New World

Musket Skills and Skill Trees

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Musket Skills
This is a list of all Musket skills in New World. Read on to see the Musket's skill trees and available skills for each of them!

Sharpshooter Tree Skills

Active Skills

ShooterShooter's Stance Description: Player enters a shooting aim stance to enhance shooting performance. Shots deal 100% weapon damage. While in stance mobility is reduced to zero and reload time is reduced by 75%. Mode will exit after three shots.
Type: Active Cooldown: 18
Power Shot.pngPower Shot Description: Overload musket with gun powder, causing the next shot to deal 150% weapon damage. Does not stack or combine with other overload shots.
Type: Active Cooldown: 12
Powder Burn.pngPowder Burn Description: Overload a musket with gun powder, causing the next shot to deal 110% weapon damage and cause a Burn status effect that deals 20% weapon damage per second for 9 seconds. Does not stack or combine with other overload shots.
Type: Active Cooldown: 15

Passive Skills

Sniper.pngSniper Description: Adds an optional 3x zoom view for all musket aim shots. Use mouse wheel up and down to zoom in and out while aiming. Also grants a 15% damage increase to all headshots.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Marksman.pngMarksman Description: If 3 consecutive shots hit the same target, reduce all other musket cooldowns by 25%.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Shoot More.pngShoot More Description: Shots fired before exiting stance increased to five.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Empowering Headshot.pngEmpowering Headshot Description: On successful headshot: Grant Empower, increasing all musket shot's damage by 10% for 5 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Heightened Precision.pngHeightened Precision Description: While aiming, successful hits with a musket grant a stackable 2.5% damage increase. This effect ends when player stops aiming down sight or more than 5 seconds puases between shots. (max 6 stacks)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Called Shot Resupply.pngCalled Shot Resupply Description: Standard attack headshots reduce all musket ability cooldowns by 10%.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Called Shot.pngCalled Shot Description: Increase musket damage by 5% if aimed down sight for more than 3 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Bullseye.pngBullseye Description: Power Shot headshots reduce Power Shot's cooldown by 15%.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
First Blood.pngFirst Blood Description: Additional 10% damage to targets with full health.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Initial Engagement.pngInitial Engagement Description: When you hit with power shot gain empower, causing attacks to deal an additional 10% damage for 5 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Hit Your Mark.pngHit Your Mark Description: Increased headshot and critical hit damage to target the further the target is away from the player. For a max of 15% at up to 100 meters away. Does not forgo damage fall off.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Ballistic Advantage.pngBallistic Advantage Description: Removes damage fall from standard musket shots on tragets more than 50 meters away.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Greater Accuracy.pngGreater Accuracy Description: Accuracy penalty while hipfiring removed.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Critical Reload.pngCritical Reload Description: Landing 3 headshots with 5 seconds of each other grants an instant reload.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Chronic Trauma.pngChronic Trauma Description: If Powder Burn is a headshot, extend burn duration to 13 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Backdraft.pngBackdraft Description: Standard musket shots deal 12% additional damage while target is on fire.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -

Trapper Tree Skills

Active Skills

Sticky Bomb.pngSticky Bomb Description: A bomb that can be thrown a short range and sticks to anything it makes contact with. Detonation will occur 3 seconds after impact dealing 235% weapon damage to all targets within 3 meters.
Type: Active Cooldown: 12
Traps.pngTraps Description: Throw a trap that last for 20 seconds. When triggered it cause the target to be Rooted, immobilizing target for 3 seconds.
Type: Active Cooldown: 20
Stopping Power.pngStopping Power Description: Overload a musket with gun powder, causing the next shot to deal 120% weapon damage, staggering target and knocking them back 3 meters. Does not stack or combine with other overloaded shots.
Type: Active Cooldown: 15

Passive Skills

Lethal Combo.pngLethal Combo Description: Increase musket damage by 20% against targets affected by Trapper tree status effect.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Sticky Slow.pngSticky Slow Description: Direct hits with the Sticky Bomb cause the target to be slowed by 15% for 3 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Unflinching Walk.pngUnflinching Walk Description: Sticky Bomb grants player 40 stamina when it deals damage with an explosion.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Back it Up.pngBack it Up Description: Walking/strafing movement speed increased by 10% when an enemy is within 8 meters of player.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Kick Kick 'Em When They're Down Description: Deal 10% extra damage to targets with an active crowd control status effect. (Slow, Root, Stun)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Tactical Reload.pngTactical Reload Description: Dodging reloads the musket. (can only trigger once every 6 seconds)
Type: Passive Cooldown: 6
Empowering Weakness.pngEmpowering Weakness Description: Hitting a target with an active debuff triggers empower, increasing player's damage to be increased by 5% for 5 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Double Trap.pngDouble Trap Description: Ability to have two active traps.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Scent of Blood.pngScent of Blood Description: Regen 100% of weapon damage done as health when dealing damage to trapped targets.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Trapped Damage.pngTrapped Damage Description: Traps apply Rend to target increasing damage to trapped targets by 20% for 3 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Energy Burst.pngEnergy Burst Description: Attacking a target with an active debuff restores 5 stamina.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Hustle.pngHustle Description: After a dodge: Gain Haste, increasing movement speed by 10% for 3 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Weakened Defense.pngWeakened Defense Description: Increases the stamina damage from standard shots dealt to enemies blocking with shields by 50 and deal 10% of armor penetration to targets that aren't blocking with a shield.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Supplementary Repulsion.pngSupplementary Repulsion Description: Targets hit with Stopping Power are Slowed by 10% for 8 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Lasting Impression.pngLasting Impression Description: Targets hit with Stopping Power are Exhausted: reducing stamina regeneration speed by 10% for 8 seconds.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Salt on the Wounds.pngSalt on the Wounds Description: Increased 10% damage to targets below 30% health.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -

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