New World

List of Faction Seals

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a list of all Faction Seals in New World. Read on to see lists of Faction Seals across all tiers, what they are used for, and how to get them!

List of Faction Seals

Covenant Faction Seals

Covenant Barbarian Seal IconCovenant Barbarian Seal Covenant Brigand Seal IconCovenant Brigand Seal Covenant Cleric Seal IconCovenant Cleric Seal Covenant Occultist Seal IconCovenant Occultist Seal

Marauders Faction Seals

Marauder Barbarian Seal IconMarauder Barbarian Seal Marauder Brigand Seal IconMarauder Brigand Seal Marauder Cleric Seal IconMarauder Cleric Seal Marauder Occultist Seal IconMarauder Occultist Seal

Syndicate Faction Seals

Syndicate Barbarian Seal IconSyndicate Barbarian Seal Syndicate Brigand Seal IconSyndicate Brigand Seal Syndicate Cleric Seal IconSyndicate Cleric Seal Syndicate Occultist Seal IconSyndicate Occultist Seal

How to Use Faction Seals

Used to Change Faction Gear's Stats

Faction Seals can be used on Faction Armor to change their Suffix. This process is done through the Forge (Heavy Armor) and Outfitting Station (Medium and Light Armor).

Faction Gear and Resources
Covenant Gear and Resources Marauder Gear and Resources
Syndicate Gear and Resources

How to Get Faction Seals

Purchased From Faction Shops

As their names suggest, Faction Seals are bought off their respective Faction Shops across Aeternum with faction-specific tokens and gold. Faction tokens are acquired via PvE and PvP Faction Missions.

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List of Resources

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