New World

PvP Guide: How to Enable PvP

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - How to Enable PvP
This is a guide on enabling PvP in New World! Read on to learn how to enable PvP for your character, the bonuses and penalties you get from PvP, and the different PvP events you can participate in.

How to Enable PvP

Join a Faction to Unlock PvP

New World - Join a Faction

In order to participate in anything PvP related, you must first join one of New World's three Factions. Joining one will unlock PvP, while also giving access to Faction PvP missions and New World's War feature.

Faction Guide: Choosing Your Faction

Flag Yourself for PvP at a Settlement or Spirit Shrine

New World - PvP Marker

To enable PvP, you must first be inside a Settlement or near a Spirit Shrine. Once there, simply hit U and you'll get a notification saying "PvP Enabled".

You can easily check if you are flagged for PvP by looking at the faction seal at the bottom right of your screen. Crossed swords over the faction seal means PvP is enabled.

The Safe Zone Timer

New World - Safe Zone Timer

When you leave the settlement's safe zone, you will have 30 seconds of invulnerability from other PvP-flagged players. Check the faction seal at the bottom right of your screen for this effect's timer.

Red Player Nameplates

When flagged for PvP, the level indicator of your nameplate will appear red to other players and vice versa. Look out for players with red nameplates as they are the only ones on the server who can gank you while out roaming!

PvP Benefits and Penalties

Reward and EXP Benefits

When PvP is active, players will net 10% more EXP when out roaming. Additionally, PvP missions will reward you with Faction Influence on top of an increased Faction Token and Coin bounty.

Choose PvP missions if you are part of a Company or Faction that is actively trying to control a region of Aeternum, as the benefits cater towards that playstyle.

Leveling Guide: How to Level Up Quickly

Weapon Mastery Benefits

New World - Weapon Mastery EXP

Another benefit to flagging yourself for PvP is the increased Weapon Mastery EXP you gain when killing other flagged players. The amount of Weapon Mastery EXP you gain from killing them is based off how long they've been flagged for PvP. The longer they've been out, the higher the reward.

Note: Once killed, the accumulated EXP of that player resets, preventing you from farming the same person for Weapon Mastery EXP.

Death Penalties

New World - PvP Death Penalties

Dying while flagged for PvP is the same as dying to the environment. Your equipped items will have reduced durability and you will be forced to respawn back at the nearest settlement.

If you were in the middle of a Faction PvP Mission, it will automatically fail and you will be unflagged from PvP. You'll have to re-accept the quest in order to try again.

What Happens When You Die?

PvP Activities & Events

Faction PvP Missions

New World - Faction PvP Missions

Types of PvP Missions
Gather Intel Retrieve items from a location within the region, and deliver it to the specified container.
Stabilize Stand inside a specified area for a given amount of time. PvP must be flagged at all times.
Disrupt Capture or destroy (hunt or gather) resources within the region to deny enemies from using them.

There are only 3 types of PvP missions but each faction will have different names for them. For example, Stabilize is Patrol Areas for Marauders, and Sanctify for Covenant.

Faction PvP Missions will flag players for PvP once accepted. This makes them extra dangerous but also highly lucrative. Players must complete objectives without dying, fast traveling, or unflagging themselves from PvP.

Success will reward these brave adventurers with Faction Reputation, Faction Tokens, and Faction Influence! Influence rewards will increase your faction's control of a region, making PvP missions a staple for territory holders and destabilizers.

Faction Wars

New World - War

If a region is destabilized enough, War can be declared between two factions. This PvP event is the biggest of its kind in New World, pitting two teams of 50 players against one another in a bid to control contested territory. Flag yourself for PvP and wait for your faction (or the enemy faction) to declare War to participate.

Outpost Rush

Outpost Rush is a 20 vs 20, domination game mode where opposing teams fight to control three Outposts scattered across a large island map. Unlike War, there are no stakes when it comes to territory control.

Players can join solo or as a group. However, you need to be Level 60 in order to participate in Outpost Rush.


New World - Duel Defeat

Unlike the other PvP activities, Duels will not need you to be flagged for PvP beforehand. Instead, these friendly battles can be initiated from the player social menu. Walk up to someone and hit H. The option to Duel should pop up in the menu.

Remember, these are friendly matches. Losing will not mean a trip to the respawn screen. Make use of this feature to get familiar with the different weapon types you'll be facing, later on.

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