New World

Concussive Bash Skill: Stats and Information

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Concussive Bash, a skill in New World. Stats, cooldown, mana cost, and effects of Concussive Bash can all be found here and more!

Concussive Bash Stats and Information

Concussive Bash
Concussive Bash Icon.png
Effect Shield Bash stun duration increased by 1s.
Weapon Tree Type
Sword and Shield Defender Passive
Mana Cost Cooldown Req. Skill
- - Intimidating Bash

List of All Sword and Shield Skills

New World Related Guides

New World - List of Weapon Skills.png

List of All Skills and Abilities

Active Sword and Shield Skills

Active Skills
Defiant StanceDefiant Stance Leaping StrikeLeaping Strike Reverse StabReverse Stab
Shield BashShield Bash Shield RushShield Rush Whirling BladeWhirling Blade

Passive Sword and Shield Skills

Passive Skills
Achilles HeelAchilles Heel Concussive BashConcussive Bash ConfidenceConfidence
Counter AttackCounter Attack Cowardly PunishmentCowardly Punishment Critical PrecisionCritical Precision
Defensive FormationDefensive Formation Defensive TrainingDefensive Training Elemental ResistanceElemental Resistance
Empowered StabEmpowered Stab Final BlowFinal Blow Final Count DownFinal Count Down
Final StrikeFinal Strike FortitudeFortitude Freeing JusticeFreeing Justice
High GripHigh Grip Improved RushImproved Rush Intimidating BashIntimidating Bash
Intimidating RushIntimidating Rush Invigorating Bulwark Icon.pngInvigorating Bulwark LeadershipLeadership
MobilityMobility One With The ShieldOne With The Shield OpportunistOpportunist
OpportunityOpportunity PrecisionPrecision RecuperationRecuperation
RestorationRestoration Sturdy GripSturdy Grip Sturdy ShieldSturdy Shield
Tactical StrikeTactical Strike TacticianTactician Unstoppable StabUnstoppable Stab


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