New World

List of Tuning Orbs

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a list of all Tuning Orbs in New World. Read on to see lists of Tuning Orbs across all tiers, what they are used for, and how to get them!

List of Tuning Orbs

Amrine Tuning Orb IconAmrine Tuning Orb Depths Tuning Orb IconDepths Tuning Orb Dynasty Tuning Orb IconDynasty Tuning Orb Genesis Tuning Orb IconGenesis Tuning Orb
Lazarus Tuning Orb IconLazarus Tuning Orb Monoecious Tuning Orb IconMonoecious Tuning Orb ProtectorProtector's Tuning Orb Siren Tuning Orb IconSiren Tuning Orb
Starstone Tuning Orb IconStarstone Tuning Orb

How to Use Tuning Orbs

Tuning Orbs are necessary to embark on Expeditions. These are dungeons for three to five-person parties that reward significant loot and exp when completed.

At least one player in the party must have a Tuning Orb to enter Expeditions.

List of Expeditions

How to Get Tuning Orbs

Craft Tuning Orbs

The best way to obtain Tuning Orbs is through crafting them at Stonecutting Tables. This also increases your Stonecutting skill.

Finish Quests

Tuning Orbs will sometimes be rewards at the end of Quests. This may not be as reliable of a way as crafting them, however.

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