New World

Best Bow Builds for PVE and PVP (Update 1.2.1)

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Bow Builds

This is a guide on the best Bow builds in New World. Read on to see the recommended stats, skills, armor, and playstyle guides of the best and latest Bow builds for PVE and PVP as of Update 1.2.1!

Bow / Spear Close-Range Crit Build

Bow / Spear

Build Purpose
Strengths Weaknesses
・Steady, consistent damage
・Great speed and evasion
・Fantastic sub-DPS
・Very low defense
・Easily overpowered by large numbers

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Bow ImageBow Spear ImageSpear
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
Best Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Strength)
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Strength)
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Strength)
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Strength)
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Strength)
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Strength)

Build Playstyle

A PvP build focused on applying DoTs and kiting against enemies. We focus on evasion skills so focus on making enemies miss before jumping on them with the Spear.

While in melee range, deal damage with the spear or burst the enemy via Splinter Shot, then disengage with Evade Shot. Prioritize your safety at all times since the bow can still apply damage from afar. The build truly shines upon countering enemy mistakes from chasing you.

Bow / Spear Glass Cannon DPS Build

New World - Spear & Bow Glass Cannon DPS Build

Build Purpose
General (PvP and PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・High Single-target DPS
・Effective at any range
・Shared Stat allocation
・Struggles with dealing against groups
・Requires good aiming

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Bow ImageBow Spear ImageSpear
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Ranger
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Torso Icon Weight: Medium
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger

Build Playstyle

You want to distance yourself far away from your opponent and kite using the Bow. Make sure to hit them with Splinter Shot or Rapid Shot as they approach you. If they're in a group, Use Penetrating Shot to get as many enemies as possible.

Once they're near you, their health should be low enough for one Javelin skill, as long as you land your shots. If they're still alive, then a good Sweep should knock them down for you to combo with a Vault Kick or a few Heavy attacks.

Bow / Rapier DoT Build

Bow Rapier DoT build

Build Purpose
Strengths Weaknesses
・Steady, consistent damage
・Great AoE skills
・High speed and evason
・Very fragile, requires perfect dodges
・Missing your shots will cost you

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Bow ImageBow Rapier ImageRapier
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Constitution)
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Constitution)
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Constitution)
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Constitution)
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Constitution)
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger or Cavalier
(Dexterity or Dexterity + Constitution)

Build Playstyle

A DoT build that focuses on applying DoT as soon as the battle starts by using the Bow's Poison Shot and Rain of Arrows to apply Poison and Bleed respectively. Splinter Shot is used as a burst tool when spacing against the enemy after engaging in melee with the Rapier by using the Rapier's Evade to get the ideal position to fire the skill.

When in Rapier Mode, focus on playing around Tondo and making sure to land three stacks before executing the enemy with Flourish and Finish unless you're in danger and need to resume on firing from afar. If you are, immediately escape by dodging and using Evade to get an immediate distance to catch your breath.

Bow / Ice Gauntlet CC Build

Bow & Ice Gauntlet CC Build

Build Purpose
General (PvP & PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・Lots of disables
・Works for solo and team play
・High Burst Damage
・Split stat allocation
・Needs Mana Management for Ice Gauntlet

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Intelligence → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Bow ImageBow Ice Gauntlet ImageIce Gauntlet
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Ranger
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity and Intelligence)
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity and Intelligence)
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity and Intelligence)

Build Playstyle

This build mainly uses the Ice Gauntlet as a support weapon for your Bow.

During PvP or Outpost Rush, It's vital to fight your opponents at a distance as much as possible as you will have a hard time dealing with opponents in close-range. Your goal is to chip away their health as they try to approach you. Try to land as many attacks as they get near to you. Once they're near, you can switch to your Ice Gauntlet. It will help you effectively keep you out of your opponent's attack range by using AoEs such as Ice Storm or Ice Shower.

You can freely attack them with your Bow and use your skills such as Splinter Shot or Rapid Shot as they'll have to circle around or wait for the AoE to resolve. If they caught you attacking with your Bow, you have a chance to reposition yourself with Evade Shot. You can then switch back to Ice Gauntlet and cast the AoEs or push them away with Wind Chill.

Bow / Rapier Mobile DPS instead

Bow & Rapier Mobility DPS

Build Purpose
General (PvE & PvP)
Strengths Weaknesses
・Both weapons scale off Dexterity
・High DPS potential
・Lots of mobility and defensive options
・Lacks any AoE Damage
・Requires proper aiming for skillshots

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Bow ImageBow Rapier ImageRapier
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Ranger
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger

Build Playstyle

This build focuses on using the Bow as your primary DPS weapon and the Rapier as a support weapon for repositioning and as a defensive tool.

Before starting a fight, always make sure to distance yourself away from your opponent and kite them as much as possible using the Bow. This will allow you to deal damage to your opponents for free as they approach you if they're running with a melee build. Make sure to land all 3 of your skillshot. Use Splinter Shot or Rapid Shot if you're close enough to your opponent to land all 3 hits, as this is where your damage will be. Use Penetrating Shot if you're fighting against two or more enemies or if they're using a shield for the armor penetration.

We utilize Rapier as a weapon for mobility and to have more defensive options against opponents during close-range combat. Use Fleche to reposition yourself away from your opponent. You also have Riposte, an effective defensive tool that can negate attacks and inflict stun on your opponents as long as you parry.

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3 jadedwulfover 3 years

do you have a bow /hachet build

2 Anonymousover 3 years

Oops! We had a bit of a hiccup with our passive table, which is now fixed. You can get to Splinter Shot by investing in the Aim True passive skill first! Thank you very much for pointing this out! :)


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