New World

Seeping Stone: Locations and Maps

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Seeping Stones in New World. Read on to see possible locations of Seeping Stones, including the necessary trade skill and tools to harvest them!

Seeping Stone Basic Information

Seeping Stone
Seeping Stone ImageSeeping Stone
Gathering Lv. Tracking Lv. Req. Tool
Mining Lv. 20 Mining Lv. 45 Pickaxe

Seeping Stone is a Mining resource node that requires the Pickaxe to harvest. With the tool equipped, walk up to the resource node and press the E key to gather and add it to your inventory.

Seeping Stone Locations

Seeping Stones look like a stone with a black puddle in the center on the ground. These can be easy to spot with the black oil contrasting the green foliage. Steam will also rise out of the Seeping Stones, making spotting them even easier.

You can find them on the ground in marshes. See the section below to learn all the Seeping Stone locations.

Resource Node Maps
First Light Monarch's Bluff Cutlass Keys Weaver's Fen
Ebonscale Reach Restless Shore Great Cleave

Click a link to take you to that zone's map!

First Light Seeping Stone Locations

First Light is the better region to farm Seeping Stones in the starting region. There is quite a number of clusters near each other to the north, with a Spirit Shrine nearby making it easier to travel to them.

Monarch's Bluff Seeping Stone Locations

Monarch's Bluff's Seeping Stones are more spread out compared to First Light and are still a considerable distance from Spirit Shrines. The second option of the two starting regions.

Cutlass Keys Seeping Stone Locations

You can only find a few Seeping Strones in Flatfish Fishery, west of the region's settlement. Note that this area contains powerful enemies such as the Electrogeists and alligators, so you may need to level up first or head to a different region to harvest Oil from the resource nodes.

Weaver's Fen Seeping Stone Locations

Weaver's Fen has plenty of Seeping Stones near its settlement. We recommend unlocking the South Pestilence Shrine south of the region to reduce traveling time between the spirit shrine and the settlement.

Ebonscale Reach Seeping Stone Locations

Ebonscale Reach will have plenty of Seeping Stones scattered about the swamp area to the east of the main settlement. Will plentiful, do note that due to the terrain, some Seeping Stones will be a bit hard to spot when roaming.

Restless Shore Seeping Stone Locations

There are only two areas in Restless Shore where you can find Seeping Stones. They can be found in between the Accursed Camp and Boarsholm northeast of the Shrine of Sisyphos. It is recommended to harvest Seeping Stones in the area closest to Boarsholm as it contains no enemies.

Corrupted Breaches may appear in these areas, so be sure to check the map before heading to the locations.

Great Cleave Seeping Stone Locations

There are only two areas in Great Cleave where you can find Seeping Stones. First is the area outside the western walls of Acedia Bastion. There will be two Seeping Stones here, guarded by one or two Corrupted miners.

The other area is in the large lake to the north of Eeriedune Graveyard. There will be three to farm here and will be relatively unguarded unless a Corrupted Breach spawns near them.

Seeping Stone Extracted Resources

The table below shows the available resources that you can obtain from Seeping Stone.

Resource Node Available Resources
Seeping Stone IconSeeping Stone
Oil Icon Oil

Oil is a material used in crafting potions, specifically Tier II Potions at an Arcane Repository.

New World Related Guides

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List of All Resource Nodes


Mining Resource Nodes
Iron Vein Silver Vein Gold Vein
Platinum Vein Orichalcum Vein Starmetal Vein
Lodestone Seeping Stone Boulder

Alchemy Stones

Mining Resource Nodes
Shockspire Blightcrag Earthcrag
Scorchstone Lifejewel Soulspire

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