New World

Mining Leveling Guide: How to Level from 0-200

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New World - Mining Guide
Mining is a trade skill that allows you to mine stones, veins, and boulders across Aeternum for various ores and gems! This guide will show you how to power-level Mining quickly from 1 to 200 and show a list of resources you can get from mining. Read on to know more!

How to Level Up Mining from 0 to 200

New World - What is Mining

Mining is a gathering Trade Skill in New World. This skill allows players to gather refining and crafting resources from the Stone Nodes, Alchemy Stones, and Ore Veins scattered across Aeternum.

By leveling this skill up, players will be able to obtain higher-tier resources from different types of ores and nodes. These can then be used for crafting different kinds of equipment such as weapons or armor.

Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to level up the Mining Trade Skill as quickly as possible.

Mining Level Ranges
0-45 45-100
100-175 175-200

Use the links above to quickly jump to each Mining leveling range!

Mining Level 0 to 45

Mine Iron Veins

New World - Mine Iron Veins
From Levels 0 to 10, the only Mining Resource Nodes you can obtain are Iron Veins. These are the most common veins across Aeternum and are abundant in each region. This makes it an easy resource to mine and gain experience from. Higher-level veins will be scarcer and more difficult to gather since other players will also be looking for them.

These veins provide between 105-237 Mining XP depending on their size.

Iron Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Iron Veins in Monarch's Bluffs

The best region to mine Iron Veins in is Monarch's Bluffs as they're spread all over, meaning you won't have to be in conflict with other players when trying to obtain them. You also won't need to leave this region when you need to mine at later levels since mining resources up to level 100 will still be fairly common here.

Mine Silver Veins Upon Reaching Level 10

Silver Vein - New World
Once you hit Level 10 in Mining, you'll gain access to Silver Veins.

These veins provide between 105-237 Mining XP, which is the same as Iron Veins. While there's no change in experience gained, your leveling will still speed up since Iron Veins can be found in the same locations as these. You'll be able to double the resources you'll gather.

Silver Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Silver Veins in Monarch's Bluffs

As mentioned previously, Iron Veins will be in the same areas as Silver Veins, so you won't need to leave Monarch's Bluffs to continue gaining experience. Silver Veins are also quite common here, with various clusters at the center of the region.

Mining Level 45 to 100

Mine Gold Veins

Gold Veins
You can start mining Gold Veins at Level 45, and you can track them at Level 70. They provide between 158-355 Mining XP, which isn't a significant jump in experience gained.

Their lengthy respawn time and scarce quantity means you'll end up competing with other players for them, especially in populous servers. Due to these, it's recommended that you don't focus solely on mining these and instead gather them in combination with Iron and Silver Ores.

Gold Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Gold Veins in Monarch's Bluffs

As with Levels 0 to 45, you won't have to leave Monarch's Bluffs to continue mining gold as there are several clusters there, particularly in the northern parts of the region near the Settlement. You'll find Iron and Silver Ore Veins in these areas as well.

You can clear these areas of resources and, thanks to the proximity of the Settlement, drop them off at your storage with ease. By the time you return to the area, these veins will have respawned.

Mining Level 100 to 175

Mine Starmetal Veins

Starmetal Vein.jpg
At Level 100, it's best to start prioritizing mining Starmetal Veins in high-level regions. This is because these resources provide more experience at 263-591 Mining XP, while not having too long of a respawn time.

You'll unlock other resource nodes on the way to level 175, such as the Lodestone Vein at Level 105. While you can choose to mine these, the experience they'll provide will be significantly less at 105-237 Mining XP. As a result, it's recommended that you focus on Starmetal Veins since it would be quicker to follow a single trail populated with these rather than stray off to find other resources.

Starmetal Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Starmetal Veins in Great Cleave

It will be difficult to stay in low-level regions like Monarch's Bluffs since resources like Starmetal Veins are much rarer there compared to in high-level areas. It's recommended that you mine in Great Cleave since Starmetal Veins are common here, with several clusters near the Settlement.

This is also a great region to stay in since you'll be mining the next tier of resources nearby. However, the difficulty of mining in these areas due to powerful enemies means you'll have to wait until your overall level is at least in the 40s so that you won't get killed easily.

Mining Level 175 to 200

Mine Orichalcum Veins

Orichalcum Vein.jpg
Orichalcum Veins will be the final resource you'll need to mine. You can choose to just focus on these since they provide 657-1476 Mining XP, significantly higher than previous resources while having a similar respawn time as Starmetal Veins.

While these can be located in low-level regions, it's recommended that you mine them in high-level regions to reduce competition with other players. These are much rarer than previous veins so sticking to regions with difficult enemies that most players are less likely to gather resources in will give a helpful advantage.

Orichalcum Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Orichalcum Veins in Great Cleave

As mentioned previously, you can choose to focus on solely mining Orichalcum Veins due to the great experience they provide. However, by staying in Great Cleave, you can follow a path that lets you easily mine both Starmetal and Orichalcum Veins, further speeding up your leveling.

From the Settlement, start by simply following the path going towards the west of the region, around a mountainous area. You'll pass through both Starmetal and Orichalcum Veins by following this. There will also be a quick detour to a zone that opens up with even more Orichalcum Veins. Once you've fully circled this area and returned to your Settlement, you can repeat this trail since all the resources will have respawned at this point.

Mining Leveling Tips

Upgrade Your Pickaxe Whenever Possible

New World - Upgrade Your Pickaxe

While other starter players are using their Flint Picks, quickly upgrade to an Iron Pickaxe, then continue upgrading as you proceed from tier to tier, to boost your gathering speed. This will allow you to collect ore faster than everyone else.

Consider buying higher tier Pickaxes from the Trading Post should they be available, or craft one yourself via your settlement's Workshop to simultaneously boost your crafting skills.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Flint Mining Pick IconFlint Mining Pick
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x1
Flint Icon Flint x1
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 1
Iron Mining Pickaxe IconIron Mining Pickaxe
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x12
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Steel Mining Pickaxe IconSteel Mining Pickaxe
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x13
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Starmetal Mining Pickaxe IconStarmetal Mining Pickaxe
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Orichalcum Mining Pickaxe IconOrichalcum Mining Pickaxe
Timber Icon Timber x3
Engineering Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5

List of Tools

Equip Items with Mining Perks

A good way to speed up leveling mining and gathering more resources from it is to equip items with Mining Perks. Particularly helpful perks would be Prospector's Discipline, which provides 3% more logging experience, and Mining Yield, which provides 10% more resources gathered.

Mining Efficiency ImageMining Efficiency Mining speed increased by 5% - 25%
Adored Mining Luck ImageAdored Mining Luck While Mining, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Mining Luck ImageReinforced Mining Luck While Mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
QuarrymanQuarryman's Burden Reduce the weight of stone, blocks, gems, and pickaxes by 5%.
ProspectorProspector's Discipline Gain 3% more mining experience.
Mining Yield ImageMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.
Mining Luck ImageMining Luck While mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Mining Efficiency ImageMining Efficiency Mining speed increased by 5% - 25%

List of Perks

Choose the Gathering Speed Bonus

New World - Gathering Speed Territory Bonus

As you gain Territory Standing, you will be given the choice to pick a Territory Standing Bonus at level up. Choose the Gathering Speed bonus to make Mining quicker in the region you're in!

Clear Out Enemies Before You Mine Nodes

New World - Clear out Enemies

If an enemy attacks you while in the gathering animation, the process will be interrupted! This allows other players to swoop in and farm your node if you are not careful.

Clear out enemies before farming a node to prevent situations like this from happening.

Keep Mining While Questing

New World - Mine Stone and Ore.png

As you trek from region to region finishing quests, you'll come across various ores and nodes. Make it a point to mine as much of these as possible since this allows you to multitask and speed up your leveling process.

Use Proficiency Boosters

Proficiency Boosters New World
Proficiency Boosters will allow you to gather even more resources from ores, letting you reach whatever amount you need much quicker. These Boosters increase the number of resources obtained using tools, so this will also benefit your other Trade Skills.

Gatherable Mining Resources

Gatherable Resources Level Available to Gather Level Available to Track
Iron Vein IconIron Vein Mining Lv. 0 Mining Lv. 25
Silver Vein IconSilver Vein Mining Lv. 10 Mining Lv. 35
Seeping Stone IconSeeping Stone Mining Lv. 20 Mining Lv. 45
Gold Vein IconGold Vein Mining Lv. 45 Mining Lv. 70
Alchemy Stones IconAlchemy Stones Mining Lv. 50 Mining Lv. 75
Starmetal Vein IconStarmetal Vein Mining Lv. 100 Mining Lv. 125
Lodestone Vein IconLodestone Vein Mining Lv. 105 Mining Lv. 155
Platinum Vein IconPlatinum Vein Mining Lv. 110 Mining Lv. 135
Orichalcum Vein IconOrichalcum Vein Mining Lv. 175 Mining Lv. 200
Boulder IconBoulder Mining Lv. 0 Mining Lv. -

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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