New World

New World Void Gauntlets

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Void Gauntlet
This is a guide on the Void Gauntlets that are included in the Public Test Realm in New World! See all that we currently know about this upcoming weapon type, and how players can get their hands on it in the upcoming PTR on November 10, 2021.

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New World Void Gauntlets

New Weapon Coming to the Public Test Realm

New World - Void Gauntlet

Alongside AGS' announcement of their Public Test Realm comes the introduction of a brand new magic weapon called the Void Gauntlet.

Unlike the CC and damage-oriented Ice Gauntlet, this new weapon is raring to become an alternative for support players as it is the first weapon to scale with both Intelligence and Focus.

How to Join the Public Test Realm

Hybrid DPS or Support Weapon

New World - Hybrid DPS or Support

With the Void Gauntlet, a new melee-based magical playstyle is possible. For players looking to depart from ranged magic combat, the Void Gauntlet offers the Annihilation Skill Tree and the corrosive Void Blade as alternatives.

For those looking for a hybrid support/DPS playstyle, the Decay Skill Tree centers around the new Orb of Decay ability which allows players to heal allies and damage enemies with a single spell.

New World Related Guides

New World - Weapons Focus Banner.png

List of Weapons

Weapon Categories
Sword IconSword & Shield Rapier IconRapier Hatchet IconHatchet
Spear IconSpear Great Axe IconGreat Axe Warhammer IconWar Hammer
Bow IconBow Musket IconMusket Fire Staff IconFire Staff
Life Staff IconLife Staff Ice Gauntlet IconIce Gauntlet Void Gauntlet IconVoid Gauntlet


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