New World

New World Update 1.0.3: Patch Notes and Release Date

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Update 1.0.3

This guide lists all information on New World Update: 1.0.3. Read on to learn more about the patch's release date, information of Character Server Transfers, and general gameplay tweaks and bug fixes that the patch addresses.

New World Update 1.0.3: Release Date and Summary

Released at 10PM PT on October 19, 2021

New World released its third update since launch. This patch aimed to introduce the gradual rolling-out of Character Server Transfers, as well as several general gameplay tweaks and bug fixes.

Source: New World Official Site

Patch Notes Summary

Patch Notes Highlights
Character Server Transfers ・Introduced roadmap of transfering characters to different servers
・The ability to transfer will be gradually rolled out, starting with Utopia, then the rest of AP Southeast, before being implemented worldwide.
・FAQ with detailed information on how to transfer, and what items you can take with you are listed below.
General ・Implemented final pieces of the server transfer framework.
・Added improvements to UI
・Various gameplay adjustments
・Added general performance improvements for visual artifacts and graphics settings.
Bug Fixes ・Fixed issues with the T4 and T5 azoth staves
・Fixed an issue causing the abandoning event notification to persist.
・Fixed issues with early game spawning and housing UI.
・Fixed various localization issues throughout the game.
・Resolved login errors
・Various other gameplay fixes listed below.

Patch Notes: Character Server Transfers

New World - Character Server Transfers

While the developers want everyone to find their long-term home in Aeternum as soon as possible, they also want to ensure that the process is safe and ready for everyone to use. They have been hard at work on the feature and testing it for the past two weeks, but because this feature is brand new, they have decided to take a safe, incremental approach to rolling out transfers to all players.

When all worlds are back online from downtime, the plan is to monitor the framework that has been created without turning transfers on immediately. Once it has confirmed that the framework holds up at scale, character server transfers will be turned on in the Utopia world first, in the AP Southeast region. Transfers will be closely monitored in this world, and if anything out of the ordinary occurs, the New World team will need to make manual interventions. If all goes well, it will be turned on for the rest of the AP Southeast region, and shall be continuously monitored. If after 8 hours the New World team hasn’t discovered any issues, they will fully deploy character server transfers to the other regions.

Thank you to the AP Southeast players for helping us ensure this feature is ready for the worldwide rollout, and thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience. Please stay tuned to @playnewworld and the forums for the latest updates!

Please review the video and FAQ below so you can understand how the transfer process will work, the limitations, and how it impacts your character. Each player will receive one free character transfer token.

Enjoy your new home in Aeternum!

Character Server Transfer FAQs

How Do I Transfer My Character?

  • You need to log into your character, which means waiting in any applicable queues.
  • There will be a new tab in the in-game store to claim your character transfer token.
  • You need to leave your Company.
  • You need to remove any active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders.
  • Your character must be located in a sanctuary (such as a settlement or outpost).

What Comes With Me When I Transfer?

  • You will keep all character progression (level, weapon mastery, titles, etc.).
  • You will keep your inventory and storage.
  • You will keep all of your currency.
  • You will keep your houses and housing decorations.
  • You will keep all quest progress.

What Does Not Transfer With My Character?

  • Your Company membership needs to be terminated before transferring, and will not carry over.
  • Active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders must be removed and will not carry over.
  • Your friends list is world specific and will not transfer.

Where Can I Move My Character To?

You can move your character to any world in your region, except:

  • You cannot move your character to a full world.
  • You cannot move your character to a world in maintenance.
  • You cannot move your character to a world set that you have an existing character in already.

Will There be Opportunities to Transfer Again if I Choose the Wrong World, the World My Friends Chose Filled Up, or I Regret Choosing the World I Transferred To?

Transferring again will require an additional token. The New World team will continue monitoring world populations, queue times, and will evaluate the need for an additional wave of server transfer tokens to be given out for free. After they are sure players have had plenty of time to find the right server for them, server transfer tokens will later be made available for purchase in the store. Notice will be given ahead of time when tokens are changing to a paid service.

Character Transfer Guide:
How to Do a Server Transfer

Patch Notes: General

General Updates

  • Implemented final pieces of the server transfer framework.
  • Added improvements to the World selection UI.
  • Added clearer messaging when a player is kicked due to going AFK or violating the EAC.
  • Added clearer messaging when stacked discounts are present, such as territory standing and faction discounts on property taxes.
  • Implemented back-end changes to help New World team investigate concerns around the client performance in War.
  • Adjusted the respawn timer on Boatswain Ambrose and various other elite enemies throughout the world.
  • In The Depths, Players must now be in the arena to damage Thorpe.
  • An error message now appears when players attempt to buy their own items in the Trading Post.
  • Reverted a chest/loot change from update 1.0.2 that was causing too many refining reagents to roll from chests.
  • Adjusted the volume on the Amazon Games splash screen.
  • Armor is limited to 1 skill perk per piece.
  • Added general performance improvements for visual artifacts and graphics settings.
  • Dyes are now removed from items upon trade with a warning message present.
  • The Time to Declare War" timer now visually pauses to make it clear when an Invasion is imminent but not yet scheduled. Territory remains in a Conflict state after Invasions, and War can be declared.

Patch Notes: Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with the T4 and T5 azoth staffs— go close those high level portals!
  • Fixed an issue causing the abandoning event notification to persist.
  • Fixed a housing UI issue. The UI will now correctly shows that property taxes are subject to the full price of the home, and not impacted by the first time home buyer discount.
  • Fixed issues with early game spawning. The watchtower respawn point is replaced by the Settlement after it has been discovered. Players no longer incorrectly respawn at a Watchtower after selecting to respawn at a Settlement.
  • Fixed various localization issues throughout the game.
  • Fixed an issue where not all items for Town Projects were consumed when completing the mission.
  • Resolved login errors that prevented players from accessing their character.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Arena keys to not drop as intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Runic Bear armor to not be appropriately dyed during Wars.
  • Fixed a pet placement issue. Pets placed in an otherwise empty house now remain in the home after the player logs out, instead of returning the pet to the player’s inventory.
  • AP Southeast servers now display the correct time zone in-game.
  • Fixed an issue with titles - player titles and achievements now appear as intended, and the achievement tab properly updates when a new achievement is earned.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Company invites to persist after decline/accept.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Rajah spawns to stack forever - one big cat at a time, please!

Speculative Fixes

The fixes listed below are tentative fixes and mitigations. The New World team's goal is to get these changes out and see if issues persist, so they can continue to work on them and address in a future update if necessary.

  • Worked to fix an issue where Wars and Invasions kicked off earlier than scheduled.
  • Worked to fix an issue where not all settlement stations upgrade as intended when town projects are completed.
  • Players should no longer become stuck when entering or exiting an instance. If a player reconnects and their character is dead, the respawn screen is open with respawn options available. Players who are currently stuck need to contact customer support to have their character unstuck.

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