New World

All Goat Locations

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

All Goat Locations

This is a location guide to all the spawn points of Goats in New World! Read on to find all Goat locations, areas with the most spawn points, and all kinds of Goat drops!

Goat Basic Info

New World - Inky Ram.png Goat Type Prey
Size Small

Goat are docile creatures similar to sheeps. They are an easy prey for fur and meat if you are in need of these resources.

Where to Find Goats

Goats are usually found near farmlands. Unfortunately, no Goats can be tracked in the four starting areas in New World. Stay up to date as we track all goat spawn points in the higher level regions!

Goat Locations
Ebonscale Reach Reekwater Mourningdale
Great Cleave Edengrove

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Ebonscale Reach

Goats can be found in abundance in Ebonscale Reach, with groups of them being walking distance from each other. They are all found near the Ebonscale Reach settlemet, making it much easier to get to if you can fast travel there.


Another region abundant with goats, you can find groupd of them nearby the Reekwater settlement.


There are a group of goats found in Mourningdale, with a few located nearby the settlement. The larger number of them are found farther away.

Great Cleave

There are a number of goats that can found in Greaet Cleave. You can use the Spirit Shrine to the west of the areas you can find Goats to get to them.


It is not recommended to find Goats in Edengrove as there is only a few of them that can be found in the region. There is also no neaby settlement or Spirit Shrine to fast travel to near goats found here.

List of Goats & Required Skinning Levels

Animal List
Alpine Goat ImageAlpine Goat
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 Coming Soon!
Great Cleave
Edgeflow Goat ImageEdgeflow Goat Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 145 Coming Soon!
Inky Ram ImageInky Ram
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 Coming Soon!
Lushwilds Goat ImageLushwilds Goat Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Mountain Goat ImageMountain Goat Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Serenity Goat ImageSerenity Goat Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Ebonscale Reach
Sharptooth Billy ImageSharptooth Billy Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Thunder Cradle Goat ImageThunder Cradle Goat Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Ebonscale Reach

This section is currently under construction. Come back later for updates!

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