New World

List of Consumables

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a list of all Consumables in New World. Read on to see lists of Consumables across all tiers, what they are used for, and how to get them!

List of Consumables

Tier 1 Consumables

Cooked Corn IconCooked Corn Energizing Light Ration IconEnergizing Light Ration Light Ration IconLight Ration Old Hardtack IconOld Hardtack
Roasted Cabbage IconRoasted Cabbage Roasted Carrots IconRoasted Carrots Roasted Potatoes IconRoasted Potatoes Weak Health Potion IconWeak Health Potion
Weak Mana Potion IconWeak Mana Potion

Tier 2 Consumables

Apple Pie IconApple Pie Blackened Fish Fillet IconBlackened Fish Fillet Boiled Cabbage IconBoiled Cabbage Butter Poached Game IconButter Poached Game
Campfire Stew IconCampfire Stew Cheesy Broccoli Soup IconCheesy Broccoli Soup Common Ancient Coating IconCommon Ancient Coating Common Angry Earth Coating IconCommon Angry Earth Coating
Common Beast Coating IconCommon Beast Coating Common Blight Elixir IconCommon Blight Elixir Common Blight Tincture IconCommon Blight Tincture Common Corrupted Coating IconCommon Corrupted Coating
Common Corruption Elixir IconCommon Corruption Elixir Common Corruption Tincture IconCommon Corruption Tincture Common Focus Potion IconCommon Focus Potion Common Healing Elixir IconCommon Healing Elixir
Common Health Potion IconCommon Health Potion Common Lost Coating IconCommon Lost Coating Common Mana Elixir IconCommon Mana Elixir Common Mana Potion IconCommon Mana Potion
Common Regeneration Potion IconCommon Regeneration Potion Cornbread IconCornbread Energizing Travel Ration IconEnergizing Travel Ration Fish with Tarragon and Oregano IconFish with Tarragon and Oregano
Fish with Tomato and Basil IconFish with Tomato and Basil Fruit Salad IconFruit Salad Game Meat Skewers IconGame Meat Skewers Game Stuffed Apples with Mushrooms IconGame Stuffed Apples with Mushrooms
Garlic Rosemary Poultry IconGarlic Rosemary Poultry Garlic Steak IconGarlic Steak Herb-roasted Carrots IconHerb-roasted Carrots Herb-roasted Potatoes IconHerb-roasted Potatoes
Meat Pie IconMeat Pie Melon Créme Tart IconMelon Créme Tart Poached Fish with Lemon and Dill IconPoached Fish with Lemon and Dill Poison Antidote IconPoison Antidote
Pork Chops and Apple Sauce IconPork Chops and Apple Sauce Roast Pork Shank IconRoast Pork Shank Roasted Carrots with Dill IconRoasted Carrots with Dill Sausage with Creamed Corn IconSausage with Creamed Corn
Seared Venison Steak IconSeared Venison Steak Shooter Sandwich IconShooter Sandwich Speed Restorative IconSpeed Restorative Spiced Melon Pie IconSpiced Melon Pie
Tarragon Poultry Sliders IconTarragon Poultry Sliders Travel Ration IconTravel Ration Venison Jerky IconVenison Jerky Venison Pot Roast IconVenison Pot Roast
Weak Gemstone Dust IconWeak Gemstone Dust Weak Honing Stone IconWeak Honing Stone Weak Incense IconWeak Incense Weak Oakflesh Balm IconWeak Oakflesh Balm
Weak Proficiency Booster IconWeak Proficiency Booster

Tier 3 Consumables

Ability Restorative IconAbility Restorative Baked Fish Filet IconBaked Fish Filet Blueberry Pie IconBlueberry Pie Boiled Potatoes IconBoiled Potatoes
Burn Balm IconBurn Balm Carrot Soup IconCarrot Soup Cheesecake IconCheesecake Citrus Tart IconCitrus Tart
Coconut Crusted Fish Filet IconCoconut Crusted Fish Filet Coconut Custard IconCoconut Custard Common Gemstone Dust IconCommon Gemstone Dust Common Honing Stone IconCommon Honing Stone
Common Incense IconCommon Incense Common Oakflesh Balm IconCommon Oakflesh Balm Common Proficiency Booster IconCommon Proficiency Booster Corned Beef and Cabbage IconCorned Beef and Cabbage
Deep Fried Poultry IconDeep Fried Poultry Energizing Light Meal IconEnergizing Light Meal Fish Cakes IconFish Cakes Fried Calamari IconFried Calamari
Fruit Salad with Toasted Coconut IconFruit Salad with Toasted Coconut Game Meat with Citrus Glaze IconGame Meat with Citrus Glaze Grilled Pork with Spiced Squash IconGrilled Pork with Spiced Squash Grilled Poultry with Saffron Rice IconGrilled Poultry with Saffron Rice
Grilled Wolf Loin with Seasoned Squash IconGrilled Wolf Loin with Seasoned Squash Herb-crusted Broccoli IconHerb-crusted Broccoli Herb-Roasted Cabbage IconHerb-Roasted Cabbage Herb-Roasted Squash IconHerb-Roasted Squash
Honey Brew IconHoney Brew Honeyed Melon IconHoneyed Melon Light Meal IconLight Meal Meatloaf IconMeatloaf
Melon Infusion IconMelon Infusion Onion Smothered Pork IconOnion Smothered Pork Pork Chops with Pan Gravy IconPork Chops with Pan Gravy Ravioli with Brown Butter and Sage IconRavioli with Brown Butter and Sage
Roasted Game Bird with Berry Glaze IconRoasted Game Bird with Berry Glaze Steak with Mushroom Gravy IconSteak with Mushroom Gravy Strong Ancient Coating IconStrong Ancient Coating Strong Ancient Ward Potion IconStrong Ancient Ward Potion
Strong Angry Earth Coating IconStrong Angry Earth Coating Strong Angry Earth Ward Potion IconStrong Angry Earth Ward Potion Strong Arcane Absorption Potion IconStrong Arcane Absorption Potion Strong Beast Coating IconStrong Beast Coating
Strong Beast Ward Potion IconStrong Beast Ward Potion Strong Blight Elixir IconStrong Blight Elixir Strong Blight Tincture IconStrong Blight Tincture Strong Corrupted Coating IconStrong Corrupted Coating
Strong Corrupted Ward Potion IconStrong Corrupted Ward Potion Strong Corruption Elixir IconStrong Corruption Elixir Strong Corruption Tincture IconStrong Corruption Tincture Strong Encumbrance Potion IconStrong Encumbrance Potion
Strong Endurance Potion IconStrong Endurance Potion Strong Fire Absorption Potion IconStrong Fire Absorption Potion Strong Focus Potion IconStrong Focus Potion Strong Healing Elixir IconStrong Healing Elixir
Strong Health Potion IconStrong Health Potion Strong Lightning Absorption Potion IconStrong Lightning Absorption Potion Strong Lost Coating IconStrong Lost Coating Strong Lost Ward Potion IconStrong Lost Ward Potion
Strong Mana Elixir IconStrong Mana Elixir Strong Mana Potion IconStrong Mana Potion Strong Nature Absorption Potion IconStrong Nature Absorption Potion Strong Regeneration Potion IconStrong Regeneration Potion
Strong Void Absorption Potion IconStrong Void Absorption Potion Stuffed Pork Chop IconStuffed Pork Chop Stuffed Squash IconStuffed Squash Supreme Omelet IconSupreme Omelet
Venison Stroganoff IconVenison Stroganoff Wild Berry Compote IconWild Berry Compote

Tier 4 Consumables

Armor Restorative IconArmor Restorative Bear Flank Pinwheels IconBear Flank Pinwheels Berry Brew IconBerry Brew Berry Glazed Roasted Ham IconBerry Glazed Roasted Ham
Blueberry Glazed Ham Hock with Steamed Vegetables IconBlueberry Glazed Ham Hock with Steamed Vegetables Braised Wolf Loin IconBraised Wolf Loin Breakfast Bread IconBreakfast Bread Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair IconButter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair
Cabbage-Wrapped Roasted Fish IconCabbage-Wrapped Roasted Fish Calamari and Tomato Stew IconCalamari and Tomato Stew Caviar Crostini IconCaviar Crostini Clam Chowder IconClam Chowder
Cordon Bleu IconCordon Bleu Creamed Corn IconCreamed Corn Energizing Satisfying Meal IconEnergizing Satisfying Meal Filet with Mint and Cracked Barley IconFilet with Mint and Cracked Barley
Fish and Chips IconFish and Chips French Toast IconFrench Toast Orange Thyme Turkey Breast IconOrange Thyme Turkey Breast Paella IconPaella
Pesto-stuffed Turkey Breast IconPesto-stuffed Turkey Breast Poultry with Roasted Potatoes IconPoultry with Roasted Potatoes Powerful Ancient Coating IconPowerful Ancient Coating Powerful Ancient Ward Potion IconPowerful Ancient Ward Potion
Powerful Angry Earth Coating IconPowerful Angry Earth Coating Powerful Angry Earth Ward Potion IconPowerful Angry Earth Ward Potion Powerful Arcane Absorption Potion IconPowerful Arcane Absorption Potion Powerful Beast Coating IconPowerful Beast Coating
Powerful Beast Ward Potion IconPowerful Beast Ward Potion Powerful Blight Elixir IconPowerful Blight Elixir Powerful Blight Tincture IconPowerful Blight Tincture Powerful Corrupted Coating IconPowerful Corrupted Coating
Powerful Corrupted Ward Potion IconPowerful Corrupted Ward Potion Powerful Corruption Elixir IconPowerful Corruption Elixir Powerful Corruption Tincture IconPowerful Corruption Tincture Powerful Encumbrance Potion IconPowerful Encumbrance Potion
Powerful Endurance Potion IconPowerful Endurance Potion Powerful Fire Absorption Potion IconPowerful Fire Absorption Potion Powerful Focus Potion IconPowerful Focus Potion Powerful Healing Elixir IconPowerful Healing Elixir
Powerful Health Potion IconPowerful Health Potion Powerful Lightning Absorption Potion IconPowerful Lightning Absorption Potion Powerful Lost Coating IconPowerful Lost Coating Powerful Lost Ward Potion IconPowerful Lost Ward Potion
Powerful Mana Elixir IconPowerful Mana Elixir Powerful Mana Potion IconPowerful Mana Potion Powerful Nature Absorption Potion IconPowerful Nature Absorption Potion Powerful Void Absorption Potion IconPowerful Void Absorption Potion
Roasted Vegetable Medley IconRoasted Vegetable Medley Roasted Wolf Loin IconRoasted Wolf Loin Salted Ham with Apple Butter IconSalted Ham with Apple Butter Satisfying Meal IconSatisfying Meal
Seafood Bisque IconSeafood Bisque Shock Extractor IconShock Extractor Strong Gemstone Dust IconStrong Gemstone Dust Strong Honey Brew IconStrong Honey Brew
Strong Honing Stone IconStrong Honing Stone Strong Incense IconStrong Incense Strong Oakflesh Balm IconStrong Oakflesh Balm Strong Proficiency Booster IconStrong Proficiency Booster
Stuffed Calamari IconStuffed Calamari Sweet Fruit Trifle IconSweet Fruit Trifle Turkey and Stuffing with Mushroom Gravy IconTurkey and Stuffing with Mushroom Gravy Turkey Breast with Cranberry Glaze IconTurkey Breast with Cranberry Glaze
Turkey Pot Pie IconTurkey Pot Pie Vegetable Boil IconVegetable Boil Venison Roast IconVenison Roast Venison Tenderloin with Herb Butter IconVenison Tenderloin with Herb Butter
Wolf Loin Meat Pies IconWolf Loin Meat Pies

Tier 5 Consumables

Bacon-Wrapped Scallops IconBacon-Wrapped Scallops Blackened Mandje Mandje with Corn Succotash IconBlackened Mandje Mandje with Corn Succotash Blackened Ray-Finned Barb with Fondant Potatoes and Barley IconBlackened Ray-Finned Barb with Fondant Potatoes and Barley Carbonara IconCarbonara
Carrot Cake IconCarrot Cake Disease Cure IconDisease Cure Energizing Hearty Meal IconEnergizing Hearty Meal Fall Harvest Turkey IconFall Harvest Turkey
Filet in Mushroom Sauce IconFilet in Mushroom Sauce Fried Albenaja IconFried Albenaja Glazed Bear with Sauteed Vegetables IconGlazed Bear with Sauteed Vegetables Glazed Melon Bread IconGlazed Melon Bread
Hearty Meal IconHearty Meal Herb-Crusted Vegetables IconHerb-Crusted Vegetables Honey Roasted Ham IconHoney Roasted Ham Infused Ancient Coating IconInfused Ancient Coating
Infused Ancient Ward Potion IconInfused Ancient Ward Potion Infused Angry Earth Coating IconInfused Angry Earth Coating Infused Angry Earth Ward Potion IconInfused Angry Earth Ward Potion Infused Arcane Absorption Potion IconInfused Arcane Absorption Potion
Infused Beast Coating IconInfused Beast Coating Infused Beast Ward Potion IconInfused Beast Ward Potion Infused Blight Tincture IconInfused Blight Tincture Infused Corrupted Coating IconInfused Corrupted Coating
Infused Corrupted Ward Potion IconInfused Corrupted Ward Potion Infused Corruption Tincture IconInfused Corruption Tincture Infused Encumbrance Potion IconInfused Encumbrance Potion Infused Endurance Potion IconInfused Endurance Potion
Infused Fire Absorption Potion IconInfused Fire Absorption Potion Infused Focus Potion IconInfused Focus Potion Infused Health Potion IconInfused Health Potion Infused Lightning Absorption Potion IconInfused Lightning Absorption Potion
Infused Lost Coating IconInfused Lost Coating Infused Lost Ward Potion IconInfused Lost Ward Potion Infused Mana Potion IconInfused Mana Potion Infused Nature Absorption Potion IconInfused Nature Absorption Potion
Infused Regeneration Potion IconInfused Regeneration Potion Infused Void Absorption Potion IconInfused Void Absorption Potion Monstrous Turkey Leg IconMonstrous Turkey Leg PoacherPoacher's Pie
Pork Belly Fried Rice IconPork Belly Fried Rice Powerful Gemstone Dust IconPowerful Gemstone Dust Powerful Honing Stone IconPowerful Honing Stone Powerful Incense IconPowerful Incense
Powerful Oakflesh Balm IconPowerful Oakflesh Balm Powerful Proficiency Booster IconPowerful Proficiency Booster Rabbit Stew IconRabbit Stew Roasted Gnufish IconRoasted Gnufish
Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner IconRoasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner Roasted Rabbit with Seasoned Vegetables IconRoasted Rabbit with Seasoned Vegetables Roasted Turkey Thigh IconRoasted Turkey Thigh Salted Poultry with Cabbage IconSalted Poultry with Cabbage
Salted Roasted Vegetables IconSalted Roasted Vegetables Savory Fish Cake IconSavory Fish Cake Savory Vegetable Medley IconSavory Vegetable Medley Slow Roasted Bear Flank with Root Vegetables IconSlow Roasted Bear Flank with Root Vegetables
Smoked Rib Cap with Cabbage and Barley Soup IconSmoked Rib Cap with Cabbage and Barley Soup Spaghetti Bolognese IconSpaghetti Bolognese Spicy Cabbage Soup IconSpicy Cabbage Soup Spicy Steak Pie IconSpicy Steak Pie
Squid Ink Pasta with Clams IconSquid Ink Pasta with Clams Steamed Abaia Serpe IconSteamed Abaia Serpe Strength Restorative IconStrength Restorative Stuffed Venison Tenderloin IconStuffed Venison Tenderloin
Sweet Wild Berry Infusion IconSweet Wild Berry Infusion Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion IconTopaz Gypsum Attunement Potion Turkey Thigh with Pan Gravy and Spiced Wild Berries IconTurkey Thigh with Pan Gravy and Spiced Wild Berries Venison Tenderloin with Blueberry Glaze IconVenison Tenderloin with Blueberry Glaze

How to Use Consumables

Consumables are used for restoring your character's Health and Mana. They can also provide various buffs and resistances, such as removing afflictions or increasing your damage to enemies.

How to Get Consumables

Craft Consumables

Consumables can be crafted at Arcane Repositories and Kitchens. There's also a limited set of craftable Consumables when you set up a Camp.

Using these will increase your Arcana and Cooking skills, respectively.

Buy at Trading Posts

You should be able to find specific Consumables at Trading Posts. You can also choose to buy the necessary resources for Consumable Recipes instead.

Trading Post Guide: How to Use the Trading Post

Buy at Faction Stores

Certain Health, Mana, and Corruption Resistance potions can also be purchased from Faction Stores, so be sure to check them once you have enough gold!

New World Related Guides

List of Resources

Resources by Type
OresOres IngotsIngots HidesHides
LeathersLeathers FibersFibers ClothCloth
Stone BlocksStone Blocks BrickBrick WoodWood
PlanksPlanks ConsumablesConsumables IngredientsIngredients
GemstonesGemstones Tuning OrbsTuning Orbs Alchemy ResourcesAlchemy Resources
Faction SealsFaction Seals Special ResourcesSpecial Resources Refining MaterialsRefining Materials
DyesDyes Repair KitsRepair Kits Crafting ComponentsCrafting Components
PigmentsPigments AmmoAmmo BaitBait
Cooking Recipes and Crafting SchematicsCooking Recipes & Crafting Schematics Salvageable ScrapsSalvageable Scraps Material GroupsMaterial Groups


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