New World

List of Trade Skills and Professions

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Trade Skills
This is a list of all Trade Skills for New World. Read on for a complete list of trade skills and professions for gathering, refining, and crafting!

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills

New World - Gathering Trade Skills

All Trade Skills by Category
Gathering Skills Refining Skills Crafting Skills

Gathering Skills determine what kinds of resources players can harvest and collect throughout the land of Aeternum. Increasing the level of each skill will allow players to gather high-tier resources, opening up the way to refine and craft powerful items and equipment!

Skill Gatherable Resources Level Available
Logging IconLogging Young Trees 0
Mature Trees 50
Wyrdwood 100
Ironwood 175
Mining IconMining Iron 0
Silver 10
Oil 20
Gold 45
Alchemy Stones 50
Starmetal 100
Lodestone 105
Platinum 110
Orichalcum 175
Fishing IconFishing Fish *See annotation.
Harvesting IconHarvesting Farm Plants
Magical Creatures
Magical Plants 30
Silkweed 100
Wirefiber 175
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Small Prey
Medium Prey
Large Prey
Small Predator
Large Predator
*See annotation

Fishing: Instead of gatherable resources, leveling up fishing will allow players to discover different fishing spots. New fishing spots will become available as you raise the skill.

Tracking & Skinning: Players will be able skin Level 30 Animals and below regardless of their Tracking & Skinning level. However, to skin higher level animals, players will need to raise this skill to Level 70.

Refining Skills

New World - Refining Trade Skills

All Trade Skills by Category
Gathering Skills Refining Skills Crafting Skills

Refining Skills determine what kinds of gathered resources players can process, refine, and turn into usable material for crafting. Increasing the level of each skill will allow players to refine high-tier resources into precious materials.

Skill Refined Materials
Smelting IconSmelting Charcoal
Iron Ingot
Silver Ingot
Gold Ingot
Steel Ingot
Starmetal Ingot
Voidbent Ingot
Platinum Ingot
Orichalcum Ingot
Sand Flux
Shelldust Flux
Obsidian Flux
Woodworking.pngWoodworking Timber
Wyrdwood Planks
Ironwood Planks
Glittering Ebony
Coarse Sandpaper
Fine Sandpaper
Obsidian Sandpaper
Leatherworking IconLeatherworking Coarse Leather
Rugged Leather
Layered Leather
Infused Leather
Runic Leather
Rested Tannin
Aged Tannin
Weaving IconWeaving Linen
Infused Silk
Stonecutting IconStonecutting Amber
・All Block Types

Crafting Skills

New World - Crafting Trade Skills

All Trade Skills by Category
Gathering Skills Refining Skills Crafting Skills

Crafting Skills allow players to make different kinds of items ranging from weapons, armor, food, and even house furniture. Increasing the level of each skill will allow players to craft rare and powerful items!

Skill Crafted Items
Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Great Axes
War Hammers
・Honing Stones
Repair Kits
Armoring IconArmoring All Armor Types
Repair Kits
Engineering IconEngineering Muskets
Repair Kits
・Proficiency Boosters
Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting ・Trinkets
Arcana IconArcana Life Staves & Fire Staves
Ice Gauntlets
・Recovery Potions
・Resistance Tinctures
Cooking IconCooking ・Food
Fishing Bait
Furnishing IconFurnishing Furniture
・Storage Chests

How to Level Up Trade Skills

New World - Trade Skill Levels

In order to level up your trade skills, players must perform gathering, refining, and crafting tasks repeatedly until enough XP is earned to increase a particular skill's level. For example, mining ore continuously will level up your Mining trade skill.

Do note that levels will not carry over to other skills in the same trade skill category! Leveling up Mining or Fishing, for example, will not level up the other Gathering Skills.

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