New World

All Animal Location Spawn Points

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a list of all Animals in New World. Find all Animal Spawn Points, all Animal Locations, and the skinning level required to track each animal!

List of All Animals

Prey Locations

Prey Locations
Bison IconBison Boar IconBoar Cow IconCow Elk IconElk/Doe
Rabbit IconRabbit Sheep IconSheep Turkey IconTurkey Pig IconPig
Goat IconGoat Peacock IconPeacocks

Predator Locations

Predator Locations
Alligator IconAlligator Bear IconBear Bobcat IconBobcat Lion IconLion
Lynx IconLynx Wolf IconWolf

Elementals Locations

Elemental Locations
Forest Elemental IconForest Elemental Mountain Elemental IconMountain Elemental Tundra Elemental IconTundra Elemental

Animal Tracking Guide

Different Level for each Animal Size

New World - Tracking Level Requirements.png

To track animals, you'll need to increase your Skinning Trade Skill. Each animal size have different required skills to track which are listed below.

Small 25
Medium 50
Large 75
Small Predators 125
Large Predators 175

New World Animals

Wildlife in Aeternum

New World - Wolves

Animals are creatures that live in the wilds across Aeternum. They have different sizes and aggressiveness. Hunting them will yield leather for crafting armor and meat to be used for dishes that can provide restorative effects and buffs like stat buffs and even chances to get rare items!

Different From Enemies

NW - Random Enemy Drops and Chests

Enemies such as the Lost and Ancients are not classified as Animals. One of the main difference between the two is that all enemies are aggressive and cannot be carved upon death. Enemies are more likely to drop loots such as weapons and potions while animals are a good source of food and crafting materials. Know what you need and search for the necessary enemies to fulfill your goal!

New World Related Guides

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New World Guides & Walkthrough

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