New World

New World Items and Resources

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Resources
This is Game8's hub for all Items and Resources in New World. Read on to see lists of Items of all types found in the game!

List of Resources

Resource Description
OresOres Ores are raw materials that you can use to create Ingots in a smelter. They are usually gathered from stone nodes and ore veins.
IngotsIngots Ingots are refined materials that can be used to create different types of armor, weapons, and furniture.
HidesHides Hides are raw materials obtained by skinning animals. These can be refined into leather.
LeathersLeathers Leathers are refined materials that can be used as a crafting material to create armor and weapons.
FibersFibers Fibers are raw materials that can be refined into cloth. These are usually obtained from hemp plants.
ClothCloth Cloth is a crafting material that can be used to create different types of armor and bags.
Stone BlocksStone Blocks Stone Blocks are a type of refined material that can be used to upgrade settlements and craft Honing Stones.
BrickBrick Bricks are used to craft different types of Tuning Orbs and Voidstones.
WoodWood Wood is a type of raw material gathered from bushes or by cutting down trees. These can be refined into planks.
PlanksPlanks Planks are used as a crafting material for certain weapons and pieces of furniture.
ConsumablesConsumables Consumables allow you to restore your character's Health and Mana. Some items also provide various buffs and resistances.
IngredientsIngredients Ingredients are used as resources for recipes in the Kitchen. These can be consumed on its own or crafted to create different recipes.
GemstonesGemstones Gemstones provide Perks and can be equipped on a weapon or armor that has an empty gem socket slot.
Tuning OrbsTuning Orbs Tuning Orbs allow you to embark on Expeditions and are obtained from quests or by crafting them using the Stonecutting Table.
Alchemy ResourcesAlchemy Resources Alchemy Resources are used as crafting materials for different types of items such as Gemstones and Magic Weapons.
Faction SealsFaction Seals Faction Seals are used to change a faction armor's Suffix.
Special ResourcesSpecial Resources Special Resources allow you to infuse certain Perks and Suffixes into equipment you craft. These are found in the expanded menu of the Special Resources slot when crafting.
Refining MaterialsRefining Materials Refining Materials are primirily used for Material Conversion and Material Downgrade recipes. However, some of these items can also be used for standard crafting recipes.
DyesDyes Dyes are used to change the color of a selected armor. These can be crafted or bought from the Trading Post.
Repair KitsRepair Kits Repair Kits restore the durability of a selected weapon or armor.
Crafting ComponentsCrafting Components Crafting Components are used to create various types of items from ammo to furnishings.
PigmentsPigments Pigments are raw materials used to craft Dyes. You can also use it as a crafting material to create certain furniture.
AmmoAmmo A type of resource consisting of two ammo types: Catridges and Arrows. These used by Muskets and Bows respectively.
BaitBait Baits increase the chances of catching bigger fish when Fishing.
Cooking Recipes and Crafting SchematicsCooking Recipes & Crafting Schematics Cooking Recipes and Crafting Schematics allow you to learn a new recipe when salvaging them.
Salvageable ScrapsSalvageable Scraps A type of resource gathered from fishing hotspots. These items are only used to salvage the raw materials that the scrap has.
Material GroupsMaterial Groups Material Groups are sets of interchangeable crafting materials that you can use in certain recipes of various trade skills.

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