New World

Engineering Leveling Guide: How to Level from 0 to 200

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World Engineering Leveling Guide

Engineering is a trade skill in New World that allows you to craft various weapons and tools. This guide will show you how to level up the Engineering skill fast from 0 to 200, and show a list of all Engineering recipes. Read on to learn more!

How to Level Up Engineering from 0 to 200

While costly and time-consuming to level up, Engineering will pay off massively during end-game as majority of trade skill progression relies on the Tools crafted under this profession.

This guide will show players how to level up Engineering from 0 to 200, as well as which corresponding gathering and refining skills will be needed along the way.

Engineering Level Ranges
0-50 50-100 100-150 150-200

Use the links above to quickly jump to each Engineering leveling range!

Engineering Level 0 to 50

Check IconBulk Craft Gunpowder

Check IconBulk Craft Treated Wood Spears or Bows

Check IconLevel Up Logging to 50

Bulk Craft Gunpowder

New World - Craft Gunpowder

The easiest method to power-level from Engineering level 0 to 50 is by crafting Gunpowder. However, do note that this will only work at early level ranges. Due to Update 1.1, this method will need unrealistic amounts of resources at higher levels.

Majority of the items needed can either be bought from the Trading Post or farmed in each player's starting region. Although, it is best to keep in mind that the Flint farming side of this recipe will be tedious.

Item Req. Materials
Gunpowder IconGunpowder x140
StrongCharcoal x700
BulrushFlint x280
EarthSaltpeter x140

Bulk Craft Treated Wood Spears or Bows

New World - Bulk Craft Treated Wood Bows or Spears

Alternatively, players who are looking to level up their Logging while raising Engineering can opt to craft either Treated Wood Spears or Bows, instead. However, this method will cost more than Gunpowder crafting.

Spears will use metal ingots as a secondary resource while Bows use cloth. Craft the cheapest option by checking the server's raw material prices at the Trading Post. Also, take into account that fibers are much easier to farm compared to iron ore.

Weapon Req. Materials
Treated Wood Spear Treated Wood Spear x66
TimberTimber x660
Iron IngotIron Ingot x132
Treated Wood Bow Treated Wood Bow x66
TimberTimber x792
LinenLinen x132

Level Up Logging to 50

New World - Reach Logging 50

Logging level 50 will allow players to start cutting down Mature Trees. The Aged Wood that players get will be essential to bulk crafting Tier 3 weapons at Engineering 50.

Try to level up this trade skill in the early stages of Engineering to limit the items that need to be bought from the Trading Post. Remember, coin will be hard to come by as player characters approach level 60.

Engineering Level 50 to 100

Check IconCraft Gunpowder Until Engineering Level 70

Check IconGather Green and Aged Wood from Starter Regions

Check IconGather a Surplus of Iron Ore and Fiber

Check IconCraft Lacquered 149 Wood Spears or Bows

Check IconLevel Up Logging and Woodworking to 100

Note: There will be no mention of crafting weapons that use metal as a primary resource (such as Muskets) in this guide as ore, whether farmed or bought, will always be more rare and costly than the widely available wood materials.

Instead, players will only need to farm Iron Ore for the rest of the leveling process (50 to 200), keeping costs relatively cheap for those looking to use the Trading Post.

Craft Gunpowder Until Engineering Level 70

New World - Gather Saltpeter for Gunpowder

Saltpeter will be one of the easiest resources to either farm or buy. To give Engineering a small boost to level 70, players can craft 366 Gunpowder while using the most basic of materials.

Item Req. Materials
Gunpowder IconGunpowder x366
StrongCharcoal x1830
BulrushFlint x732
EarthSaltpeter x366

Gather Green and Aged Wood from Starter Regions

Bulk crafting weapons or tools from this level range onwards will become the norm. When looking for a sufficient supply of Aged Wood and Green Wood, look no further than Monarch's Bluff, First Light, and Windsward.

These starter settlements will have fast respawning Young and Mature Trees (in close proximity) that players can log endlessly for easy wood.

Gather a Surplus of Iron Ore and Fiber

Iron Ore will be easy to come by in starter regions as it has an abundance of resource nodes for each region. Keep farming and storing Iron Ore while out questing and build up a surplus to use later on.

Fibers are even easier to farm. The fields to the west of Windsward (near the Hermit's Hut) will have a ton of fast spawning Hemp plants that players can cycle through in a single farm run.

Craft 149 Lacquered Wood Spears or Bows

New World - Bulk Craft Lacquered Wood Spears or Bows

In order to get to level 100 Engineering, players will need to refine their gathered resources and craft 149 copies of either Lacquered Wood Spears or Lacquered Wood Bows.

Both will give the same amount of trade skill XP. The only differences are in the amount of Lumber used (bows use more) and the ease of farming secondary resources (bows use linen which is easier to farm).

Weapon Req. Materials
Lacquered Wood SpearLacquered Wood Spear x149
LumberLumber x1639
Iron IngotIron Ingot x745
Lacquered Wood BowLacquered Wood Bow x149
LumberLumber x1937
LinenLinen x298

Level Up Logging and Woodworking to 100

New World - Reach Logging 100

In order to farm the next tier of wood (Wyrdwood) for the 100 to 150 trade skill level grind, players must raise their Logging level to 100. Do this in order to prevent trade skill progress from relying solely on the Trading Post.

Woodworking will also need to be raised to 100 in order to unlock the refining of Wyrdwood Planks.

Engineering Level 100 to 150

Check IconCut Down Wyrdwood Trees

Check IconCraft 344 Wyrdwood Spears or Bows

Check IconCraft 344 Wyrdwood Fishing Poles

Check IconLevel Up Logging to 175 and Woodworking to 150

Cut Down Wyrdwood Trees

The next round of bulk crafting will require Tier 4 Wood Planks. Players will need to cut down Wyrdwood Trees in order to fulfill the order. For easy-to-farm clusters of Wyrdwood, head to Brightwood, Great Cleave, or Edengrove.

Note: Locations in Brightwood and Edengrove will have Tundra Elementals. While they used to be great sources for Wyrdwood, Update 1.1.1 significantly nerfed the amount they drop. Do not bother farming them unless it is for Logging XP.

Craft 344 Wyrdwood Spears or Bows

New World - Bulk Craft Wyrdwood Spears or Bows

At this point, progress will become slower due to the most recent game update. In order to reach Engineering 150, players will need to craft 344 Wyrdwood Spears or Bows.

Due to the amount of material resources needed (listed below), it is recommended that players craft these in small batches while progressing the game.

Weapon Req. Materials
Wyrdwood SpearWyrdwood Spear x344
Iron IngotIron Ingot x1720
Wyrdwood BowWyrdwood Bow x344
LinenLinen x688

Craft 344 Wyrdwood Fishing Poles

New World - Bulk Craft Wyrdwood Fishing Poles

Alternatively, players can also opt to craft the same amount of Wyrdwood Fishing Poles to reach Engineering 150. While this will generate a bit of income via the Trading Post, do note that demand will vary greatly between servers.

Tool Req. Materials
Wyrdwood Fishing PoleWyrdwood Fishing Pole x344
LinenLinen x688

Level Up Logging to 175 and Woodworking to 150

New World - Reach Woodworking Level 150

Logging 175 will unlock the next resource tier (Ironwood) for farming. Given how costly Ironwood Planks are at the Trading Post (even in high pop servers), it will be better to raise Logging in order to personally farm for the resource.

Woodworking at 150 will unlock the ability to refine Ironwood into Ironwood Planks. Raise this skill by continuously refining raw wood into planks while raising the Logging trade skill to 175.

Engineering Level 150 to 200

Check IconBuy Raw and Refined Materials

Check IconFarm Basic Resources in Mid to High-Level Regions

Check IconFarm Ironwood Trees

Check IconCraft 557 Ironwood Spears or Bows

Check IconCraft 557 Ironwood Spears or Bows

Note: 150 Engineering is a comfortable position for new level 60s and players below 60. Being able to craft Tier 5 Orichlacum weapons and ammunition will allow for a better end-game transition than having no crafting skills at 150 at all.

Buy Raw and Refined Materials

After Update 1.1, the amount of materials needed to reach 200 Engineering skyrocketed. With more emphasis put on late-game resources such as Ironwood, players will have to source raw and refined materials outside of their farming runs.

Always check the Trading Post for deals on the materials needed for bulk crafting as prices may change daily. Also, make use of Buy Orders to make buying via the Trading Post easier.

New World Trading Post Guide

Farm Basic Resources in Mid to High-Level Regions

Since all weapon crafting recipes will call for the most basic of materials (e.g., Iron Ore or Fibers), it will always be better to farm these in mid to high-level regions like Mourningdale and the northern area of Restless Shore.

Players in these zones (even in high population servers) are usually more focused on questing or getting mid to high tier raw resources, leaving basic nodes like Iron Veins and Hemp free to farm.

Farm Ironwood Trees

Since late-game crafting will need Tier 5 Wood Planks, players will need to cut down a ton of Ironwood Trees. These trees are a scarce resource in New World, only spawning in large clusters within end-game regions.

With long node respawn times, players can try the indicated areas to make the most of their farming runs. However, do note that all these areas will have very high-level enemy patrols.

Craft 557 Ironwood Spears or Bows

New World - Bulk Craft Ironwood Spears or Bows

In order to get from 150 to 200 Engineering, players will need to craft a whopping 557 Ironwood Spears or Bows. This will take a great amount of time so it is recommended that players take their time completing this step.

Farm and progress through end-game content while keeping the following amounts in mind when collecting resources. Note: 200 Engineering does not guarantee 600 Gear Score crafting. So, try not to rush this portion of the trade skill grind.

Weapon Req. Materials
Ironwood SpearIronwood Spear x557
Iron IngotIron Ingot x2785
Ironwood BowIronwood Bow x557
LinenLinen x1114

Craft 557 Ironwood Fishing Poles

New World - Bulk Craft Ironwood Fishing Poles

Alternatively, players can also opt to crat 557 Ironwood Fishing Poles. While this costs more than Ironwood Spear crafting, Fishing Poles tend to sell really well due to how Fishing Perks and Fishing progression works.

Craft these tools to get an alternative source of income during late-game. Of course, mileage may vary depending on the server's progress. For small servers with a majority population of veteran level 60s, this method might not sell as well as it could.

Tool Req. Materials
Ironwood Fishing PoleIronwood Fishing Pole x557
LinenLinen x1114

Engineering Leveling Tips

Check IconUse Proficiency Boosters & Yield Boosting Tools

Check IconMake Use of the Trading Post

Check IconMaintain Your Trade Skills As You Progress Through Zones

Check IconCraft and Refine Resources in Settlements With Low Taxes

Check IconChoose Territory Standing Bonuses Based on Leveling Strategies

Check IconDo Not Bulk Craft Tier 1 Tools

Check IconAbandon Gunpowder Crafting After Reaching Engineering 100

Check IconCraft Orichalcum Tools for End-Game Income

Check IconSalvage and Sell Crafted Items

Use Proficiency Boosters & Yield Boosting Tools

New World - Use Proficiency Boosters

While low-tier items are easily farmed en masse, end-game materials such as Ironwood will take a significant amount of time to farm and amass. For solo players and Company Settlers, make sure to use Proficiency Boosters when out farming to increase the yield of items gathered.

Consumable Effects and Level Req.
Weak Proficiency Booster ImageWeak Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 5% for 10 minutes.
Required Level 5
Common Proficiency Booster ImageCommon Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 7% for 15 minutes.
Required Level 20
Strong Proficiency Booster ImageStrong Proficiency Booster Increase the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 10% for 20 minutes.
Required Level 40
Powerful Proficiency Booster ImagePowerful Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 15% for 30 minutes.
Required Level 60

Additionally, tools equipped with Yield Boosting perks will also help increase the amount of gathered resources per farming run. Buy or craft them, and use both methods to significantly reduce the amount of time needed to raise Engineering levels.

Perk Effect
Mining Yield iconMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.
Harvesting Yield iconHarvesting Yield Harvesting yields 10% more resources.
Logging Yield iconLogging Yield Logging yields 10% more resources.
Logging Axe
Skinning Yield iconSkinning Yield Skinning yields 10% more resources.
Skinning Knife

Make Use of the Trading Post

The biggest advantage of players in high population servers is the Trading Post. More players means more gatherers, and this usually translates to lower prices for raw resources and refining materials.

Take advantage of the ridiculously low prices and buy items that cannot be farmed easily like Refining Materials. Players can also sell the best of their crafted items to recoup some of the losses due to trade skill leveling requirements.

New World Trading Post Guide

Maintain Your Trade Skills As You Progress Through Zones

New World - Farm while Questing

Questing in New World will earn players both coin and XP. However, when looking to level up trade skills like Engineering, an equal amount of time must be dedicated to farming raw materials and refining them.

As players level up and move from region to region, make sure to keep farming for resources even while out questing. This ensures that trade skills stay relevant to your needs (e.g., being able to craft Starmetal weapons after hitting level 40+).

Crafting Guide: How to Level Trade Skills Fast

Craft and Refine Resources in Settlements With Low Taxes

During Engineering leveling, players will be crafting a lot of items and refining a ton of raw materials. While usually cheap, costs pile up when refining wood by the tens of thousands.

Make sure to craft and refine in settlements with a low crafting and refining tax rate. Always pay attention to the taxes as they will vary depending on the owner of the settlement.

Choose Territory Standing Bonuses Based on Leveling Strategies

New World - Storage Standing Bonus

Players should choose Territory Standing Bonuses with their leveling strategies in mind. For example, when planning to make liberal use of the Trading Post, make sure to pick up the Trading Tax Reduction bonus.

Each case may vary depending on server population, settlement location, and the region's gatherable resources. Weigh the options carefully and plan for the future as trade skill leveling will be a long grind.

All Territory Standing Bonuses

Do Not Bulk Craft Tier 1 Tools

New World - Do Not Bulk Craft Tier 1 Tools

Tier 1 items like the Flint Tools will not give trade skill EXP. Do not waste your resources bulk crafting these cheap items as they do not give you anything! Use accumulated flint to craft Gunpowder instead.

Abandon Gunpowder Crafting After Reaching Engineering 100

Once players hit 100, using Gunpowder crafting will no longer be viable unlike in previous versions of the game. The amount of flint, charcoal, and saltpeter will be astronomical, while the boost to Engineering will be minimal.

Focus on leveling Engineering gradually as weapon crafting will be too difficult to manage when done in one sitting (especially bulk crafting late-game weapons).

Craft Orichalcum Tools for End-Game Income

Unlike weapons and armor, Tools are not part of the world loot table, meaning there will always be demand for them. Orichlacum Tools, for example, are a must for every level 60 as it helps with end-game resource farming.

Take full advantage of 150 Engineering by crafting and selling Orichalcum Tools as a means of boosting income. This will allow players to have a balance between farming resources versus simply purchasing them at the Trading Post.

Salvage and Sell Crafted Items

New World - Salvage or Sell Crafted Items

Salvage items with bad stat rolls and bad perks to recoup material losses. Sell decent crafted weapons and tools (particularly fishing rods when going that route) as they may still fetch a fair price depending on the items being sold at the Trading Post.

Note: Selling weapons may be harder to do in highly populated servers since most crafted weapons at a fresh 150 Engineering will not compare to low-price, 570+ Gear Score gear being made by master crafters.

Engineering Crafting Recipes


New World - Muskets

Crafting Recipes by Category
Muskets Bows Spears
Hatchets Tools Misc. & Ammo

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Faeforged Musket IconFaeforged Musket
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x20
Scarhide Icon Scarhide x2
Tolvium Icon Tolvium x4
Engineering Lv. 195
Workshop Tier 5
Fear of Peace IconFear of Peace
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x20
Cinnabar Icon Cinnabar x4
Smolderhide Icon Smolderhide x2
Engineering Lv. 190
Workshop Tier 5
Garden Keeper Musket IconGarden Keeper Musket
Sticky Vines Icon Sticky Vines x10
Putrid Bark Icon Putrid Bark x1
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 160
Workshop Tier 5
Lazarus Watcher Musket IconLazarus Watcher Musket
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 160
Workshop Tier 4
Orichalcum Musket IconOrichalcum Musket
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Rifle of Sinister Deeds IconRifle of Sinister Deeds
Shifthide Icon Shifthide x2
Engineering Lv. 145
Workshop Tier 4
Manashot Blunderbuss IconManashot Blunderbuss Engineering Lv. 140
Workshop Tier 4
Deepwatcher Musket IconDeepwatcher Musket
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 110
Workshop Tier 4
Shipyard Sentinel Musket IconShipyard Sentinel Musket
Jade Collar Icon Jade Collar x10
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 110
Workshop Tier 4
Starmetal Musket IconStarmetal Musket
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Musket of the Corrupted Guardian IconMusket of the Corrupted Guardian
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Voidmetal Icon Voidmetal x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x15
Engineering Lv. 80
Workshop Tier 3
Calamity IconCalamity
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Voidmetal Icon Voidmetal x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x15
Engineering Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Obelisk Guard Musket IconObelisk Guard Musket
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 60
Workshop Tier 3
Amrine Temple Musket IconAmrine Temple Musket
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 60
Workshop Tier 2
Steel Musket IconSteel Musket
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
HunterHunter's Longshot
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x20
Fae Iron Icon Fae Iron x4
Timber Icon Timber x15
Engineering Lv. 25
Workshop Tier 2
Iron Musket IconIron Musket
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x12
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2


New World - Bows

Crafting Recipes by Category
Muskets Bows Spears
Hatchets Tools Misc. & Ammo

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
The Lookout IconThe Lookout
Phoenixweave Icon Phoenixweave x15
Barbvine Icon Barbvine x4
Scalecloth Icon Scalecloth x2
Engineering Lv. 197
Workshop Tier 5
Longsight IconLongsight
Phoenixweave Icon Phoenixweave x15
Wildwood Icon Wildwood x4
Engineering Lv. 187
Workshop Tier 5
Garden Keeper Bow IconGarden Keeper Bow
Sticky Vines Icon Sticky Vines x10
Putrid Bark Icon Putrid Bark x1
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 160
Workshop Tier 5
Lazarus Watcher Bow IconLazarus Watcher Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 160
Workshop Tier 4
Ironwood Bow IconIronwood Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Longbow of the Arcane Eye IconLongbow of the Arcane Eye
Silk Icon Silk x15
Ebonwood Icon Ebonwood x4
Engineering Lv. 147
Workshop Tier 4
SirenSiren's Call
Silk Icon Silk x15
Quillbark Icon Quillbark x4
Scalecord Icon Scalecord x2
Engineering Lv. 142
Workshop Tier 4
Deepwatcher Bow IconDeepwatcher Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 110
Workshop Tier 4
Shipyard Sentinel Bow IconShipyard Sentinel Bow
Jade Collar Icon Jade Collar x10
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 110
Workshop Tier 4
Wyrdwood Bow IconWyrdwood Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Bow of the Dark Ranger IconBow of the Dark Ranger
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x20
Sateen Icon Sateen x15
Whisperwood Icon Whisperwood x4
Engineering Lv. 82
Workshop Tier 3
Thread of Fate IconThread of Fate
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x20
Sateen Icon Sateen x15
Whisperwood Icon Whisperwood x4
Engineering Lv. 77
Workshop Tier 3
Obelisk Guard Bow IconObelisk Guard Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 60
Workshop Tier 3
Amrine Temple Bow IconAmrine Temple Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 60
Workshop Tier 2
Lacquered Wood Bow IconLacquered Wood Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Venerable Recurve IconVenerable Recurve
Timber Icon Timber x20
Linen Icon Linen x15
Engineering Lv. 27
Workshop Tier 2
Treated Wood Bow IconTreated Wood Bow
Leathers Icon Leathers x3
Cloth Icon Cloth x2
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2


New World - Spears

Crafting Recipes by Category
Muskets Bows Spears
Hatchets Tools Misc. & Ammo

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Iron Spear IconIron Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Metals Icon Metals x5
Engineering Lv. 0
Forge Tier 2
Dryad Walking Stick IconDryad Walking Stick
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x20
Fae Iron Icon Fae Iron x4
Timber Icon Timber x15
Engineering Lv. 26
Forge Tier 2
Steel Spear IconSteel Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Metals Icon Metals x5
Engineering Lv. 50
Forge Tier 3
Amrine Temple Spear IconAmrine Temple Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 60
Forge Tier 2
Obelisk Guard Spear IconObelisk Guard Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 60
Forge Tier 3
Last Light IconLast Light
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Voidmetal Icon Voidmetal x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x15
Engineering Lv. 76
Forge Tier 3
Spread of Malice IconSpread of Malice
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Voidmetal Icon Voidmetal x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x15
Engineering Lv. 81
Forge Tier 3
Starmetal Spear IconStarmetal Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Metals Icon Metals x5
Engineering Lv. 100
Forge Tier 4
Shipyard Sentinel Spear IconShipyard Sentinel Spear
Jade Collar Icon Jade Collar x10
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 110
Forge Tier 4
Deepwatcher Spear IconDeepwatcher Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 110
Forge Tier 4
Bloodright IconBloodright
Shifthide Icon Shifthide x2
Engineering Lv. 136
Forge Tier 4
Irreverent Edge IconIrreverent Edge Engineering Lv. 146
Forge Tier 4
Orichalcum Spear IconOrichalcum Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Metals Icon Metals x5
Engineering Lv. 150
Forge Tier 5
Lazarus Watcher Spear IconLazarus Watcher Spear
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 160
Forge Tier 4
Garden Keeper Spear IconGarden Keeper Spear
Sticky Vines Icon Sticky Vines x10
Putrid Bark Icon Putrid Bark x1
Leathers Icon Leathers x2
Engineering Lv. 160
Forge Tier 5
Flawless GrandmasterFlawless Grandmaster's Spear
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x20
Scarhide Icon Scarhide x2
Cinnabar Icon Cinnabar x4
Engineering Lv. 186
Forge Tier 5
FaedragonFaedragon's Claw
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x20
Smolderhide Icon Smolderhide x2
Tolvium Icon Tolvium x4
Engineering Lv. 196
Forge Tier 5


New World - Hatchets

Crafting Recipes by Category
Muskets Bows Spears
Hatchets Tools Misc. & Ammo

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Iron Hatchet IconIron Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Forge Tier 2
SaplingSapling's Fury
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x14
Fae Iron Icon Fae Iron x4
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 28
Forge Tier 2
Steel Hatchet IconSteel Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 50
Forge Tier 3
Amrine Temple Hatchet IconAmrine Temple Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 60
Forge Tier 2
Obelisk Guard Hatchet IconObelisk Guard Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 60
Forge Tier 3
Corrupted Remnant IconCorrupted Remnant
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x14
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Voidmetal Icon Voidmetal x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x3
Engineering Lv. 78
Forge Tier 3
CrowCrow's Nest
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x14
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x4
Voidmetal Icon Voidmetal x4
Lumber Icon Lumber x3
Engineering Lv. 83
Forge Tier 3
Starmetal Hatchet IconStarmetal Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 100
Forge Tier 4
Shipyard Sentinel Hatchet IconShipyard Sentinel Hatchet
Jade Collar Icon Jade Collar x10
Engineering Lv. 110
Forge Tier 4
Deepwatcher Hatchet IconDeepwatcher Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 110
Forge Tier 4
ArchmageArchmage's Assistant Engineering Lv. 143
Forge Tier 4
Sandscribe IconSandscribe
Scarhide Icon Scarhide x2
Engineering Lv. 148
Forge Tier 4
Orichalcum Hatchet IconOrichalcum Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 150
Forge Tier 5
Lazarus Watcher Hatchet IconLazarus Watcher Hatchet
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 160
Forge Tier 4
Garden Keeper Hatchet IconGarden Keeper Hatchet
Sticky Vines Icon Sticky Vines x10
Putrid Bark Icon Putrid Bark x1
Leathers Icon Leathers x1
Engineering Lv. 160
Forge Tier 5
Best Wishes IconBest Wishes
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x14
Cinnabar Icon Cinnabar x4
Smolderhide Icon Smolderhide x2
Engineering Lv. 193
Forge Tier 5
PixiePixie's Punisher
Asmodeum Icon Asmodeum x14
Tolvium Icon Tolvium x6
Engineering Lv. 198
Forge Tier 5


New World - Tools

Crafting Recipes by Category
Muskets Bows Spears
Hatchets Tools Misc. & Ammo

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Flint Mining Pick IconFlint Mining Pick
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x1
Flint Icon Flint x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 1
Flint Harvesting Sickle IconFlint Harvesting Sickle
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x1
Flint Icon Flint x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 1
Flint Logging Axe IconFlint Logging Axe
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x1
Flint Icon Flint x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 1
Flint Skinning Knife IconFlint Skinning Knife
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x1
Flint Icon Flint x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 1
Wooden Fishing Pole IconWooden Fishing Pole
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x1
Fibers Icon Fibers x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 1
Iron Mining Pickaxe IconIron Mining Pickaxe
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x12
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Iron Harvesting Sickle IconIron Harvesting Sickle
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x7
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Iron Logging Axe IconIron Logging Axe
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x12
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Iron Skinning Knife IconIron Skinning Knife
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x7
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Treated Wood Fishing Pole IconTreated Wood Fishing Pole
Timber Icon Timber x12
Linen Icon Linen x2
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Steel Mining Pickaxe IconSteel Mining Pickaxe
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x13
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Steel Harvesting Sickle IconSteel Harvesting Sickle
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x8
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Steel Logging Axe IconSteel Logging Axe
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x13
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Steel Skinning Knife IconSteel Skinning Knife
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x8
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Aged Wood Fishing Pole IconAged Wood Fishing Pole
Lumber Icon Lumber x13
Linen Icon Linen x2
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Starmetal Mining Pickaxe IconStarmetal Mining Pickaxe
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Starmetal Harvesting Sickle IconStarmetal Harvesting Sickle
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Starmetal Logging Axe IconStarmetal Logging Axe
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Starmetal Skinning Axe IconStarmetal Skinning Axe
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Wyrdwood Fishing Pole IconWyrdwood Fishing Pole
Linen Icon Linen x2
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe IconOrichalcum Mining Pickaxe
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle IconOrichalcum Harvesting Sickle
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Orichalcum Logging Axe IconOrichalcum Logging Axe
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Orichalcum Skinning Knife IconOrichalcum Skinning Knife
Timber Icon Timber x2
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Ironwood Fishing Pole IconIronwood Fishing Pole
Linen Icon Linen x2
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5

Miscellaneous Items & Ammunition

New World - Miscellaneous Items and Ammunition

Crafting Recipes by Category
Muskets Bows Spears
Hatchets Tools Misc. & Ammo

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Proficiency Boosters

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Weak Proficiency Booster IconWeak Proficiency Booster
Air Mote Icon Air Mote x1
Soul Mote Icon Soul Mote x1
Water Icon Water x1
Engineering Lv. 20
Workshop Tier 2
Common Proficiency Booster IconCommon Proficiency Booster
Soul Wisp Icon Soul Wisp x1
Air Wisp Icon Air Wisp x1
Water Icon Water x1
Engineering Lv. 70
Workshop Tier 3
Strong Proficiency Booster IconStrong Proficiency Booster
Air Essence Icon Air Essence x1
Water Icon Water x1
Engineering Lv. 120
Workshop Tier 4
Powerful Proficiency Booster IconPowerful Proficiency Booster
Water Icon Water x1
Engineering Lv. 170
Workshop Tier 5


Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Flint Arrow IconFlint Arrow x50
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x2
Flint Icon Flint x5
Feathers Icon Feathers x3
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 1
Iron Cartridge IconIron Cartridge x50
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x4
Linen Icon Linen x1
Gunpowder Icon Gunpowder x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Iron Arrow IconIron Arrow x50
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x4
Timber Icon Timber x2
Feathers Icon Feathers x3
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Orichalcum Cartridge IconOrichalcum Cartridge x50
Gunpowder Icon Gunpowder x1
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Orichalcum Arrow IconOrichalcum Arrow x50
Feathers Icon Feathers x3
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Steel Cartridge IconSteel Cartridge x50
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x3
Sateen Icon Sateen x2
Gunpowder Icon Gunpowder x1
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Steel Arrow IconSteel Arrow x50
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x3
Lumber Icon Lumber x2
Feathers Icon Feathers x3
Engineering Lv. 50Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Starmetal Cartridge IconStarmetal Cartridge x50
Silk Icon Silk x2
Gunpowder Icon Gunpowder x1
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Starmetal Arrow IconStarmetal Arrow x50
Feathers Icon Feathers x3
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3

Repair Kits

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Standard Repair Kit IconStandard Repair Kit
Repair Parts Icon Repair Parts x40
Craft Mods Icon Craft Mods x1
Engineering Lv. 15
Workshop Tier 2
Advanced Repair Kit IconAdvanced Repair Kit
Repair Parts Icon Repair Parts x100
Craft Mods Icon Craft Mods x2
Engineering Lv. 65
Workshop Tier 3
Expert Repair Kit IconExpert Repair Kit
Repair Parts Icon Repair Parts x150
Craft Mods Icon Craft Mods x3
Engineering Lv. 115
Workshop Tier 4
Master Repair Kit IconMaster Repair Kit
Repair Parts Icon Repair Parts x300
Craft Mods Icon Craft Mods x3
Engineering Lv. 165
Workshop Tier 5

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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