New World

Harvesting Leveling Guide: How to Level Harvesting From 0-200

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New World - Harvesting Guide
Harvesting is a trade skill in New World that allows you to harvest various plants, fungi, and small creatures across Aeternum. This guide will show you how to power-level the Harvesting skill quickly from 0 to 200 and show a list of all the Gatherable Harvesting Resources. Read on to learn more!

How to Level Up Harvesting from 0 to 200

New World - What is Harvesting

Harvesting is a trade skill in New World that allows you to harvest various plants, fungi, and small creatures across Aeternum. To begin, you will need to have a sickle equipped. You will then need to find a harvesting resource node usually scattered in the wilderness, where players can interact to start harvesting.

This trade skill allows players to gather materials for various crafting trade skills that need it, such as Cooking and Arcana, to name a few.

Harvesting Level Ranges
1-100 100-175 175-200

Use the links above to quickly jump to each Harvesting leveling range!

Harvesting Level 1 to 100

New World - Harvest Herbs
Generally, if you're leveling Harvesting skill, you want to harvest every resource node you can find during your travels to maximize the amount of EXP you can get.

There is an abundance of Herbs and Berries lying around and waiting to be harvested all over Aeternum, making it the top choice to harvest to level up your Gathering.

Harvesting Herbs

The area north of the settlement in First Light has a lot of herbs that you can farm. It's near the settlement, so you won't have that much trouble storing your materials.

Harvesting Berries

Blueberries and Berries can be found everywhere in Aeternum, but the best place to farm them is the island Southeast of the settlement in First Light. This place also contains Herbs you can collect from, making it the best spot to gather EXP.

Harvesting Level 100 to 175

New World - bluefiber
At this point, you will be able to unlock Silkweed, which you will be prioritizing next to maximize the amount of EXP you gain from harvesting it.

Hemp and other magical plants and animals, at higher levels, will not grant a lot of EXP compared to before. Manage this deficit by going after more valuable resources during your farming runs.

Harvest Silk

New World - Silkweed Locations
Silkweeds can be found near the rivers of Brightwood, just beside the border to Weaver's Fen. Be careful as corruption would sometimes spawn in this part of Brightwood.

Harvesting Level 175 to 200

New World - Wirefiber Plants
Once you reach this level, you will now be able to harvest Wirefiber. Always prioritize Wirefiber since this will yield a ton of EXP when harvested.

Ensure that you have upgraded your equipment to maximize the amount of exp you earn from these plants.

Harvest Wirefiber

New World - Wirefiber Locations
You can find Wirefiber plants just around the fort in Brightwood. Wirefibers are few in numbers but give a ton of EXP when gathered.

Make sure to harvest other resources you can gather along the way to maximize your EXP gain and as stated previously, make sure to have the right tools equipped to harvest.

Harvesting Leveling Tips

Upgrade your Harvesting Sickle Whenever Possible

New World - Upgrade Your Harvesting Sickle
Upgrading your Sickles is essential when you're trying to level your Harvesting skill as this will increase your Gathering Speed, reducing the time it takes for you to gather each resource node.

Tool Stats and Description
Flint Harvesting Sickle iconFlint Harvesting Sickle Tier: 1 G. Speed: 100% ~ 100%
1-Handed. A makeshift Harvesting Sickle. Used to gather most plants, albeit slowly.
Iron Harvesting Sickle iconIron Harvesting Sickle Tier: 2 G. Speed: 125% ~ 170%
1-Handed. A Harvesting Sickle made of Iron. Used to gather most plants.
Steel Harvesting Sickle iconSteel Harvesting Sickle Tier: 3 G. Speed: 250% ~ 270%
1-Handed. A Harvesting Sickle made of Steel. Used to gather most plants.
Starmetal Harvesting Sickle iconStarmetal Harvesting Sickle Tier: 4 G. Speed: 400%
1-Handed. A Harvesting Sickle made of Starmetal. Used to gather most plants.
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle iconOrichalcum Harvesting Sickle Tier: 5 G. Speed: 625%
1-Handed. A Harvesting Sickle made of Orichalcum. Used to gather most plants.

Commit Points to Intelligence Stat

Having a high Intelligence stat will benefit you greatly when you're trying to level your Harvesting skill to max level due to the bonus you get from each threshold.

If you have enough gold, consider respeccing your stats and commit all your points to Intelligence to reach all the threshold.

Req. Points Description
50 +10% Harvest Speed
100 5% chance to gain 1 azoth when harvesting
150 -10% decrease in weight of harvested items
200 +10% harvest speed
250 +10% yield increase when harvesting

Gather While Doing Quests

New World - Harvest Herbs
Make sure to gather all the resource nodes you can harvest while you're out doing a quest, as this will help level your Gathering.

Equip Sickle with Perks

Try to apply these perks to your sickle, depending on what you need. Always take Horticulture Discipline, as it will help you gain more experience points.

Harvesting Efficiency ImageHarvesting Efficiency Harvesting speed increased by 5% - 25%
Weaving Accumulation ImageWeaving Accumulation 2% increase yield when weaving.
Adored Harvesting Luck ImageAdored Harvesting Luck While Harvesting, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Harvesting Luck ImageReinforced Harvesting Luck While Harvesting, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
WeaverWeaver's Burden Reduce the weight of fiber, cloth, and sickles by 5%.
Horticulture Discipline ImageHorticulture Discipline Gain 3% more harvesting experience.
Harvesting Yield ImageHarvesting Yield Harvesting yields 10% more resources.
Harvesting Luck ImageHarvesting Luck While harvesting, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.

Choose the Gathering Speed Bonus

New World - Gathering Speed Territory Bonus

As you gain Territory Standing, you will be given a choice to pick a Territory Standing Bonus at level up. Choose the Gathering Speed bonus to make Gathering quicker in the region you're in!

Eat Food to Increase Luck

Make sure to eat food that increases your luck. This will help you have a chance of getting rare materials from harvesting, which you can use or sell in the Trading Post.

Cooked Corn ImageCooked Corn Increases your Luck when harvesting by 1000 points for 20 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Cornbread ImageCornbread Increase your Luck when harvesting by 1400 points for 25 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Breakfast Bread ImageBreakfast Bread Increases your Luck when harvesting by 1900 points for 35 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Spicy Steak Pie ImageSpicy Steak Pie Increases your Luck when harvesting by 2000 points for 40 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.

Gatherable Harvesting Resources

Gatherable Resources Level Available to Gather Level Available to Track
Farm Plants IconFarm Plants Harvesting Lv. 0 Harvesting Lv. 20
Hemp IconHemp Harvesting Lv. 0 Harvesting Lv. 25
Fungi IconFungi Harvesting Lv. 0 Harvesting Lv. -
Magical Creatures IconMagical Creatures Harvesting Lv. 0 Harvesting Lv. 175
Magical Plants IconMagical Plants Harvesting Lv. 30 Harvesting Lv. 45
Silkweed IconSilkweed Harvesting Lv. 100 Harvesting Lv. 125
Wirefiber IconWirefiber Harvesting Lv. 175 Harvesting Lv. 200
Herb IconHerb Harvesting Lv. 0 Harvesting Lv. 200
Yellow Prismabloom Currently unavailable Harvesting Lv. -

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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