New World

Weaving Leveling Guide and List of Materials

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New World - Weaving Guide
Weaving is a trade skill in New World that allows you to refine plant fibers into various cloth items such as silk and linen. This guide will show you how to power-level Weaving quickly from 0 to 200 and show a list of all materials you can get through Weaving. Read on to learn more!

How to Level Up Weaving

New World - What is Weaving

Weaving is a Refining Trade Skill that allows players to process Fiber into Linen, Sateen, and Silk. These can be used to craft different items, including decorations. In order to process fiber, players will have to go to a Settlement and use its Loom.

Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to level up the Weaving skill from 0 to 200 that will aid both new players and veterans of Aeternum.

Weaving Level Ranges
0-50 50-100
100-150 150-200

Use the links above to quickly jump to each Weaving leveling range!

Weaving Levels 0 to 50

Gather 1564 Fibers

Hemp Locations in Mourningdale

For each tier when leveling Weaving, you'll need to gather large amounts of Fiber. The primary way to gather this involves harvesting Fiber from Hemp. While Hemp can be found all over Aeternum, it's recommended that you harvest in the region of Mourningdale. Not only are there numerous Hemp clusters near the region's Settlement, but this region also has an abundance of Silkweed, which is a resource that will be needed in the later levels of Weaving.

You can also purchase these from Trading Posts or collect these from Fiber Supply Carts in Settlements. Keep in mind you'll have to be in the same faction as the settlement's owners.

Resource How to Get
Fibers ImageFibers Harvested from Hemp.

Where to Find Fibers

Craft 391 Linen

Once you've gathered enough Fibers, head to your Settlement's Loom and start crafting 391 Linen. You'll be given 36 Weaving XP for each piece of Linen crafted. While this may not be much, the abundance of Fibers in the world will make leveling at this tier easy.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Linen IconLinen
Fibers Icon Fibers x4
Weaving Lv. 0
Loom Tier 3

Where to Find Linen

Weaving Levels 50 to 100

Craft 3220 Linen

New World - Linen
You'll need to craft even more Linen at this tier, as it's a required resource for Sateen. You can simply repeat the process of the previous tier to craft this amount, or purchase these at a Trading Post, They always have a very low cost, so you can easily buy them in bulk.

Item Req. Materials
Linen IconLinen
Fibers Icon Fibers x4

Gather 805 Crossweave

New World - Crossweave
Cloth Weave will be an additional required resource for leveling Weaving from 50 to 200. While you can use other types of Cloth Weave, if you're mainly focusing on leveling Weaving, you can choose to primarily gather Crossweave. It's the easiest to obtain and has no difference in experience gained compared to higher-tier Sandpaper.

They can be obtained from chests and containers all over Aeternum. However, the most reliable way to gather as much Crossweave as possible is through purchasing them at a Trading Post.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Crossweave IconCrossweave x15 Weaving Lv. 50
Loom Tier 3
Silkweave IconSilkweave x15 Weaving Lv. 100
Loom Tier 4
Wireweave IconWireweave x15 Weaving Lv. 150
Loom Tier 5

List of Cloth Weave

Craft 805 Sateen

New World - Sateen
Once you've obtained the above resources, head to your Settlement's Loom and begin crafting 805 Sateen. Each piece of Sateen crafted gives 190 Weaving XP. While not a significant jump in experience gained, the process of gathering materials and crafting these together with Linen should be straightforward and will take you to 100 quickly enough.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Sateen IconSateen
Linen Icon Linen x4
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1
Weaving Lv. 50
Loom Tier 3

Where to Find Sateen

Weaving Levels 100 to 150

Craft 1426 Sateen

You can use the same process of crafting Sateen from levels 50 to 100, especially since you shouldn't be too far off from 1426 Sateen if you retain majority of the previously crafted material.

Item Req. Materials
Sateen IconSateen
Linen Icon Linen x4
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1

Gather 4287 Silk Threads

Silkweed locations in Mourningdale

An additional required resource at this tier will be Silk Threads, which are gathered from Silkweeds found in various areas in Aeternum. If you will have been gathering Hemp in Mourningdale for the previous tiers, you can easily begin harvesting Silkweeds in the same region. This is because Silkweeds can be found in several common spawnpoints as Hemp, with many being near the region's Settlement. This makes gathering this resource incredibly easy and efficient.

Resource How to Get
Silk Threads ImageSilk Threads Harvested from Silkweed.

Silkweed Locations

Gather 713 Crossweave

The process for gathering Crossweave at this tier will be the same as the previous levels. You'll actually need a less amount than levels 50 to 100, so this step should be much easier to complete.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Crossweave IconCrossweave x15 Weaving Lv. 50
Loom Tier 3

Where to Find Crossweave

Craft 713 Silk

New World - Silk
Once you've gathered all the above resources, proceed to crafting 713 Silk pieces. Make sure to focus on crafting these if you want to level your Weaving quickly since they give out 1665 Weaving XP for each piece crafted, a huge jump from the previous tiers.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Silk IconSilk
Sateen Icon Sateen x2
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1
Weaving Lv. 150
Loom Tier 4

Weaving Levels 150 to 200

Gather 9256 Wirefiber

Wirefiber Plant locations in Edengrove

Wirefiber will be the last additional resource you'll need to gather to level up to 200. These are harvested from Wirefiber Plants, and you'll need to have a Harvesting level of 175 to be able to gather these. It's best to gather Wirefiber in Edengrove since there are multiple spawnpoints here and it is right beside Mourningdale, where you'll have been spending majority of your time for the previous tiers.

Resource How to Get
Wirefiber ImageWirefiber Gathered from Wirefiber Plants.

Wirefiber Locations

Craft 2314 Silk

New World - Silk
You can use the same process as in levels 100 to 150 when crafting Silk at this tier. It's best to continue gathering Silkweeds in Mourningdale rather than move to Edengrove.

While there are Silkweed Plant spawnpoints in Edengrove, the abundance in Mourningdale just makes it more efficient to simply gather as much as you can here, then fast travel to Edengrove's Settlement to drop off your gathered resources at the Storage.

Item Req. Materials
Silk IconSilk
Sateen Icon Sateen x2
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1

Gather 1157 Crossweave

As with the previous levels, the most reliable way to gather Crossweave is through purchasing them at the Trading Post.

Another option to take would be to craft Crossweave by using the refining recipe of a Material Converter and Tier 3 Refining Materials. Examples of Tier 3 Refining Materials that are easily found are Tannin and Weak Solvents. This allows you to use other materials gathered from the world and convert them into Crossweave.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Crossweave IconCrossweave x15 Weaving Lv. 50
Loom Tier 3

Craft 1157 Infused Silk

New World - Infused Silk
Infused Silk will be the final resource you'll need to craft to reach level 200. These give out 8470 Weaving XP, which is a huge jump from the previous levels. As a result, it's best to focus on crafting these since the experience gained from previous resources will be negligible.

Due to this significant bump in experience, the process of gathering the necessary resources for this will also be much lengthier. Crafting enough Silk and gathering enough Wirefiber will take up most of your time, so make use of possible bonuses or boosts such as perks to aid your leveling.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Infused Silk IconInfused Silk
Silk Icon Silk x2
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1
Wirefiber Icon Wirefiber x8
Weaving Lv. 150
Loom Tier 5

Weaving Leveling Tips

Level Harvesting Simultaneously

New World - Wirefiber Plants
Leveling your Harvesting is a good idea when trying to level up the Weaving Trade Skill since it involves gathering materials that usually require Harvesting such as Fibers.

You won't have to rely on using the Trading Post that much when you level Harvesting, as you can gather these materials for yourself. This is to also avoid spending too much gold on materials that you can easily farm for yourself.

Harvesting Leveling Guide

Equip Items with Weaving and Harvesting Perks

Equipping Items with perks or upgrading your Sickles is essential when you're trying to level your Weaving skill. This is important to minimize wasting your time and profit from leveling up Weaving.

Upgrading Perks will increase your Gathering Speed, reducing the time it takes for you to gather each Resource Node while equipping items with Weaving perks can increase Yield when weaving.

Harvesting Efficiency ImageHarvesting Efficiency Harvesting speed increased by 5% - 25%
Weaving Accumulation ImageWeaving Accumulation 2% increase yield when weaving.
Adored Harvesting Luck ImageAdored Harvesting Luck While Harvesting, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Harvesting Luck ImageReinforced Harvesting Luck While Harvesting, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
WeaverWeaver's Burden Reduce the weight of fiber, cloth, and sickles by 5%.
Horticulture Discipline ImageHorticulture Discipline Gain 3% more harvesting experience.
Harvesting Yield ImageHarvesting Yield Harvesting yields 10% more resources.
Harvesting Luck ImageHarvesting Luck While harvesting, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.

List of Perks

Farm a Large Amount of Hemp

New World - Harvest in the Grasslands

At level 0, Weaving will only allow you to refine Plant Fibers into Linen. Since Plant Fibers only have a weight of 0.1, make sure to farm large amounts of it before starting the refining process.

Plant Fibers are derived from Hemp — a plant that can usually be found littering Aeternum's grasslands. Bring along a Sickle then get to gathering your raw materials!

Start Weaving Sateen, Silk, and Infused Silk Once Unlocked

New World - Craft High Tier Cloth

Like with other Trade Skills, early game resources will eventually reach an EXP cap where they no longer have much effect at high Weaving levels. Switch to weaving higer tier Cloth like Sateen, Silk, and Infused Silk as soon as you unlock them in order to maximize EXP gains.

Choose the Gathering Speed Bonus

New World - Gathering Speed Territory Bonus

As you gain Territory Standing, you will be given the choice to pick a Territory Standing Bonus at level up. Choose the Gathering Speed bonus to make gathering resources quicker in the regions you're in. These will be especially helpful when you're staying in a region like Mourningdale for extended periods.

Use Proficiency Boosters

Proficiency Boosters New World
Proficiency Boosters will allow you to gather even more resources from plants, letting you reach whatever amount you need much quicker. These Boosters increase the number of resources obtained using tools, so this will also benefit your other Trade Skills.

Weaving Refined Materials

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Linen IconLinen
Fibers Icon Fibers x4
Weaving Lv. 0
Loom Tier 3
Sateen IconSateen
Linen Icon Linen x4
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1
Weaving Lv. 50
Loom Tier 3
Silk IconSilk
Sateen Icon Sateen x2
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1
Weaving Lv. 150
Loom Tier 4
Infused Silk IconInfused Silk
Silk Icon Silk x2
Cloth Weave Icon Cloth Weave x1
Wirefiber Icon Wirefiber x8
Weaving Lv. 150
Loom Tier 5
Phoenixweave IconPhoenixweave
Scalecloth Icon Scalecloth x2
Wireweave Icon Wireweave x1
Weaving Lv. 200
Loom Tier 5

Refined Material Downgrades

When Weaving, players can also opt to downgrade items they have in surplus. Downgrading Silk and Sateen will need a lot of Weak Solvent to complete.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Linen IconLinen x2
Sateen Icon Sateen x2
Weaving Lv. 10
Loom Tier 3
Sateen IconSateen x2 Weaving Lv. 20
Loom Tier 3
Silk IconSilk x2 Weaving Lv. 30
Loom Tier 3

Refining Material Conversion

Refining material conversion when weaving will have players use a Material Converter to transform refining materials into the different types of Cloth Weave. Cloth Weave is used when producing high-tier sateen and silk.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Crossweave IconCrossweave x15 Weaving Lv. 50
Loom Tier 3
Silkweave IconSilkweave x15 Weaving Lv. 100
Loom Tier 4
Wireweave IconWireweave x15 Weaving Lv. 150
Loom Tier 5

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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