecutting.

Once players hit Mining level 105, make sure to farm as much Lodestone as possible. Unlike in other trade skills, Stonecutting has a limited number of material tiers, making Lodestone a necessity even when refining at Stonecutting 200.

Lodestone Vein: Locations and Maps

Mine or Harvest Elemental Essences

New World - Harvest Elemental Essences

As Gemstones increase in Tier, so do their required elemental essences. Make sure to harvest or mine Magical Plants, Magical Creatures, or Alchemy Stones to get the elemental motes used in Tier 4 & 5 Gemstone fusion and cutting.

Tier of Elemental Essence Affected Gemstones
Elemental WispElemental Mote
Tier 2 Gemstone Flawed Gemstone Fusion
Cut Flawed Gemstone Cut Flawed Gemstones
Elemental WispElemental Wisp
Tier 3 Gemstone Gemstone Fusion
Cut Gemstone Cut Gemstones
Elemental EssenceElemental Essence
Tier 4 Gemstone Brilliant Gemstone Fusion
Cut Brilliant Gemstone Cut Brilliant Gemstones
Elemental QuintessenceElemental Quintessence
Tier 5 Gemstone Pristine Gemstone Fusion
Cut Pristine Gemstone Cut Pristine Gemstones

Craft 772 Lodestone Bricks

New World - Craft Lodestone Bricks

In order to get to level 150 Stonecutting, players will need to craft 772 Lodestone Bricks. Farm or buy the necessary materials in order to complete the indicated bulk order.

Item Req. Materials
Lodestone Brick IconLodestone Brick x772
LodestoneLodestone x4632
Stone BrickStone Brick x1544
SandpaperSandpaper x772

Note: It is recommended that players use high tier Sandpaper when crafting Lodestone Bricks. The next step of Stonecutting Leveling will require a lot of this resource, so using yield boosting sandpaper like Fine and Obsidian Sandpaper will allow players to prepare for the next step of the grind.

Fuse Gemstones

New World - Fuse Gemstones

At level 100 Stonecutting, players will unlock the ability to fuse Gemstones into their Tier 4 Gemstone counterparts.

Start fusing gemstones and elemental essences to make Tier 4 Gemstones as this refining process rewards a lot of XP.

Refine Cut Brilliant Gemstones

New World - Refine Cut Brilliant Gemstones

With a high enough mining luck stat or via Gemstone fusion, players at level 100 Stonecutting will now be able to refine their new Tier 4 Gemstones into Cut Brilliant Gemstones.

Start refining cut brilliant gemstones for a significant boost in Stonecutting XP as this process greatly reduces the amount of Lodestone Brick crafting needed to reach level 150 Stonecutting.

Stonecutting Level 150 to 200

Check IconMine Alchemy Stones

Check IconCraft 1061 Obsidian Voidstone

Check IconFuse Brilliant Gemstones

Check IconRefine Cut Pristine Gemstones

Mine Alchemy Stones

New World - Mine Earthcrag

The next tier of brick called the Obsidian Voidstone will require different kinds of lodestone obtained by mining Alchemy Stones. Start mining these nodes in order to gather enough for the bulk craft order.

Resource How to Get
Loamy Lodestone ImageLoamy Lodestone Mined from Earthcrag.
Putrid Lodestone ImagePutrid Lodestone Mined from Blightcrag.
Molten Lodestone ImageMolten Lodestone Mined from Scorchstone.
Freezing Lodestone ImageFreezing Lodestone Mined from Scorchstone.
Crystalline Lodestone ImageCrystalline Lodestone Mined from Soulspire.
Shocking Lodestone ImageShocking Lodestone Mined from Shockspire.
Gleaming Lodestone ImageGleaming Lodestone Mined from Lifejewel.

Craft 1061 Obsidian Voidstone

New World - Craft Obsidian Voidstones

In order to get to level 200 Stonecutting, players will need to craft 1061 Obsidian Voidstone. Farm or buy the necessary materials in order to complete the indicated bulk order.

Item Req. Materials
Obsidian Voidstone IconObsidian Voidstone x1061
LodestoneLodestone x2122
SandpaperSandpaper x1061
Elemental LodestoneElemental Lodestone x1061

Fuse Brilliant Gemstones

New World - Fuse Brilliant Gemstones

At level 150 Stonecutting, players will unlock the ability to fuse Brilliant Gemstones into their Tier 5 Gemstone counterparts.

Start fusing brilliant gemstones and elemental essences to make Tier 5 Gemstones as this refining process rewards a lot of XP.

Refine Cut Pristine Gemstones

New World - Refine Cut Pristine Gemstones

With a high enough mining luck stat or via Brilliant Gemstone fusion, players at level 150 Stonecutting will now be able to refine their new Tier 5 Gemstones into Cut Pristine Gemstones.

Start refining cut pristine gemstones for a significant boost in Stonecutting XP as this process greatly reduces the amount of Obsidian Voidstone crafting needed to reach level 200 Stonecutting.

Stonecutting Leveling Tips

Use Proficiency Boosters & Yield Boosting Tools

New World - Use Proficiency Boosters

While low-tier items are easily farmed en masse, end-game materials such as Lodestone will take a significant amount of time to farm and amass. For solo players and Company Settlers, make sure to use Proficiency Boosters when out farming to increase the yield of items gathered.

Consumable Effects and Level Req.
Weak Proficiency Booster ImageWeak Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 5% for 10 minutes.
Required Level 5
Common Proficiency Booster ImageCommon Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 7% for 15 minutes.
Required Level 20
Strong Proficiency Booster ImageStrong Proficiency Booster Increase the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 10% for 20 minutes.
Required Level 40
Powerful Proficiency Booster ImagePowerful Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 15% for 30 minutes.
Required Level 60

Additionally, tools equipped with Yield Boosting perks will also help increase the amount of gathered resources per farming run. Buy or craft them, and use both methods to significantly reduce the amount of time needed to farm resources.

Perk Effect
Mining Yield iconMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.
Harvesting Yield iconHarvesting Yield Harvesting yields 10% more resources.

Use the Trading Post for Refining Materials and Cut Gemstone Sales

The biggest advantage of players in high population servers is the Trading Post. More players at different levels means more potential buyers and even more gatherers. Take full advantage of the market and buy items that cannot be farmed easily like Refining Materials.

Additionally, Stonecutting levelers can sell their Tier 3-5 Cut Gemstones for a hefty sum as they will be churning out multiple pieces on the way to level 200. Make sure to sell the surplus for a quick coin boost when the need arises.

New World Trading Post Guide

Maintain Your Trade Skills As You Progress Through Zones

New World - Farm while Questing

Questing in New World will earn players both coin and XP. However, when looking to level up trade skills like Stonecutting, an equal amount of time must be dedicated to farming raw materials and refining them.

As players level up and move from region to region, make sure to keep farming for resources even while out questing. This ensures that trade skills stay relevant to your needs (e.g., being able to craft end-game Tuning Orbs).

Craft and Refine Resources in Settlements With Low Taxes

During Stonecutting leveling, players will be refining a ton of raw materials. While usually cheap, costs pile up when refining stone and gemstones by the tens of thousands.

Make sure to refine in settlements with a low refining tax rate. Always pay attention to the taxes as they will vary depending on the owner of the settlement.

Choose Territory Standing Bonuses Based on Leveling Strategies

New World - Storage Standing Bonus

Players should choose Territory Standing Bonuses with their leveling strategies in mind. For example, when planning to make liberal use of the Trading Post, make sure to pick up the Trading Tax Reduction bonus.

Each case may vary depending on server population, settlement location, and the region's gatherable resources. Weigh the options carefully and plan for the future as trade skill leveling will be a long grind.

All Territory Standing Bonuses

Stonecutting Refined Materials

Tier II Cut Gemstones

Stonecutting Refined Material Categories
Tier II Cut Gemstones Tier III Cut Gemstones Tier IV Cut Gemstones Tier V Cut Gemstones
Other Refinements Material Downgrades Material Conversion

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Cut Flawed Malachite IconCut Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote Icon Soul Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Carnelian IconCut Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote Icon Fire Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Topaz IconCut Flawed Topaz
Air Mote Icon Air Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Emerald IconCut Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote Icon Earth Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Amber IconCut Flawed Amber
Earth Mote Icon Earth Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Aquamarine IconCut Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote Icon Water Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Jasper IconCut Flawed Jasper
Air Mote Icon Air Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Sapphire IconCut Flawed Sapphire
Death Mote Icon Death Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Amethyst IconCut Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote Icon Soul Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Ruby IconCut Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote Icon Fire Mote x2
Flawed Ruby Icon Flawed Ruby x1
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Moonstone IconCut Flawed Moonstone
Death Mote Icon Death Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Opal IconCut Flawed Opal
Flawed Opal Icon Flawed Opal x1
Soul Mote Icon Soul Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Diamond IconCut Flawed Diamond
Life Mote Icon Life Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Flawed Onyx IconCut Flawed Onyx
Flawed Onyx Icon Flawed Onyx x1
Life Mote Icon Life Mote x2
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3

Tier III Cut Gemstones

Stonecutting Refined Material Categories
Tier II Cut Gemstones Tier III Cut Gemstones Tier IV Cut Gemstones Tier V Cut Gemstones
Other Refinements Material Downgrades Material Conversion

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Malachite IconMalachite
Soul Wisp Icon Soul Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Carnelian IconCarnelian
Fire Wisp Icon Fire Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Topaz IconTopaz
Air Wisp Icon Air Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Emerald IconEmerald
Earth Wisp Icon Earth Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Amber IconAmber
Earth Wisp Icon Earth Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Aquamarine IconAquamarine
Water Wisp Icon Water Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Jasper IconJasper
Air Wisp Icon Air Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv.
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Sapphire IconSapphire
Death Wisp Icon Death Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Amethyst IconAmethyst
Soul Wisp Icon Soul Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Ruby IconRuby
Fire Wisp Icon Fire Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Flawed Ruby Icon Flawed Ruby x3
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Moonstone IconMoonstone
Death Wisp Icon Death Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Opal IconOpal
Flawed Opal Icon Flawed Opal x3
Soul Wisp Icon Soul Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Diamond IconDiamond
Life Wisp Icon Life Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Onyx IconOnyx
Flawed Onyx Icon Flawed Onyx x3
Life Wisp Icon Life Wisp x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Malachite IconCut Malachite
Soul Wisp Icon Soul Wisp x2
Malachite Icon Malachite x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Carnelian IconCut Carnelian
Fire Wisp Icon Fire Wisp x2
Carnelian Icon Carnelian x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Topaz IconCut Topaz
Cut Topaz Icon Cut Topaz x1
Air Wisp Icon Air Wisp x2
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Emerald IconCut Emerald
Earth Wisp Icon Earth Wisp x2
Emerald Icon Emerald x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Amber IconCut Amber
Earth Wisp Icon Earth Wisp x2
Amber Icon Amber x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Aquamarine IconCut Aquamarine
Water Wisp Icon Water Wisp x2
Aquamarine Icon Aquamarine x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Jasper IconCut Jasper
Air Wisp Icon Air Wisp x2
Jasper Icon Jasper x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Sapphire IconCut Sapphire
Death Wisp Icon Death Wisp x2
Sapphire Icon Sapphire x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Amethyst IconCut Amethyst
Soul Wisp Icon Soul Wisp x2
Amethyst Icon Amethyst x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Ruby IconCut Ruby
Fire Wisp Icon Fire Wisp x2
Ruby Icon Ruby x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Moonstone IconCut Moonstone
Death Wisp Icon Death Wisp x2
Moonstone Icon Moonstone x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Opal IconCut Opal
Soul Wisp Icon Soul Wisp x2
Opal Icon Opal x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Diamond IconCut Diamond
Life Wisp Icon Life Wisp x2
Diamond Icon Diamond x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Cut Onyx IconCut Onyx
Life Wisp Icon Life Wisp x2
Onyx Icon Onyx x1
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3

Tier IV Cut Gemstones

Stonecutting Refined Material Categories
Tier II Cut Gemstones Tier III Cut Gemstones Tier IV Cut Gemstones Tier V Cut Gemstones
Other Refinements Material Downgrades Material Conversion

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Brilliant Malachite IconBrilliant Malachite
Malachite Icon Malachite x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Carnelian IconBrilliant Carnelian
Carnelian Icon Carnelian x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Topaz IconBrilliant Topaz
Air Essence Icon Air Essence x1
Topaz Icon Topaz x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Emerald IconBrilliant Emerald
Emerald Icon Emerald x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Amber IconBrilliant Amber
Amber Icon Amber x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Aquamarine IconBrilliant Aquamarine
Aquamarine Icon Aquamarine x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Jasper IconBrilliant Jasper
Air Essence Icon Air Essence x1
Jasper Icon Jasper x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Sapphire IconBrilliant Sapphire
Sapphire Icon Sapphire x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Amethyst IconBrilliant Amethyst
Amethyst Icon Amethyst x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Ruby IconBrilliant Ruby
Ruby Icon Ruby x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Moonstone IconBrilliant Moonstone
Moonstone Icon Moonstone x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv.
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Opal IconBrilliant Opal
Opal Icon Opal x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Diamond IconBrilliant Diamond
Diamond Icon Diamond x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Brilliant Onyx IconBrilliant Onyx
Onyx Icon Onyx x4
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Malachite IconCut Brilliant Malachite
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Carnelian IconCut Brilliant Carnelian
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Topaz IconCut Brilliant Topaz
Air Essence Icon Air Essence x2
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Emerald IconCut Brilliant Emerald
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Amber IconCut Brilliant Amber
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Aquamarine IconCut Brilliant Aquamarine
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Jasper IconCut Brilliant Jasper
Air Essence Icon Air Essence x2
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Sapphire IconCut Brilliant Sapphire
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Amethyst IconCut Brilliant Amethyst
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Ruby IconCut Brilliant Ruby
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Moonstone IconCut Brilliant Moonstone
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Opal IconCut Brilliant Opal
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Diamond IconCut Brilliant Diamond
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Cut Brilliant Onyx IconCut Brilliant Onyx
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4

Tier V Cut Gemstones

Stonecutting Refined Material Categories
Tier II Cut Gemstones Tier III Cut Gemstones Tier IV Cut Gemstones Tier V Cut Gemstones
Other Refinements Material Downgrades Material Conversion

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Pristine Malachite IconPristine Malachite
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Carnelian IconPristine Carnelian
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Topaz IconPristine Topaz
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Emerald IconPristine Emerald
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Amber IconPristine Amber
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Aquamarine IconPristine Aquamarine
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
・ no_title x5
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Jasper IconPristine Jasper
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Sapphire IconPristine Sapphire
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Amethyst IconPristine Amethyst
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Ruby IconPristine Ruby
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Moonstone IconPristine Moonstone
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Opal IconPristine Opal
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Diamond IconPristine Diamond
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Pristine Onyx IconPristine Onyx
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Malachite IconCut Pristine Malachite
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Carnelian IconCut Pristine Carnelian
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Topaz IconCut Pristine Topaz
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Emerald IconCut Pristine Emerald
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Amber IconCut Pristine Amber
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Aquamarine IconCut Pristine Aquamarine
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Jasper IconCut Pristine Jasper
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Sapphire IconCut Pristine Sapphire
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Amethyst IconCut Pristine Amethyst
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Ruby IconCut Pristine Ruby
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Moonstone IconCut Pristine Moonstone
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Opal IconCut Pristine Opal
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Diamond IconCut Pristine Diamond
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Cut Pristine Onyx IconCut Pristine Onyx
Solvent Icon Solvent x1
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5

Other Refined Materials

Stonecutting Refined Material Categories
Tier II Cut Gemstones Tier III Cut Gemstones Tier IV Cut Gemstones Tier V Cut Gemstones
Other Refinements Material Downgrades Material Conversion

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Stone Block IconStone Block
Stone Icon Stone x4
Stonecutting Lv. 0
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Amrine Tuning Orb IconAmrine Tuning Orb
Iron Chisel Icon Iron Chisel x1
Stone Block Icon Stone Block x50
Stonecutting Lv. 25
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Eternal Heart IconEternal Heart
Death Mote Icon Death Mote x50
Soul Mote Icon Soul Mote x50
Life Mote Icon Life Mote x50
Stonecutting Lv. 25
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Corrupted Fragment IconCorrupted Fragment Stonecutting Lv. 25
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Stone Brick IconStone Brick
Stone Block Icon Stone Block x4
Sandpaper Icon Sandpaper x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Monoecious Tuning Orb IconMonoecious Tuning Orb
Energy Core Icon Energy Core x1
Firefox Icon Firefox x5
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Starstone Tuning Orb IconStarstone Tuning Orb
Stone Brick Icon Stone Brick x50
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Siren Tuning Orb IconSiren Tuning Orb
Energy Core Icon Energy Core x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
ProtectorProtector's Tuning Orb
Energy Core Icon Energy Core x1
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Energy Core IconEnergy Core Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Corrupted Shard IconCorrupted Shard Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Elemental Heart IconElemental Heart
Fire Mote Icon Fire Mote x50
Earth Mote Icon Earth Mote x50
Water Mote Icon Water Mote x50
Air Mote Icon Air Mote x50
Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Depths Tuning Orb IconDepths Tuning Orb
Energy Core Icon Energy Core x1
Stonecutting Lv. 55
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Corrupted Crystal IconCorrupted Crystal Stonecutting Lv. 75
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Dynasty Tuning Orb IconDynasty Tuning Orb
Energy Core Icon Energy Core x1
Stonecutting Lv. 75
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Lodestone Brick IconLodestone Brick
Stone Brick Icon Stone Brick x2
Sandpaper Icon Sandpaper x1
Lodestone Icon Lodestone x6
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Corrupted Lodestone IconCorrupted Lodestone Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Genesis Core IconGenesis Core
Molten Rune Icon Molten Rune x3
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Genesis Tuning Orb IconGenesis Tuning Orb
Runestone Icon Runestone x5
Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Obsidian Voidstone IconObsidian Voidstone
Sandpaper Icon Sandpaper x1
Lodestone Icon Lodestone x2
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Undying Heart IconUndying Heart
Blight Seeds Icon Blight Seeds x10
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Lazarus Core IconLazarus Core
Earth Totem Icon Earth Totem x3
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Lazarus Tuning Orb IconLazarus Tuning Orb
Runestone Icon Runestone x10
Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Runestone IconRunestone Stonecutting Lv. 200
Stonecutting Table Tier 5

Refined Material Downgrades

Stonecutting Refined Material Categories
Tier II Cut Gemstones Tier III Cut Gemstones Tier IV Cut Gemstones Tier V Cut Gemstones
Other Refinements Material Downgrades Material Conversion

Click a link above to take you to that section.

When Stonecutting, players can also opt to downgrade items they have in surplus. Downgrading different types of Stone will need a lot of Weak Solvent to complete.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Stone Block IconStone Block x2
Stone Brick Icon Stone Brick x2
Stonecutting Lv. 10
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Stone Brick IconStone Brick x2 Stonecutting Lv. 20
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Lodestone Brick IconLodestone Brick x2 Stonecutting Lv. 30
Stonecutting Table Tier 3

Refining Material Conversion

Stonecutting Refined Material Categories
Tier II Cut Gemstones Tier III Cut Gemstones Tier IV Cut Gemstones Tier V Cut Gemstones
Other Refinements Material Downgrades Material Conversion

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Refining material conversion when stonecutting will have players use a Material Converter to transform refining materials into the different types of Sandpaper or Solvent. Sandpaper is used when refining stone, while Solvent is used when cutting gemstones.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Coarse Sandpaper  IconCoarse Sandpaper x15 Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Fine Sandpaper  IconFine Sandpaper x15 Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Obsidian Sandpaper IconObsidian Sandpaper x15 Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5
Weak Solvent IconWeak Solvent x15 Stonecutting Lv. 50
Stonecutting Table Tier 3
Potent Solvent IconPotent Solvent x15 Stonecutting Lv. 100
Stonecutting Table Tier 4
Pure Solvent IconPure Solvent x15 Stonecutting Lv. 150
Stonecutting Table Tier 5

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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