New World

Smelting Leveling Guide and List of Materials

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Smelting Guide
Smelting is a trade skill in New World that allows you to refine various ores in the Smelter into ingots. This guide will show you how to level the Smelting skill fast from 0 to 200, and show a list of materials you can get from Smelting. Read on to know more!

How to Level Up Smelting from 0 to 200

Smelting at level 200 will unlock the ability to refine resources for majority of the endgame, 600 Gear Score recipes. Read on for a concrete guide to level this highly profitable trade skill from 0 to 200.

Smelting Level Ranges
0-50 50-100 100-150 150-200

Use the links above to quickly navigate to each Smelting level range!

Smelting Level 0 to 50

Check IconGather 1564 Green Wood

Check IconCraft 782 Charcoal

Gather 1564 Green Wood

New World - Gather Green Wood

Getting from 0 to 50 Smelting is the easiest step during this trade skill's leveling process. First, players must gather 1564 Green Wood by chopping down Young Trees.

In order to make this step quicker, players can opt to upgrade their Logging Axes (if they have not done so already) depending on their character level range.

Craft 782 Charcoal

Take the gathered 1564 Green Wood and refine it at a Tier 2 Smelter. This amount is enough to make 782 Charcoal, getting players to level 50 Smelting, easily.

Resource Req. Materials
Charcoal IconCharcoal x782
Green WoodGreen Wood x1564

Smelting Level 50 to 100

Check IconMine Silver Ore and Craft Silver Ingots

Check IconRaise Mining to 45 and Gather Gold Ore

Check IconLoot or Purchase 504 Flux Materials

Check IconCraft 504 Gold Ingots

Mine Silver Ore and Craft Silver Ingots

New World - Craft Silver Ingots

For this next level range (50-100), players will have to refine Gold Ore. In order to do that, a lot of Silver Ingots will be needed.

At Mining Level 10, start gathering Silver Ore from Silver Ore Veins. Players will need exactly 4032 Silver Ore to craft 1008 Silver Ingots.

Resource Req. Materials
Silver Ingot IconSilver Ingot x1008
Silver OreSilver Ore x4032

Raise Mining to 45 and Gather Gold Ore

New World - Raise Mining to 45

With the Silver Ingots secure, players must now gather Gold Ore. To do so, players will need to raise their Mining to Level 45 before gathering 2520 Gold Ore for the next step.

Resource How to Get
Gold Ore IconGold Ore Gold Ore is derived from Gold Ore Veins. Starter regions have a few nodes scattered about, while mid-game areas like Cutlass Keys and Brightwood will have clusters of them. The easiest place to farm Gold Ore is at the Defiler Excavation in Great Cleave. However, players must be level 43+ to tackle it safely.

Gold Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Loot or Purchase 504 Flux Materials

For the final step to get to level 100 Smelting, players will need 504 pieces of any Flux Material. Any type will do, with high tier materials even granting the chance to double the amount of crafted ingots.

Loot or buy any combination of the following Flux Materials. Also, do note that when buying these from the Trading Post, go for the cheapest option. Due to the player-driven economy, the Tier 4 and 5 Flux Materials will sometimes be cheaper than Sand Flux.

Resource How to Get
Sand Flux IconSand Flux Obtained from low-level chests located in Starter Regions, as well as in chests within Cutlass Keys and Brightwood.
Shelldust Flux IconShelldust Flux Obtained from chests in mid-game regions like Weaver's Fen, Great Cleave, Restless Shore, and Mourningdale. Level 50-55 areas in Edengrove will also have chests that contain these.
Obsidian Flux IconObsidian Flux Obtained from chests in endgame regions like Ebonscale Reach, Reekwater, and Shattered Mountain. Level 56+ areas in Edengrove will also have chests that contain these.

Craft 504 Gold Ingots

New World - Craft Gold Ingots

Using the gathered materials, refine the ore into 504 Gold Ingots. This should get players to level 100 Smelting, comfortably.

For this step, Gold Ingots are used to level up Smelting since its refining recipe does not require Charcoal. This cuts down on the amount of time and farm needed to get to level 100.

Resource Req. Materials
Gold Ingot IconGold Ingot x504
Gold OreGold Ore x2520
Silver IngotSilver Ingot x1008
  L Silver OreSilver Ore x3916
Flux MaterialFlux Material x504

Note: Using higher tier flux materials may provide bonus ingots when crafting.

Smelting Level 100 to 150

Check IconRaise Mining to 100

Check IconMine or Purchase a Surplus of Iron Ore

Check IconLoot or Purchase 1752 Flux Materials

Check IconMine or Purchase 3504 Starmetal Ore

Check IconCraft 584 Starmetal Ingots

Raise Mining to 100

New World - Raise Mining to 100

In order to farm the next tier of ore, players will need to reach at least mining level 100 as this unlocks the ability to mine Starmetal Ore Veins.

Mining Leveling Guide (0-200)

Mine or Purchase a Surplus of Iron Ore

New World - Mine Iron Ore

For the next big refining order, players will need a lot of Iron Ore. Mine Iron Ore Veins to acquire them, equipping a Pickaxe with a Yield-Boosting Perk to expedite the farming process.

Perk Effect
Mining Yield iconMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.

Alternatively, players can also opt to purchase Iron Ore from the Trading Post. Most high population servers will have lower prices for Tier 2 Resources, so make sure to look out for deals whenever possible.

Players will need a total of x14016 Iron Ore, which will be converted to 3504 Iron Ingots for smelting Starmetal Ingots, later on.

Resource Req. Materials
Iron Ingot IconIron Ingot x3504
Iron OreIron Ore x14016

Loot or Purchase 1752 Flux Materials

New World - Buy 1752 Flux Material

For the final step to get to level 150 Smelting, players will need 1752 pieces of any Flux Material. Any type will do, with high tier materials even granting the chance to double the amount of crafted ingots.

Loot or buy any combination of the following Flux Materials. Also, do note that when buying these from the Trading Post, go for the cheapest option. Due to the player-driven economy, the Tier 4 and 5 Flux Materials will sometimes be cheaper than Sand Flux.

Resource How to Get
Sand Flux IconSand Flux Obtained from low-level chests located in Starter Regions, as well as in chests within Cutlass Keys and Brightwood.
Shelldust Flux IconShelldust Flux Obtained from chests in mid-game regions like Weaver's Fen, Great Cleave, Restless Shore, and Mourningdale. Level 50-55 areas in Edengrove will also have chests that contain these.
Obsidian Flux IconObsidian Flux Obtained from chests in endgame regions like Ebonscale Reach, Reekwater, and Shattered Mountain. Level 56+ areas in Edengrove will also have chests that contain these.

Mine or Purchase 3504 Starmetal Ore

New World - Mine Starmetal Ore

Players will need to obtain 3504 Starmetal Ore to fulfill the next refining order. It can be mined or bought off of the Trading Post (depending on the daily listing prices).

Resource How to Get
Starmetal Ore IconStarmetal Ore Starmetal Ore is derived from Starmetal Ore Veins. Common locations for abundant Starmetal Ore Veins are the mid-game areas of Great Cleave, Restless Shore, and Mourningdale.

Starmetal Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Craft 584 Starmetal Ingots

New World - Craft Starmetal Ingots

To reach level 150 Smelting, players will need to craft 584 Starmetal Ingots. Listed below are the required items & amounts to fulfill this refining order.

Resource Req. Materials
Starmetal Ingot IconStarmetal Ingot x584
Starmetal OreStarmetal Ore x3504
Steel IngotSteel Ingot x1168
  L Flux MaterialFlux Material x1168
  L CharcoalCharcoal x2336
  L Iron IngotIron Ingot x3504
    L Iron OreIron Ore x14016
CharcoalCharcoal x1168
Flux MaterialFlux Material x584

Smelting Level 150 to 200

Check IconRaise Mining to 175

Check IconMine a Surplus of Starmetal and Platinum Ore

Check IconMine or Purchase Orichalcum Ore

Check IconCraft Orichalcum Ingots to Reach 200

Raise Mining to 175

New World - Raise Mining to 175

In order to farm the next tier of ore, players will need to reach mining level 175 as this unlocks the ability to mine Orichlacum Ore Veins.

Mining Leveling Guide (0-200)

Mine a Surplus of Starmetal and Platinum Ore

New World - Craft Platinum Ingots

For the last refining order to reach level 200 Smelting, players will need to farm either Starmetal Ore Veins or Platinum Ore Veins, depending on which Orichalcum Ingot smelting recipe they plan to use.

Amass a surplus of these Tier 4 Ores as the last stretch of leveling this trade skill will require a ton of either.

Resource How to Get
Starmetal Ore IconStarmetal Ore Starmetal Ore is derived from Starmetal Ore Veins. Common locations for abundant Starmetal Ore Veins are the mid-game areas of Great Cleave, Restless Shore, and Mourningdale.
Platinum Ore IconPlatinum Ore Platinum Ore is derived from Platinum Ore Veins. Common locations for abundant Platinum Ore Veins are the late-game areas of Edengrove, Ebonscale Reach, and Reekwater.

Mine or Purchase Orichalcum Ore

New World - Mine Orichalcum Ore

Unlike other Ore types, Orichalcum Ore will be harder to farm as most locations with abundant veins will be contested.

Farm high level Elite Zones by grouping up with friends or company-mates so that there is only one dedicated farmer. For solo players, try farming the isolated Orichalcum spawns in Edengrove, Reekwater, or Mourningdale.

Resource How to Get
Orichalcum Ore IconOrichalcum Ore Orichalcum Ore is derived from Orichalcum Ore Veins. Common locations for abundant Orichalcum Ore Veins are the endgame areas of Reekwater, Ebonscale Reach, and Shattered Mountain.

Note: Endgame Elite Areas (60+) except Edengrove's Malevolence will have Orichalcum Ore Veins scattered about.

Orichalcum Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Craft Orichalcum Ingots to Reach 200

New World - Craft Orichlacum Ingots

As of Update 1.2, there are now two ways to craft Orichlacum Ingots in New World. Players can opt to use either recipe as each has its pros and cons.

The cheaper, Starmetal Ingot recipe below will require less high tier ore farming (Starmetal Ore Veins are easy to find) but need a handful more Orichalcum Ingot crafts to reach level 200 Smelting. Not to mention it will require more Charcoal overall.

Resource Req. Materials
Orichalcum Ingot IconOrichalcum Ingot x979
  L Starmetal OreStarmetal Ore x11748
  L Flux MaterialFlux Material x1958
  L CharcoalCharcoal x3916
  L Steel IngotSteel Ingot x3916
CharcoalCharcoal x1958
Flux MaterialFlux Material x979

On the other hand, the much more costly recipe requiring Platinum Ingots (below) will require less Charcoal and Orichalcum Ingot crafts, but still need a lot of the rarer Platinum Ore resource.

Resource Req. Materials
Orichalcum Ingot IconOrichalcum Ingot x909
  L Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x16362
  L Flux MaterialFlux Material x2727
  L Gold IngotGold Ingot x5454
CharcoalCharcoal x1818
Flux MaterialFlux Material x909

Smelting Leveling Tips

Level Up Weaponsmithing with Smelting

New World - How to Level Up Weaponsmithing

To level smelting efficiently, it would be best to pick a crafting trade skill to go along with it. This allows smelted items to find some use especially since players will need to smelt a lot of ore to reach level 200.

Weaponsmithing is one of the best crafting trade skills to level up with smelting as Ingots are the primary resource players will have to use in bulk.

Weaponsmithing Leveling Guide (0-200)

Use Proficiency Boosters & Yield Boosting Tools

New World - Use Proficiency Boosters

While low-tier ores are easily farmed en masse, end-game ones like Orichalcum Ore will take a significant amount of time to farm and amass. For solo players and Company Settlers, make sure to use Proficiency Boosters when out farming to increase the yield of items gathered.

Consumable Effects and Level Req.
Weak Proficiency Booster ImageWeak Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 5% for 10 minutes.
Required Level 5
Common Proficiency Booster ImageCommon Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 7% for 15 minutes.
Required Level 20
Strong Proficiency Booster ImageStrong Proficiency Booster Increase the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 10% for 20 minutes.
Required Level 40
Powerful Proficiency Booster ImagePowerful Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 15% for 30 minutes.
Required Level 60

Additionally, a Pickaxe equipped with Yield Boosting perks will also help increase the amount of gathered ore per farming run. Buy or craft it, and use both methods to significantly reduce the amount of time needed to farm resources.

Perk Effect
Mining Yield iconMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.

Use the Trading Post for Cheap Ore

The biggest advantage of players in high population servers is the Trading Post. More players at different levels means more potential buyers and even more gatherers. Take full advantage of the market and buy ore that cannot be farmed easily like Starmetal Ore.

New World Trading Post Guide

Craft and Refine Resources in Settlements With Low Taxes

During Smelting leveling, players will be refining a ton of raw materials. While usually cheap, costs pile up when refining ore by the tens of thousands.

Make sure to refine in settlements with a low refining tax rate. Always pay attention to the taxes as they will vary depending on the owner of the settlement.

Choose Territory Standing Bonuses Based on Leveling Strategies

New World - Storage Standing Bonus

Players should choose Territory Standing Bonuses with their leveling strategies in mind. For example, when planning to store a surplus ore in key settlements, make sure to take the Storage Cap Increase bonus.

Each case may vary depending on server population, settlement location, and the region's gatherable resources. Weigh the options carefully and plan for the future as trade skill leveling will be a long grind.

All Territory Standing Bonuses

Progress to Character Level 60

New World - Reach Level 60

Given that most of the Tier 4 and 5 ores can only be farmed in endgame regions, it would be best to progress towards level 60 as players break the Smelting Level 100 mark.

Not only does this allow for more locations to farm uncontested, it also allows for faster Smelting progress due to access to more resources.

Leveling Guide: Fastest Way To Level (1-60)

Smelting Refined Materials

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Charcoal IconCharcoal
Green Wood Icon Green Wood x2
Smelting Lv. 0
Smelter Tier 3
Iron Ingot IconIron Ingot
Iron Ore Icon Iron Ore x4
Smelting Lv. 0
Smelter Tier 3
Voidbent Ingot IconVoidbent Ingot
Void Ore Icon Void Ore x1
Energy Core Icon Energy Core x10
Smelting Lv. 0
Smelter Tier 3
Silver Ingot IconSilver Ingot
Silver Ore Icon Silver Ore x4
Smelting Lv. 0
Smelter Tier 3
Steel Ingot IconSteel Ingot
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x3
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x2
Flux Icon Flux x1
Smelting Lv. 20
Smelter Tier 3
Gold Ingot IconGold Ingot
Gold Ore Icon Gold Ore x5
Smelting Lv. 0
Smelter Tier 4
Starmetal Ingot IconStarmetal Ingot
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x2
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x2
Flux Icon Flux x1
Smelting Lv. 100
Smelter Tier 4
Platinum Ingot IconPlatinum Ingot
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x2
Flux Icon Flux x1
Smelting Lv. 100
Smelter Tier 5
Orichalcum Ingot IconOrichalcum Ingot
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x2
Flux Icon Flux x1
Smelting Lv. 150
Smelter Tier 5
Asmodeum IconAsmodeum
Cinnabar Icon Cinnabar x1
Tolvium Icon Tolvium x1
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x2
Smelting Lv. 200
Smelter Tier 5

Refined Material Downgrades

When Smelting, players can also opt to downgrade items they have in surplus. Downgrading ingots will need a lot of Weak Solvent to complete.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Iron Ingot IconIron Ingot x2
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x2
Smelting Lv. 0
Smelter Tier 3
Silver Ingot IconSilver Ingot x2
Gold Ingot Icon Gold Ingot x2
Smelting Lv. 150
Smelter Tier 3
Steel Ingot IconSteel Ingot x2 Smelting Lv. 0
Smelter Tier 3
Gold Ingot IconGold Ingot x2 Smelting Lv. 200
Smelter Tier 3
Starmetal Ingot IconStarmetal Ingot x2 Smelting Lv. 100
Smelter Tier 3

Refining Material Conversion

Refining material conversion when smelting will have players use a Material Converter to transform refining materials into the different types of Flux. Flux materials are used when smelting high-tier ingots.

Refined Materials Req. Resources Req. Skill Level/Station
Sand Flux IconSand Flux x15 Smelting Lv. 50
Smelter Tier 3
Shelldust Flux IconShelldust Flux x15 Smelting Lv. 100
Smelter Tier 4
Obsidian Flux IconObsidian Flux x15 Smelting Lv. 150
Smelter Tier 5

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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