New World

List of Item Suffixes

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Item Suffixes
Here you'll find a complete list of item suffixes in New World for PC. Read on to discover all possible suffixes, how they work, and how they affect an item's stats in New World.

List of Item Suffixes

Suffix Stat Bonus
Artificer ・ Focus
・ Dexterity
Assassin ・ Dexterity
・ Intelligence
Barbarian ・ Strength
・ Constitution
Battlemage ・ Intelligence
・ Strength
Brigand ・ Dexterity
・ Constitution
Cavalier ・ Dexterity
・ Strength
Cleric ・ Focus
・ Constitution
Druid ・ Constitution
・ Intelligence
Duelist ・ Dexterity
・ Focus
Fighter ・ Strength
・ Dexterity
Knight ・ Constitution
・ Strength
Mage ・ Intelligence
・ Focus
Monk ・ Strength
・ Focus
Nomad ・ Constitution
・ Focus
Occultist ・ Intelligence
・ Constitution
Priest ・ Focus
・ Intelligence
Ranger ・ Dexterity
Sage ・ Focus
Scholar ・ Intelligence
Sentry ・ Constitution
Soldier ・ Strength
Spellsword ・ Strength
・ Intelligence
Trickster ・ Intelligence
・ Dexterity
Warden ・ Constitution
・ Dexterity
Zealot ・ Focus
・ Strength

What Are Suffixes?

New World's equipment can sometimes have suffixes attached to the tail end of their item names. These suffixes grant certain stat bonuses according to their title.

How to Obtain Items with Suffixes

Obtained from Quest Rewards

New World - Get Suffix Items from Quest Rewards
Completing available Quests will oftentimes reward you with equipment imbued with suffixes.

Some quests will reward the player with items called Weapon Cases or Armor Cases which can gift you a random piece of equipment when opened. These equipments may or may have suffixes on them.

List of Quests

Obtained from Enemy Loot

New World - Enemies Drop These Items
Enemies can drop equipment with suffixes when defeated but these drops are very uncommon.

Going on Expeditions for Loot

Expeditions are 3-5 person dungeon runs that reward players with unique weapons and armor upon victory. Party up with other people in New World and defeat the bosses in each Expedition to gain these unique items.

List of Expeditions

Crafted Faction Armor Can Have Suffixes

New World - Added Suffixes to Faction Items

Materials Required to Reroll Faction Armor

Crafting Requirements
Check Icon.pngAcquire Faction Armor
Check Icon.pngObtain Faction Seals
Check Icon.pngGather Azoth

How to Reroll Faction Armor

Gather the items listed in the Crafting Requirements, then head to the respective Crafting Station for the item you want to craft.

Note: Adding suffixes to items is only possible for Faction Armor.

The Forge crafts medium armor, and heavy armor. The Outfitting Station crafts light armor

List of Crafting Stations

How to Get Faction Equipment and Seals

The Faction Equipment and Faction Seals can be purchased from your Faction's leader for a certain amount of Coin and Tokens. Faction Tokens can be earned by completing Faction missions.

Faction Missions Guide

How to Get Azoth

Azoth can be obtained primarily by completing Quests, and by clearing Corrupted Breaches. Enemies also drop Azoth but very rarely.

How to Get Azoth: Full Guide

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