New World

List of Refining Materials

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a list of all Refining Materials in New World. Read on to see lists of Refining Materials across all tiers, what they are used for, and how to get them!

List of Refining Materials

Tier 1 Refining Materials

There are no available resources in this tier.

Tier 2 Refining Materials

There are no available resources in this tier.

Tier 3 Refining Materials

Coarse Sandpaper IconCoarse Sandpaper Common Material Converter IconCommon Material Converter Crossweave IconCrossweave Sand Flux IconSand Flux
Tannin IconTannin Weak Solvent IconWeak Solvent

Tier 4 Refining Materials

Advanced Material Converter IconAdvanced Material Converter Fine Sandpaper IconFine Sandpaper Potent Solvent IconPotent Solvent Rested Tannin IconRested Tannin
Shelldust Flux IconShelldust Flux Silkweave IconSilkweave

Tier 5 Refining Materials

Aged Tannin IconAged Tannin Blisterweave IconBlisterweave Masterwork Material Converter IconMasterwork Material Converter Obsidian Flux IconObsidian Flux
Obsidian Sandpaper IconObsidian Sandpaper Pure Solvent IconPure Solvent Wireweave IconWireweave

How to Use Refining Materials

Refining Materials are items that can be used in various crafting recipes across the board. Unlike Crafting Components, however, these items are primarily used for Conversion and Downgrade recipes. Some of these can be used for standard crafting recipes as well!

How to Get Refining Materials

Looted From Chests and Caches

Most refining materials are typically found in Caches and Chests across Aeternum! Keep an eye out for these whenever you're out in the world.

Bought From The Trading Post

If RNG isn't on your side, consider spending your gold in the Trading Post in settlements to acquire Refining Resources. It is important to note that settlements can have varying tax rates depending on what the ruling company implemented, try to scout the trading posts ahead of time to get the most bang out of your buck!

Trading Post Guide: How to Use the Trading Post

Bought From Faction Shops

Material Converters are a sub-set of refining materials that can be bought from the faction shops of the Covenant, Marauders, and Syndicate. These items require you to reach a specific rank within these factions to buy them.

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