New World

Jewelcrafting Leveling Guide: How to Level from 0 to 200

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Jewelcrafting Guide
Jewelcrafting is a trade skill in New World that lets you craft various types of trinkets and accessories in Outfitting Stations throughout Aeternum. This guide will show you how to level your Jewelcrafting skill from 0 to 200 quickly, as well as show a list of all Jewelcrafting crafting recipes in the game. Read on to know more!

How to Level Up Jewelcrafting from 0 to 200

Jewelcrafting is arguably the best crafting trade skill to level up for end-game. Due to the low amount of Trinket rewards and drops available in New World (even after Update 1.2), this Trade Skill is still one of the most profitable to level up even at level 60.

Jewelcrafting Level Ranges
0-50 50-100 100-150 150-200

Use the links above to quickly navigate to each Jewelcrafting level range!

Jewelcrafting Level 0 to 50

Check IconLevel Up Trade Skills

Check IconMine or Harvest Elemental Essences

Check IconCollect and Refine Tier 2 Gemstones

Check IconMine and Refine Silver Ore

Check IconCraft 38 Silver Settings and Chains

Check IconCraft 30 Tier 2 Amulets

Level Up Trade Skills

Each new Jewelcrafting leveling range will require certain trade skills to be at a certain level. If the indicated levels are not met, players will have to resort to buying materials from the Trading Post, instead.

For levels 0 to 50 of Jewelcrafting, the following trade skills need to be raised to the indicated levels:

Required Trade Skill Levels

Click on any of the Trade Skills above for a complete and comprehensive leveling guide!

Mine or Harvest Elemental Essences

New World - Harvest Elemental Essences

Harvest or mine elemental motes from Alchemy Stones, Magical Plants, and Magical Creatures in preparation Gemstone Cutting.

Players will need to collect every type of elemental mote as each gemstone will need a different elemental essence during the cutting process.

Elemental Essence Associated Gemstones
Soul EssencesSoul Essences
Opal Icon Opal
Fire EssenceFire Essences
Ruby Icon Ruby
Air EssenceAir Essences
Jasper Icon Jasper
Topaz Icon Topaz
Earth EssenceEarth Essences
Amber Icon Amber
Water EssenceWater Essences
Death EssenceDeath Essences
Life EssenceLife Essences
Onyx Icon Onyx

Collect and Refine Tier 2 Gemstones

New World - Refine Cut Flawed Gemstones

In order to acquire Tier 2 Gemstones (Flawed Gemstones), players will need to mine Iron, Silver, or Gold Ore Veins. However, do note that gemstones are not guaranteed to drop.

Equip Mining Luck tools, armor, or trinkets for a boost in drop chance, or eat a basic Roasted Potato dish for a small boost to mining luck.

Perk Effect
Mining Luck iconMining Luck While mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Mining Luck iconReinforced Mining Luck While Mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Adored Mining Luck iconAdored Mining Luck While Mining, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.

Mine and Refine Silver Ore

New World - Mine Silver Vein

Silver Ore is the bread and butter of Jewelcrafting. Farm starter regions as most early-game players will tend to overlook precious metals like Silver and Gold in favor of Iron nodes.

Players can increase the amount of silver they get per node by equipping a pickaxe with a Yield-Boosting Perk. Proficiency Boosters are also an option, however these tend to be costly to use when mining a resource as scarce as ore nodes.

Perk Effect
Mining Yield iconMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.

Craft 38 Silver Settings and Chains

New World - Craft Silver Trinket Components

In order to reach level 50 Jewelcrafting, players will need to craft 38 Silver Settings and 38 Silver Chains. These will be used to craft Amulets in the next step.

Note: Only 30 of each will be used during crafting. The extra 8 will help bring players to exactly level 50 Jewelcrafting.

Required Trinket Components
Silver Setting IconSilver Setting x38
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x152
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x608
Silver Chain IconSilver Chain x38
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x190
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x760

Craft 30 Tier 2 Amulets

New World - Craft Tier 2 Amulets

In order to reach Jewelcrafting level 50, players will need to craft 30 Tier 2 Amulets. Use the crafted Trinket Components and refined Gemstones to fulfill this bulk craft order.

Amulet Bulk Craft Order
Flawed Onyx AmuletTier 2 Amulets x30
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x120

Jewelcrafting Level 50 to 100

Check IconLevel Up Trade Skills

Check IconMine Precious Metals and Collect Tier 3 Gemstones

Check IconRefine or Fuse Tier 3 Gemstones

Check IconCraft 95 Trinket Components

Check IconCraft 95 Tier 3 Amulets or Rings

Level Up Trade Skills

Each new Jewelcrafting leveling range will require certain trade skills to be at a certain level. If the indicated levels are not met, players will have to resort to buying materials from the Trading Post, instead.

For levels 50 to 100 of Jewelcrafting, the following trade skills need to be raised to the indicated levels:

Required Trade Skill Levels

Click on any of the Trade Skills above for a complete and comprehensive leveling guide!

Mine Precious Metals and Collect Tier 3 Gemstones

Gemstone gathering is the biggest resource gate to Jewelcrafting. In order to progress, players will first need a large quantity of gemstones before even beginning to think about the crafting aspect of the trade skill.

Collect Tier 3 Gemstones by Mining any and all kinds of ore nodes, as well as Fishing for Treasure Chests that contain gemstones and precious metal ingots.

Refine or Fuse Tier 3 Gemstones

New World - Refine Cut Gemstones

Refine the gathered Tier 3 Gemstones into their Cut Versions at any Tier 3 Stonecutting Table. As these are Tier 3 items, the elemental motes used will also go up by one tier.

Gemstone Cutting
Cut OnyxTier 3 Gemstone
OnyxUncut Tier 3 Gemstone x1
Life WispElemental Wisp x2
  L Life MoteElemental Mote x10
SolventSolvent x2

Any uncut Tier 2 Gemstones, on the other hand, can be fused at the same table to get an uncut Tier 3 Version. This can later be refined via Gemstone Cutting.

Gemstone Fusion
OnyxUncut Tier 3 Gemstone
Flawed OnyxUncut Tier 2 Gemstone x3
Life WispElemental Wisp x1
  L Life MoteElemental Mote x5
SolventSolvent x2

Craft 95 Trinket Components

New World - Craft Tinket Components

Craft 85 Silver Trinket Components (Tier 2) and 10 Gold Trinket Components (Tier 3) in preparation for bulk crafting. Replace Trinket Chains with Bands when planning to craft Rings instead of Amulets.

In order to get to level 100 Jewelcrafting in the next step, players will need to reach at least level 52 Jewelcrafting after crafting 95 trinket components.

Required Trinket Components
Silver Setting IconSilver Setting x85
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x340
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x1360
Silver Chain IconSilver Chain x85
Silver Band IconSilver Band x85
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x425
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x1700
Gold Setting IconGold Setting x10
Gold IngotGold Ingot x60
  L Gold OreGold Ore x300
  L Silver IngotSilver Ingot x120
  L FluxFlux Material x60
Gold Chain IconGold Chain x10
Gold Band IconGold Band x10
Gold IngotGold Ingot x40
  L Gold OreGold Ore x200
  L Silver IngotSilver Ingot x80
  L FluxFlux Material x40

Trinket Bands are used for crafting Tier 3 Rings that unlock at level 50 Jewelcrafting. Players can choose either as they both Chains and Bands give the same amount of XP.

Craft 95 Tier 3 Amulets or Rings

New World - Craft Tier 3 Trinkets

Before bulk crafting, make sure to cook or purchase a Melon Infusion consumable. This will raise the potential gear score of all the amulets or rings that players will craft. In high population servers, these usually sell for cheap at the Trading Post.

Item Effects
Melon Infusion IconMelon Infusion
Req. Level: 20
Increases minimum and maximum gear score when crafting Jewelcrafting items by 10. Effect lasts for 30 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.

After consuming the Melon Infusion, start bulk crafting 95 pieces of Tier 3 Amulets to reach level 100 Jewelcrafting. Craft 85 pieces using Silver Trinket Components and 10 pieces using Gold Trinket Components.

Remember, reserve the Gold Trinket Components for gems with valuable resistance buffs. Carnelian, Onyx, Pearl, and Malachite gems are the priority when using high-tier materials.

Tier 3 Amulets
Onyx AmuletTier 3 Amulets x85
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x340
Onyx AmuletTier 3 Amulets x10
(Using Gold Components)
Gold ChainGold Chain x10
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x40

Alternatively, players can also choose to craft Tier 3 Rings (or a mix of both Amulets and Rings) for this step. It depends entirely on the crafted Trinket Components in the previous step.

Tier 3 Rings
Onyx RingTier 3 Rings x85
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x340
Onyx RingTier 3 Rings x10
(Using Gold Components)
Gold BandGold Band x10
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x40

Silver Ingots are used as the final component for these recipes since it is the cheapest and easiest to farm. It can be substituted with higher tier precious metals for a better gear score range.

Jewelcrafting Levels 100 to 150

Check IconLevel Up Trade Skills

Check IconGo to Great Cleave and Farm Tier 3 and 4 Gemstones

Check IconGather Elemental Essence Motes for Stonecutting

Check IconRefine or Fuse Tier 3 Gemstones

Check IconCraft 318 Trinket Components

Check IconCraft 318 Tier 4 Amulets, Rings, or Earrings

Level Up Trade Skills

Each new Jewelcrafting leveling range will require certain trade skills to be at a certain level. If the indicated levels are not met, players will have to resort to buying materials from the Trading Post, instead.

For levels 100 to 150 of Jewelcrafting, the following trade skills need to be raised to the indicated levels:

Required Trade Skill Levels

Click on any of the Trade Skills above for a complete and comprehensive leveling guide!

Go to Great Cleave and Farm Tier 3 and 4 Gemstones

New World - Mine the Defiler Excavation

The Defiler Excavation in Great Cleave is one best places to farm Tier 3 and 4 Gemstones due to the quickly respawning Gold Ore Veins and the bountiful Platinum Ore Veins at its highest point. However, this area is only advisable to farm for players level 45+ as level 43+ Corrupted enemies guard the mine.

To efficiently farm the area, players will need to craft or buy a Mining Pickaxe with the Mining Luck perk. Additional armor or trinkets with mining luck perks will also help.

Perk Effect
Mining Luck iconMining Luck While mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Mining Luck iconReinforced Mining Luck While Mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Adored Mining Luck iconAdored Mining Luck While Mining, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.

On top of good tools, players will also need to consume food items that boost mining luck in order to boost their chances of getting drops. Cook or purchase any of the following food items to boost mining luck.

Consumable Effects and Level Req.
Roasted Potatoes ImageRoasted Potatoes Increases your Luck when mining by 1000 points for 20 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
No Required Level
Herb-roasted Potatoes ImageHerb-roasted Potatoes Increase your Luck when mining by 1400 points for 25 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Required Level 5
Boiled Potatoes ImageBoiled Potatoes Increases your Luck when mining by 1700 points for 30 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Required Level 20
Poultry with Roasted Potatoes ImagePoultry with Roasted Potatoes Increases your Luck when mining by 1900 points for 35 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Required Level 40
Salted Roasted Vegetables ImageSalted Roasted Vegetables Increases your Luck when mining by 2000 points for 40 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Required Level 60

Boiled Potatoes, Poultry with Roasted Potates, and Salted Roasted Vegetables require players to have learned the recipe before unlocking the option to cook.

Gather Elemental Essence Motes for Stonecutting

New World - Mine Earthcrag

As is the trend, players will have to continuously refine uncut gems via Stonecutting when leveling up Jewelcrafting. For Tier 4 Jewelcrafting, players will need Elemental Essences in order to cut and fuse Tier 4 Gemstones.

Refine or Fuse Tier 3 Gemstones

New World - Refine Cut Brilliant Gemstones

Refine the gathered Tier 4 Gemstones into their Cut Versions at any Tier 4 Stonecutting Table. As these are Tier 4 items, the elemental wisps used will also go up by one tier.

Gemstone Cutting
Cut Brilliant OnyxTier 4 Gemstone
Brilliant OnyxUncut Tier 4 Gemstone x1
Life EssenceElemental Essence x2
  L Life WispElemental Wisp x8
SolventSolvent x2

Any uncut Tier 3 Gemstones, on the other hand, can be fused at the same table to get an uncut Tier 4 Version. This can later be refined via Gemstone Cutting.

Gemstone Fusion
Brilliant OnyxUncut Tier 4 Gemstone
Flawed OnyxUncut Tier 3 Gemstone x4
Life EssenceElemental Essence x1
  L Life WispElemental Wisp x4
SolventSolvent x2

Craft 318 Trinket Components

New World - Craft More Trinket Components

In order to fulfill the bulk order later on, players will need to craft 318 Gemstone Settings. The type may vary, however, just know that the cost will go up when using Gold or Platinum Settings.

Only craft the higher tier settings when planning to craft high gear score amulets, rings, or earrings for valuable gemstones. The added bonus of this is that crafting higher tier settings also give more Jewelcrafting XP.

Required Setting Components
Silver Setting IconSilver Setting x318
  L Silver OreSilver Ore

Next, players can pick and choose between Chains, Bands, or Hooks, depending entirely on what kind of trinkets they plan to bulk craft. The same case applies here when crafting higher tier components.

Required Hook, Band, or Chain Components
Silver Chain IconSilver Chain x1299
Silver Band IconSilver Band x1299
Silver Hook IconSilver Hook x318
  L Silver OreSilver Ore

Craft 318 Tier 4 Amulets, Rings, or Earrings

New World - Craft Tier 4 Trinkets

In order to reach level 150 Jewelcrafting, players will need to craft 318 Tier 4 Trinkets. Players can choose to craft amulets, rings, earrings, or a mix of the three.

Tier 4 Trinkets
Brilliant Onyx AmuletTier 4 Amulets x318
Silver ChainSilver Chain x318
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x318
  L Silver OreSilver Ore
Brilliant Onyx RingTier 4 Rings x318
Silver BandSilver Band x318
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x318
  L Silver OreSilver Ore
Brilliant Onyx EarringTier 4 Earrings x318
Silver HookSilver Hook x318
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x318
  L Silver OreSilver Ore

While optional, silver can still be substituted with higher tier precious metals for a better gear score range.

Jewelcrafting Levels 150 to 200

Check IconLevel Up Trade Skills

Check IconReturn to Great Cleave for Tier 3 and 4 Gemstones

Check IconMine and Refine Silver Ore

Check IconGather Elemental Essence Motes for Stonecutting

Check IconCraft 1299 Trinket Components

Check IconCraft 1299 Tier 4 Amulets, Rings, or Earrings

Level Up Trade Skills

For levels 100 to 150 of Jewelcrafting, the trend will change. While not necessary to progression, achieving the following trade skill levels will greatly benefit players with crafting bonuses and gather luck bonuses.

Required Trade Skill Levels

Click on any of the Trade Skills above for a complete and comprehensive leveling guide!

Return to Great Cleave for Tier 3 and 4 Gemstones

New World - Return to Defiler Excavation

Since only Tier 3 and 4 Gemstones are needed, players can return to the Defiler Expedition in Great Cleave to re-farm the route. At this point it is better to be level 60, with max mining food buffs and mining luck to make farming quick and painless.

Level 60 players can also respec to full Strength in order to take advantage of mining attribute perks. This is one of the longest farmings runs players will undertake as this step requires 1,299 Tier 4 Gemstones.

Mine and Refine Silver Ore

New World - Mine Silver Ore Again

Silver Ore is abundant in Starter Regions. In order to fulfill the last bulk craft order to get to level 200 Jewelcrafting, players will need a grand total of 51,960 Silver Ore.

Refine the resources in batches to save up on storage space. At this point, players can use the accumulated Gold and Platinum Ore from the Defiler Expedition to make higher-tier ingots.

Silver Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Gather Elemental Essence Motes for Stonecutting

New World - Harvest Elemental Motes

While this step will still be Tier 4 Jewelcrafting, the amount of motes needed will effectively quadruple upon hitting the 150-200 level range. Players will need a whopping 51,960 Elemental Motes to fulfill the next bulk craft order.

However, the amount is not as daunting given that the number of motes is split between the different kinds of elements and the gemstones that players will cut. To avoid some of the farm, players can also buy or farm Brilliant Pearls as these do not need to be cut.

Resource How to Get
Brilliant Pearl IconBrilliant Pearl
Brilliant Pearls are derived from Oysters. Players can farm this unique catch via Fishing in Saltwater locations, using appropriate rarity-boosting bait.

Craft 1299 Trinket Components

New World - Craft Trinket Components for Level 200

For this step, players are required to craft 1299 Silver Settings. Silver is used here to keep the costs cheap, especially with as tall an order as this is.

Required Setting Components
Silver Setting IconSilver Setting x1299
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x5196
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x20784

Next, players can craft a mix of Silver Hook, Bands, or Chains, as long as it totals to 1299. The type of component depends entirely on what players plan to craft as each type of trinket will reward the same amount of XP.

Required Hook, Band, or Chain Components
Silver Chain IconSilver Chain x1299
Silver Band IconSilver Band x1299
Silver Hook IconSilver Hook x1299
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x6495
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x25980

Craft 1299 Tier 4 Amulets, Rings, or Earrings

New World - Craft Tier 4 Trinkets for Level 200

In order to reach level 200 Jewelcrafting, players will need to craft 1299 pieces of either Tier 4 Amulets, Rings, or Earrings. This will be a very long process, so make sure to do this in batches.

Tier 4 Trinkets
Brilliant Onyx AmuletTier 4 Amulets x1299
Silver ChainSilver Chain x1299
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x1299
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x5196
Brilliant Onyx RingTier 4 Rings x1299
Silver BandSilver Band x1299
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x1299
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x5196
Brilliant Onyx EarringTier 4 Earrings x1299
Silver HookSilver Hook x1299
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x1299
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x5196

While optional, silver can still be substituted with higher tier precious metals for a better gear score range.

Jewelcrafting Leveling Tips

Check IconReach Character Level 60

Check IconFish at Broad or Rare Fishing Hotspots

Check IconBuy Tier 4 Gemstones from the Trading Post

Check IconSell or Salvage Crafted Jewelry

Check IconFarm Gold Daily

Check IconUse Proficiency Boosters & Yield Boosting Tools

Check IconMaintain Your Trade Skills As You Progress Through Zones

Check IconCraft and Refine Resources in Settlements With Low Taxes

Check IconChoose Territory Standing Bonuses Based on Leveling Strategies

Reach Character Level 60

New World - Reach Level 60

Given that all of the maxed out Luck-boosting perks, items, and gear can only used at level 60, it would be easier to start leveling up Jewelcrafting 100 to 200 during the endgame.

Additionally, players will have access to more areas of the map, opening up new chances to farm high-tier resources away from the heavily contested starter and mid-game regions.

Leveling Guide: Fastest Way To Level (1-60)

Fish at Broad or Rare Fishing Hotspots

New World - Fishing Gives Gemstones

While certainly not a reliable method, Fishing will still give players a boost when it comes to acquiring Gemstones. Fishing Chests and Oysters drop these rare items, alongside a few Precious Metal Ingots for use later on.

Consider stopping and fishing at unlocked Broad or Rare Fishing Hotspots while out farming to break up the monotony of hitting ore.

New World Fishing Leveling Guide

Buy Tier 4 Gemstones from the Trading Post

Buy Items at the Trading Post

The market in New World always changes due to the game's player-driven economy. When looking to level up Jewelcrafting, remember to always check the Trading Post for good deals when it comes to uncut Tier 4 Gemstones.

Anything that can be bought for less than 2 Coins each will usually be a steal given how tedious and costly farming and cutting gemstones already are.

New World Trading Post Guide

Sell or Salvage Crafted Jewelry

New World - Sell or Salvage Crafted Trinkets

As with all crafting trade skills, the choice is there to either sell or salvage crafted items. In this particular case (especially when playing on a largely active server), remember to sell items with desirable suffixes and perks.

Even if the current crafted jewelry has low gear scores, they will usually sell as players leveling up from 25 to 45 are often on the lookout for a few upgrades as they quest throughout Aeternum.

Farm Gold Daily

New World - Do Daily Faction Missions

When playing solo and leveling crafting, players will often find themselves short on gold. This is especially true when hitting level 60 as gold sinks pile-up while gold earnings go down.

Farm gold by doing the 3 daily Faction Missions for a sizeable gold boost (usually 600 coin), participate and contribute in Outpost Rush, or even just slap on low-tier armor and farm low-level mobs.

Gold Farming Guide: Best Way to Make Money

Use Proficiency Boosters & Yield Boosting Tools

New World - Use Proficiency Boosters

While low-tier items are easily farmed en masse, the costs and time to farm quickly goes up as players near level 200 Jewelcrafting. For solo players and Company Settlers, make sure to use Proficiency Boosters when out farming to increase the yield of items gathered.

Consumable Effects and Level Req.
Weak Proficiency Booster ImageWeak Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 5% for 10 minutes.
Required Level 5
Common Proficiency Booster ImageCommon Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 7% for 15 minutes.
Required Level 20
Strong Proficiency Booster ImageStrong Proficiency Booster Increase the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 10% for 20 minutes.
Required Level 40
Powerful Proficiency Booster ImagePowerful Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 15% for 30 minutes.
Required Level 60

Additionally, tools equipped with Yield Boosting perks will also help increase the amount of gathered resources per farming run. Buy or craft them, and use both methods to significantly reduce the amount of time needed to raise Engineering levels.

Perk Effect
Mining Yield iconMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.
Harvesting Yield iconHarvesting Yield Harvesting yields 10% more resources.

Maintain Your Trade Skills As You Progress Through Zones

New World - Farm while Questing

Questing in New World will earn players both coin and XP. However, when looking to level up trade skills like Jewelcrafting, an equal amount of time must be dedicated to farming raw materials and refining them.

As players level up and move from region to region, make sure to keep farming for resources even while out questing. This is one of the things that has to be done due to the rarity and amount of items needed to level up Jewelcrafting.

Craft and Refine Resources in Settlements With Low Taxes

During Jewelcrafting leveling, players will be refining a ton of raw materials and crafting a lot of trinkets. While usually cheap, costs pile up as Jewelcrafting involves both Arcana, Stonecutting, and Smelting on top of the crafting costs.

Make sure to craft and refine in settlements with a low refining and crafting tax rate. Always pay attention to the taxes as they will vary depending on the owner of the settlement.

Choose Territory Standing Bonuses Based on Leveling Strategies

New World - Storage Standing Bonus

Players should choose Territory Standing Bonuses with their leveling strategies in mind. For example, when planning to make liberal use of the Trading Post, make sure to pick up the Trading Tax Reduction bonus.

Each case may vary depending on server population, settlement location, and the region's gatherable resources. Weigh the options carefully and plan for the future as trade skill leveling will be a long grind.

All Territory Standing Bonuses

Jewelcrafting Recipes


New World - Amulets

Jewelcrafting Recipes by Category
Amulets Rings Earrings Misc

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Flawed Opal Amulet IconFlawed Opal Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Diamond Amulet IconFlawed Diamond Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Topaz Amulet IconFlawed Topaz Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Amber Amulet IconFlawed Amber Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2 Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Malachite Amulet IconFlawed Malachite Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Amethyst Amulet IconFlawed Amethyst Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Aquamarine Amulet IconFlawed Aquamarine Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Emerald Amulet IconFlawed Emerald Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Sapphire Amulet IconFlawed Sapphire Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Carnelian Amulet IconFlawed Carnelian Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Jasper Amulet IconFlawed Jasper Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Onyx Amulet IconFlawed Onyx Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Pearl Amulet IconFlawed Pearl Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Flawed Moonstone Amulet IconFlawed Moonstone Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Aquamarine Amulet IconAquamarine Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Opal Amulet IconOpal Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Opal Icon Cut Opal x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Amethyst Amulet IconAmethyst Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Emerald Amulet IconEmerald Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Emerald Icon Cut Emerald x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Malachite Amulet IconMalachite Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Ruby Amulet IconRuby Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Ruby Icon Cut Ruby x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Moonstone Amulet IconMoonstone Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Amber Amulet IconAmber Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Amber Icon Cut Amber x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Onyx Amulet IconOnyx Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Onyx Icon Cut Onyx x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Carnelian Amulet IconCarnelian Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Sapphire Amulet IconSapphire Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Topaz Amulet IconTopaz Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Topaz Icon Cut Topaz x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Diamond Amulet IconDiamond Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Diamond Icon Cut Diamond x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Pearl Amulet IconPearl Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Pearl Icon Pearl x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Jasper Amulet IconJasper Amulet
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Cut Jasper Icon Cut Jasper x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Brilliant Amethyst Amulet IconBrilliant Amethyst Amulet
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Sapphire Amulet IconBrilliant Sapphire Amulet
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Amber Amulet IconBrilliant Amber Amulet
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Ruby Amulet IconBrilliant Ruby Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Onyx Amulet IconBrilliant Onyx Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Carnelian Amulet IconBrilliant Carnelian Amulet Currently unavailable Currently unavailable
Currently unavailable
Brilliant Aquamarine Amulet IconBrilliant Aquamarine Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Opal Amulet IconBrilliant Opal Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Diamond Amulet IconBrilliant Diamond Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Pearl Amulet IconBrilliant Pearl Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Malachite Amulet IconBrilliant Malachite Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Emerald Amulet IconBrilliant Emerald Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Topaz Amulet IconBrilliant Topaz Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Jasper Amulet IconBrilliant Jasper Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Moonstone Amulet IconBrilliant Moonstone Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Pristine Amber Amulet IconPristine Amber Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Jasper Amulet IconPristine Jasper Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Opal Amulet IconPristine Opal Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Aquamarine Amulet IconPristine Aquamarine Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Moonstone Amulet IconPristine Moonstone Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Emerald Amulet IconPristine Emerald Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Pearl Amulet IconPristine Pearl Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Ruby Amulet IconPristine Ruby Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Amethyst Amulet IconPristine Amethyst Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Diamond Amulet IconPristine Diamond Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Malachite Amulet IconPristine Malachite Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Onyx Amulet IconPristine Onyx Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Carnelian Amulet IconPristine Carnelian Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Topaz Amulet IconPristine Topaz Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Sapphire Amulet IconPristine Sapphire Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Flawed Ruby Amulet IconFlawed Ruby Amulet Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2


New World - Rings

Jewelcrafting Recipes by Category
Amulets Rings Earrings Misc

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Jasper Ring IconJasper Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Jasper Icon Cut Jasper x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Ruby Ring IconRuby Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Ruby Icon Cut Ruby x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Carnelian Ring IconCarnelian Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Malachite Ring IconMalachite Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Aquamarine Ring IconAquamarine Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Opal Ring IconOpal Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Opal Icon Cut Opal x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Pearl Ring IconPearl Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Pearl Icon Pearl x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Sapphire Ring IconSapphire Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Moonstone Ring IconMoonstone Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Diamond Ring IconDiamond Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Diamond Icon Cut Diamond x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Topaz Ring IconTopaz Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Topaz Icon Cut Topaz x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Amber Ring IconAmber Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Amber Icon Cut Amber x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Emerald Ring IconEmerald Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Emerald Icon Cut Emerald x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Onyx Ring IconOnyx Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Cut Onyx Icon Cut Onyx x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Amethyst Ring IconAmethyst Ring
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x1
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Brilliant Opal Ring IconBrilliant Opal Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Sapphire Ring IconBrilliant Sapphire Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Aquamarine Ring IconBrilliant Aquamarine Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Amethyst Ring IconBrilliant Amethyst Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Onyx Ring IconBrilliant Onyx Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Carnelian Ring IconBrilliant Carnelian Ring Currently unavailable Currently unavailable
Currently unavailable
Brilliant Ruby Ring IconBrilliant Ruby Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Topaz Ring IconBrilliant Topaz Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Malachite Ring IconBrilliant Malachite Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Amber Ring IconBrilliant Amber Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Pearl Ring IconBrilliant Pearl Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Diamond Ring IconBrilliant Diamond Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Moonstone Ring IconBrilliant Moonstone Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Emerald Ring IconBrilliant Emerald Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Jasper Ring IconBrilliant Jasper Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Pristine Amethyst Ring IconPristine Amethyst Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Aquamarine Ring IconPristine Aquamarine Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Ruby Ring IconPristine Ruby Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Emerald Ring IconPristine Emerald Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Jasper Ring IconPristine Jasper Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Moonstone Ring IconPristine Moonstone Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Carnelian Ring IconPristine Carnelian Ring Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Malachite Ring IconPristine Malachite Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Opal Ring IconPristine Opal Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Onyx Ring IconPristine Onyx Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Diamond Ring IconPristine Diamond Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Topaz Ring IconPristine Topaz Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Sapphire Ring IconPristine Sapphire Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Amber Ring IconPristine Amber Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Pearl Ring IconPristine Pearl Ring
Silver Band Icon Silver Band x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5


New World - Earrings

Jewelcrafting Recipes by Category
Amulets Rings Earrings Misc

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Brilliant Pearl Earring IconBrilliant Pearl Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Diamond Earring IconBrilliant Diamond Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Topaz Earring IconBrilliant Topaz Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Opal Earring IconBrilliant Opal Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Malachite Earring IconBrilliant Malachite Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Carnelian Earring IconBrilliant Carnelian Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Jasper Earring IconBrilliant Jasper Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Sapphire Earring IconBrilliant Sapphire Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Aquamarine Earring IconBrilliant Aquamarine Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Emerald Earring IconBrilliant Emerald Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Amber Earring IconBrilliant Amber Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Moonstone Earring IconBrilliant Moonstone Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Onyx Earring IconBrilliant Onyx Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Amethyst Earring IconBrilliant Amethyst Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Brilliant Ruby Earring IconBrilliant Ruby Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Pristine Pearl Earring IconPristine Pearl Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Sapphire Earring IconPristine Sapphire Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Diamond Earring IconPristine Diamond Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Amethyst Earring IconPristine Amethyst Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Opal Earring IconPristine Opal Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Ruby Earring IconPristine Ruby Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Amber Earring IconPristine Amber Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Emerald Earring IconPristine Emerald Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Topaz Earring IconPristine Topaz Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Onyx Earring IconPristine Onyx Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Malachite Earring IconPristine Malachite Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Jasper Earring IconPristine Jasper Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Aquamarine Earring IconPristine Aquamarine Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Carnelian Earring IconPristine Carnelian Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Pristine Moonstone Earring IconPristine Moonstone Earring
Silver Hook Icon Silver Hook x1
Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5

Miscellaneous Items

New World - Misc

Jewelcrafting Recipes by Category
Amulets Rings Earrings Misc

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Silver Chain IconSilver Chain Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Silver Hook IconSilver Hook Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Silver Band IconSilver Band Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Silver Setting IconSilver Setting Jewelcrafting Lv. 0
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Weak Gemstone Dust IconWeak Gemstone Dust Jewelcrafting Lv. 20
Outfitting Station Tier 2
Gold Chain IconGold Chain
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x6
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Gold Band IconGold Band
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x6
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Gold Setting IconGold Setting
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Gold Hook IconGold Hook
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x6
Jewelcrafting Lv. 50
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Common Gemstone Dust IconCommon Gemstone Dust
Onyx Icon Onyx x3
Jewelcrafting Lv. 70
Outfitting Station Tier 3
Platinum Setting IconPlatinum Setting Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Platinum Hook IconPlatinum Hook Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Platinum Chain IconPlatinum Chain Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Platinum Band IconPlatinum Band Jewelcrafting Lv. 100
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Strong Gemstone Dust IconStrong Gemstone Dust Jewelcrafting Lv. 120
Outfitting Station Tier 4
Orichalcum Chain IconOrichalcum Chain Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Orichalcum Setting IconOrichalcum Setting Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Orichalcum Band IconOrichalcum Band Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Orichalcum Hook IconOrichalcum Hook Jewelcrafting Lv. 150
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Powerful Gemstone Dust IconPowerful Gemstone Dust Jewelcrafting Lv. 170
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Asmodeum Chain IconAsmodeum Chain
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x8
Jewelcrafting Lv. 200
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Asmodeum Setting IconAsmodeum Setting
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x4
Jewelcrafting Lv. 200
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Asmodeum Band IconAsmodeum Band
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x8
Jewelcrafting Lv. 200
Outfitting Station Tier 5
Asmodeum Hook IconAsmodeum Hook
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x8
Jewelcrafting Lv. 200
Outfitting Station Tier 5

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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