New World

Strong Momentum Skill: Stats and Information

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Strong Momentum, a skill in New World. Stats, cooldown, mana cost, and effects of Strong Momentum can all be found here and more!

Strong Momentum Stats and Information

Strong Momentum
Strong Momentum Icon.png
Effect GRIT is now active during the attack making your attacks unstoppable.
Weapon Tree Type
Spear Zoner Passive
Mana Cost Cooldown Req. Skill
- - Invigorating Combo

List of All Spear Skills

New World Related Guides

New World - List of Weapon Skills.png

List of All Skills and Abilities

Active Spear Skills

Active Skills
CycloneCyclone JavelinJavelin PerforatePerforate
SkewerSkewer SweepSweep Vault KickVault Kick

Passive Spear Skills

Passive Skills
Aggressive ManeuversAggressive Maneuvers Continuous MotionContinuous Motion Coup De GraceCoup De Grace
Crippling JabsCrippling Jabs Deadly AmbushDeadly Ambush Deadly ConsistencyDeadly Consistency
Deadly DistanceDeadly Distance Deadly ReachDeadly Reach Deep WoundDeep Wound
Defensive StanceDefensive Stance Evasive ManeuversEvasive Maneuvers Exacerbating CritsExacerbating Crits
Exploited WeaknessExploited Weakness Exposed WoundsExposed Wounds Finishing BlowsFinishing Blows
Follow ThroughFollow Through Forceful ImpactForceful Impact Impactful StrikesImpactful Strikes
Invigorating ComboInvigorating Combo Invigorating CritsInvigorating Crits Merciless StrengthMerciless Strength
Precise JabsPrecise Jabs Refreshing JabsRefreshing Jabs Refreshing PrecisionRefreshing Precision
Refreshing ReachRefreshing Reach Relentless BlowsRelentless Blows Reserved StrengthReserved Strength
Rupturing StrikesRupturing Strikes Strong ConditioningStrong Conditioning Strong MomentumStrong Momentum
Tenacious SweepTenacious Sweep Unerring PrecisionUnerring Precision


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