New World

All Cow Locations

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Cow Locations

This is a location guide to all the spawn points of Cows in New World! Read on to find all Cow locations, areas with the most spawn points, and all kinds of Cow drops!

Cow Basic Info

New World - Devil Cow Type Prey
Size Large

Cows are docile creatures that can be found in farmlands across Aeternum. They can also be found in some settlements like Windsward where they can be milked for a free source of Milk.

Where to Find Cows

Cows are usually found in farmlands. These areas are often infested with Lost so be prepared for battles if you wish to hunt for Cows.

Cow Maps
First Light Cutlass Keys Windsward
Monarch's Bluff Everfall Brightwood

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First Light

There are no cows that can be hunted in First Light. However, a cow can be found in the Cutlass Key settlement itself. While it cannot be hunted, the player can interact with it to gather milk for cooking or consuming.

Cutlass Keys

Similar to First Light, there are no cows that can be hunted in Cutlass Keys. There is also a Cow at the settlement which can be interacted with for some milk.


Windswards's Cow spawn points are compressed in one tiny area West of the settlement. It is also a mid-level area in between the easy to access Shrine on the Western edge of Windsward connecting it to Monarch's Bluff so a bit of walking is required.

Monarch's Bluff

Monarch's Bluff has a couple of locations that have cows but the safest location to hunt one is the area South East near Monarch's Bluff's settlement. The rest of the spawn points are in the mid-level area that is littered with the Lost and Abominations.


There's only one cow in Everfall, found in an abandoned village near the region's Settlement. Enemies spawn in this area so be cautious when hunting it.


There are two cow spawnpoints in Brightwood. One is found at the western border of the region, in the area of Brackwater, while the other is at the southeastern parts of the region, in the area of Lake Genevieve.

List of Cows & Required Skinning Levels

Animal List
Brackwater Cow ImageBrackwater Cow
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 70 342
Cow ImageCow
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 129
DevilDevil's Quarry Cow
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 129
Monarch's Bluffs
Eldritch Cow ImageEldritch Cow Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 55 270
Lakeshore Cow ImageLakeshore Cow Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 376
Moonshade Cow
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 192
Mosswater Cow Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!

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