New World

List of Furniture

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Furniture
This is a list of all Furniture in New World. Read on to see lists of Furniture by type, what they are used for, and how to get them!

List of Furniture

Large Furnishings

Furniture by Type
Large Furnishings Small Furnishings Decorations

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Ash Armoire IconAsh Armoire Ash Cabinet IconAsh Cabinet Ash Chest of Drawers IconAsh Chest of Drawers Ash Desk IconAsh Desk
Ash Dresser IconAsh Dresser Ash End Table IconAsh End Table Ash Full Bed IconAsh Full Bed Ash Large Bookcase IconAsh Large Bookcase
Ash Large Table IconAsh Large Table Ash Small Bookcase IconAsh Small Bookcase Ash Small Table IconAsh Small Table Cerulean Sheets Bunk Bed IconCerulean Sheets Bunk Bed
Hewn Log Storage Chest IconHewn Log Storage Chest Iron SettlerIron Settler's Stove Iron Storage Chest IconIron Storage Chest Open Rickety Bookcase IconOpen Rickety Bookcase

Small Furnishings

Furniture by Type
Large Furnishings Small Furnishings Decorations

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Ash Bar Stool IconAsh Bar Stool Currently UnavailableAsh Casual Chair Ash Dining Chair IconAsh Dining Chair Ash Wall Shelf IconAsh Wall Shelf


Furniture by Type
Large Furnishings Small Furnishings Decorations

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Cerulean Curtains IconCerulean Curtains Cerulean Drape IconCerulean Drape Cerulean Valance IconCerulean Valance Minor Ancients Combat Trophy IconMinor Ancients Combat Trophy
Minor Angry Earth Combat Trophy IconMinor Angry Earth Combat Trophy Minor Arcana Crafting Trophy IconMinor Arcana Crafting Trophy Minor Armoring Crafting Trophy IconMinor Armoring Crafting Trophy Minor Cooking Crafting Trophy IconMinor Cooking Crafting Trophy
Minor Corrupted Combat Trophy IconMinor Corrupted Combat Trophy Minor Engineering Crafting Trophy IconMinor Engineering Crafting Trophy Minor Fishing Gathering Trophy IconMinor Fishing Gathering Trophy Minor Harvesting Gathering Trophy IconMinor Harvesting Gathering Trophy
Minor Logging Gathering Trophy IconMinor Logging Gathering Trophy Minor Lost Combat Trophy IconMinor Lost Combat Trophy Minor Mining Gathering Trophy IconMinor Mining Gathering Trophy Minor Skinning Gathering Trophy IconMinor Skinning Gathering Trophy
Minor Weaponsmithing Crafting Trophy IconMinor Weaponsmithing Crafting Trophy Minor Wildlife Combat Trophy IconMinor Wildlife Combat Trophy Old Placesetting IconOld Placesetting Round Sunny Rug IconRound Sunny Rug
Rusty Iron Lantern IconRusty Iron Lantern Warm Iron Chandelier - Bright IconWarm Iron Chandelier - Bright Warm Iron Lantern - Bright IconWarm Iron Lantern - Bright Warm Iron Sconce - Bright IconWarm Iron Sconce - Bright
Wicker Basket IconWicker Basket

How to Use Furniture

Decorate a Player House

You can use pieces of furniture to decorate and add storage to your player house. If you have a high skill level in Furnishing, you can craft trophies which provide buffs in combat, as well as in crafting and gathering skills.

To unlock a player house, you need to level up your Territory Standing in a region to Level 10. Once you have reached the level, you can purchase a house in any of the region's settlement.

Territory Guide: How to Gain Territory Standing

How to Get Furniture

Craft using a Workshop

New World - Workshop Menu
Furniture can be obtained by crafting one in the Workshop. Doing so increases your Furnishing trade skill.

Workshop Guide: Crafting Recipes and Skills

Buy from the Trading Post

Pieces of furniture can also be bought from the Trading Post in the settlement. Note that you need to check the market from the Trading Post screen to see which areas sell the materials.

Trading Post Guide: How to Use the Trading Post

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

This is not all this is the base there’s a bunch of secret ones


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