New World

List of Armor Types

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Armor Types
This is Game8's hub for all armor types in New World. Read on to see all available heavy, medium, and light armor, as well as trinkets and bags in the world of Aeternum!

List of Armor Types


Armor Description
Light Armor ImageLight Armor Light armor offers the least protection, but gives the highest mobility for your character.
Medium Armor ImageMedium Armor Medium armor offers a good balance between protection and mobility.
Heavy Armor ImageHeavy Armor Heavy armor offers the highest protection, but slows down your character the most.

Trinkets and Bags

Armor Description
Earring ImageEarring An earring is a type of trinket that offers passive bonuses and grant additional attribute points to one or more attribute. Can have its own subset of Perks that offer benefits unique to trinkets
Amulet ImageAmulet An amulet is a type of trinket that offers passive bonuses and grant additional attribute points to one or more attribute. Can have its own subset of Perks that offer benefits unique to trinkets
Ring ImageRing A ring is a type of trinket that offers passive bonuses and grant additional attribute points to one or more attribute. Can have its own subset of Perks that offer benefits unique to trinkets
Bag ImageBag Increases the amount of weight you can carry in your inventory.

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