New World

New World Hatchets

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is Game8's hub for all available Hatchets in New World. See the general stats and information of Hatchets, as well as lists of Hatchets across all tiers here!

Tier Lists and Weapon Guides
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Hatchet Stats and Information

Hatchet Icon.png
A diverse weapon that allows for ranged throwing attacks or rapid close quarters attacks. Ideal for agressive, fully committed close quarters melee combat or tactical medium range combat.
Attribute Primary: Strength
Secondary: Dexterity
Weapon Type One-Handed
Light Attack 1 100% Slash Light Attack 2 105% Slash
Heavy Attack 1 120% Slash Charged Heavy Attack 160 % Slash

List of Hatchet Skills

New World Hatchets

Tier 1 Hatchets

Hatchets by Tier
Tier 1 Hatchets Tier 2 Hatchets Tier 3 Hatchets
Tier 4 Hatchets Tier 5 Hatchets

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There are no available weapons in this category

Tier 2 Hatchets

Hatchets by Tier
Tier 1 Hatchets Tier 2 Hatchets Tier 3 Hatchets
Tier 4 Hatchets Tier 5 Hatchets

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Ancient Hatchet ImageAncient Hatchet ArbitratorArbitrator's Wisdom AristocraftAristocraft's Fine Hatchet
BerserkerBerserker's Bane Brittle Fury ImageBrittle Fury Ceremonial Cleaver ImageCeremonial Cleaver
Covenant Initiate Hatchet ImageCovenant Initiate Hatchet Dark Quandary ImageDark Quandary Defiled Hatchet ImageDefiled Hatchet
Desecrated Logger ImageDesecrated Logger Dragonsblood ImageDragonsblood Forsaken Hatchet ImageForsaken Hatchet
Hatchet ImageHatchet Howling Wind ImageHowling Wind Iron Hatchet ImageIron Hatchet
Jagged Amethyst Cleaver ImageJagged Amethyst Cleaver KentKent's Grave Trowel Marauder Soldier Hatchet ImageMarauder Soldier Hatchet
MountineerMountineer's Remorse PanaceaPanacea's Touch Port of Call ImagePort of Call
Primeval Hatchet ImagePrimeval Hatchet SaplingSapling's Fury Smoldering Rage ImageSmoldering Rage
Soaked Hatchet ImageSoaked Hatchet Syndicate Adept Hatchet ImageSyndicate Adept Hatchet Zephyr Strike ImageZephyr Strike

Tier 3 Hatchets

Hatchets by Tier
Tier 1 Hatchets Tier 2 Hatchets Tier 3 Hatchets
Tier 4 Hatchets Tier 5 Hatchets

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Amrine Temple Hatchet ImageAmrine Temple Hatchet Ancient Tactics ImageAncient Tactics ArtisanArtisan's Axe
Ashen Victory ImageAshen Victory Axe of the Elder Gods ImageAxe of the Elder Gods Corrupted Remnant ImageCorrupted Remnant
Covenant Excubitor Hatchet ImageCovenant Excubitor Hatchet Covenant Templar Hatchet ImageCovenant Templar Hatchet CrowCrow's Nest
Fearreaver ImageFearreaver GaiaGaia's Justice Haunted Hacker ImageHaunted Hacker
Marauder Gladiator Hatchet ImageMarauder Gladiator Hatchet Marauder Ravager Hatchet ImageMarauder Ravager Hatchet Obelisk Guard Hatchet ImageObelisk Guard Hatchet
Restless Sanctity ImageRestless Sanctity Semblance of Order ImageSemblance of Order Silent Killer ImageSilent Killer
SoulwalkerSoulwalker's Limbcarver Steel Hatchet ImageSteel Hatchet Syndicate Chronicler Hatchet ImageSyndicate Chronicler Hatchet
Syndicate Scrivener Hatchet ImageSyndicate Scrivener Hatchet Trustworthy Knave ImageTrustworthy Knave Wishmaker ImageWishmaker

Tier 4 Hatchets

Hatchets by Tier
Tier 1 Hatchets Tier 2 Hatchets Tier 3 Hatchets
Tier 4 Hatchets Tier 5 Hatchets

Click a link above to take you to that section.

A Trick of the Mind ImageA Trick of the Mind Adjucator of Pain ImageAdjucator of Pain ArchmageArchmage's Assistant
BannermanBannerman's Bane Bilelash ImageBilelash Bloodletter ImageBloodletter
Breaching Hatchet ImageBreaching Hatchet BuccaneerBuccaneer's Bulwark Concubine ImageConcubine
Contingency Plan ImageContingency Plan Covenant Lumen Hatchet ImageCovenant Lumen Hatchet Deepwatcher Hatchet ImageDeepwatcher Hatchet
Dreamhacker ImageDreamhacker Dunweald ImageDunweald DynastyDynasty's Demise
EunuchEunuch's Savior From on High ImageFrom on High Hatchet of the First Scout ImageHatchet of the First Scout
Humming Hatchet ImageHumming Hatchet Marauder Destroyer Hatchet ImageMarauder Destroyer Hatchet Prideful Misstep ImagePrideful Misstep
Restless Reaver ImageRestless Reaver Sandscribe ImageSandscribe Seafoam ImageSeafoam
Shipyard Sentinel Hatchet ImageShipyard Sentinel Hatchet Smoldering Ember ImageSmoldering Ember Starmetal Hatchet ImageStarmetal Hatchet
Syndicate Cabalist Hatchet ImageSyndicate Cabalist Hatchet Untold Secrets ImageUntold Secrets Velian ImageVelian
WatcherWatcher's Right Hand

Tier 5 Hatchets

Hatchets by Tier
Tier 1 Hatchets Tier 2 Hatchets Tier 3 Hatchets
Tier 4 Hatchets Tier 5 Hatchets

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Abandoned Hatchet ImageAbandoned Hatchet AlakazhamAlakazham's Incantation Alphabane ImageAlphabane
Ancient Hatchet ImageAncient Hatchet BalanosBalanos's Crystal Battleaxe Best Wishes ImageBest Wishes
Beyond Reason ImageBeyond Reason Bonechopper ImageBonechopper Brittle Bones ImageBrittle Bones
Cauterizing Hatchet ImageCauterizing Hatchet Chillwind Hatchet ImageChillwind Hatchet Ciradul, the Lazarine Warden ImageCiradul, the Lazarine Warden
Clean Conscious ImageClean Conscious Cobra-headed Hatchet ImageCobra-headed Hatchet CorpsebrideCorpsebride's Cleaver
Corrupted Chopper ImageCorrupted Chopper Covenant Adjudicator Hatchet ImageCovenant Adjudicator Hatchet CrawlerCrawler's Cleaver
Crystalline Hatchet ImageCrystalline Hatchet CultistCultist's Cleaver Daedalus ImageDaedalus
Dark Widow ImageDark Widow Desecrated Ceremonial Hatchet ImageDesecrated Ceremonial Hatchet Currently UnavailableDesecrated Hatchet
Diamondhead ImageDiamondhead Dryad Hatchet ImageDryad Hatchet Eviscerator ImageEviscerator
Farcleaver ImageFarcleaver Fiendish Slicer ImageFiendish Slicer Foulmouth ImageFoulmouth
Fury ImageFury Garden Keeper Hatchet ImageGarden Keeper Hatchet Graverobber ImageGraverobber
Hatchet of the Arcane Tower ImageHatchet of the Arcane Tower Honorsbane ImageHonorsbane Horrific Slasher ImageHorrific Slasher
Hulking Hatchet ImageHulking Hatchet Lazarus Watcher Hatchet ImageLazarus Watcher Hatchet Legacy ImageLegacy
Magma ImageMagma MakerMaker's Mark MammothMammoth's Tusk
Marauder Commander Hatchet ImageMarauder Commander Hatchet Muttering Madness ImageMuttering Madness NyhartNyhart's Hatchet
Obsidian Reaver ImageObsidian Reaver OnaOna'thul Orichalcum Hatchet ImageOrichalcum Hatchet
OrionOrion's Road PixiePixie's Punisher Revenge of the Fallen ImageRevenge of the Fallen
Scorpio Slasher ImageScorpio Slasher Shattered Dreams ImageShattered Dreams Silent Cry ImageSilent Cry
SprigganSpriggan's Claw StormStorm's Edge Syndicate Alchemist Hatchet ImageSyndicate Alchemist Hatchet
Tailchopper ImageTailchopper The ButcherThe Butcher's Cleaver The Confidant ImageThe Confidant
The Quartermaster ImageThe Quartermaster Timewarped Axe ImageTimewarped Axe TundraTundra's Call
Ultimate Clarity ImageUltimate Clarity Violent Delight ImageViolent Delight Virulent Edge ImageVirulent Edge
Waterlogged Hatchet ImageWaterlogged Hatchet Wavebound Hatchet ImageWavebound Hatchet Werewolf Hunter ImageWerewolf Hunter
Wild Ambition ImageWild Ambition Zealous Hatchet ImageZealous Hatchet

New World Related Guides

New World - Weapons Focus Banner.png

List of Weapons

Weapon Categories
Sword IconSword & Shield Rapier IconRapier Hatchet IconHatchet
Spear IconSpear Great Axe IconGreat Axe Warhammer IconWar Hammer
Bow IconBow Musket IconMusket Fire Staff IconFire Staff
Life Staff IconLife Staff Ice Gauntlet IconIce Gauntlet Void Gauntlet IconVoid Gauntlet


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