New World

Azoth Spring: Locations and Maps

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Azoth Springs in New World. Read on to see possible locations of Azoth Springs, including the necessary trade skill and tools to harvest them!

Azoth Spring Basic Information

Azoth Spring
Azoth Spring ImageAzoth Spring
Gathering Lv. Tracking Lv. Req. Tool
None None None

Azoth Spring is a Miscellaneous resource node that does not require any tool to harvest. Simply walk up to the resource node and press the E key to gather and add it to your Inventory.

Azoth Spring Locations

New World - Azoth Spring Resource Node

Azoth Springs have a similar model to Seeping Stones. Instead of an inky black, they will glow luminescent blue especially at night. Do note that some Azoth Springs will be hard to spot as they can either spawn underwater or get blocked by rubble.

Azoth Springs usually appear in marshes or forests. See the section below to learn about all the Azoth Spring locations.

Resource Node Maps
Brightwood Reekwater Mourningdale Ebonscale Reach

Click a link to take you to that zone's map!

Brightwood Azoth Spring Locations

Brightwood will only have a few Azoth Spring nodes and they will all spawn in the Angry Earth area to the southeast of the region. They will be hard to farm as lot of players will usually roam here due to the amount of quests and faction missions nearby.

Reekwater Azoth Spring Locations

Reekwater will have a lot of locations with Azoth Springs, however, most will have level 60+ Angry Earth enemies guarding them. We recommend farming the marshland area surrounding Forecastle Drift to the southeast of the settlement. The outskirts of this landmark will not have a lot of enemies and you can farm in relative peace.

Mourningdale Azoth Spring Locations

Mourningdale will only have Azoth Spring nodes in the areas surrounding Subra - an Ancient stronghold to the southwest of the settlement. Ancient enemies will patrol the area while the springs near waterfalls will be guarded by Lost enemies. Subra is part of the Mourningdale chain of quests, so expect players to roam here and compete for the resources.

Ebonscale Reach Azoth Spring Locations

Azoth Springs in Ebonscale Reach will spawn in only a few general locations. The best place to farm would be to the north of the Traveler's Precipice spirit shrine. While limited, this area has a ton of other resources to farm along the way. Just be careful of the level 59 wolves.

The western and eastern areas of the main settlement will have a few Azoth Springs, but these tend to despawn due to level 65 Corrupted Breaches. The swamp areas to the southeast are viable, however, they will be infested with annoying boars and alligators as you farm.

Azoth Spring Extracted Resources

The table below shows the available resources that you can obtain from Azoth Spring.

Resource Node Available Resources
Azoth Spring IconAzoth Spring

Azoth Water is a Tier 5 Medicinal Reagent. It is used to craft powerful health potions at the Arcane Repository.

New World Related Guides

New World - Resource Nodes

List of All Resource Nodes

Miscellaneous Resource Nodes
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