New World

Flourish And Finish Skill: Stats and Information

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Flourish And Finish, a skill in New World. Stats, cooldown, mana cost, and effects of Flourish And Finish can all be found here and more!

Flourish And Finish Stats and Information

Flourish And Finish
Flourish And Finish Icon.png
Effect Flourish performs an attack knocking back enemies. Pressing 'Light Attack' at the end of Flourish will continue this ability by automatically performing 'Finish'. Finish lunges forward, consuming all Rapier bleeds on any target hit dealing 110% of their damage immediately.
Weapon Tree Type
Rapier Blood Active
Mana Cost Cooldown Req. Skill
- 20 None

List of All Rapier Skills

New World Related Guides

New World - List of Weapon Skills.png

List of All Skills and Abilities

Active Rapier Skills

Active Skills
EvadeEvade FlecheFleche Flourish And FinishFlourish And Finish
FlurryFlurry RiposteRiposte TondoTondo

Passive Rapier Skills

Passive Skills
AdagioAdagio AllegroAllegro And AgainAnd Again
BacksideBackside Bloody EndBloody End Breathe InBreathe In
Controlled BreathingControlled Breathing CrescendoCrescendo DesperationDesperation
EngardeEngarde FinalizeFinalize Fleeting StrikesFleeting Strikes
FuelFuel Heavy PunctureHeavy Puncture Insult To InjuryInsult To Injury
InterruptionInterruption Lasting ConsequenceLasting Consequence Light EdgeLight Edge
MomentumMomentum OverwhelmOverwhelm PerfectionistPerfectionist
PriorityPriority Proper SpacingProper Spacing Quick LungeQuick Lunge
Red CurtainsRed Curtains Refreshing StrikesRefreshing Strikes SwaggerSwagger
SwiftnessSwiftness Thirst For BloodThirst For Blood To The BoneTo The Bone
UnerringUnerring With FlairWith Flair


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