New World

Best Territory Standing Rewards and How to Gain Territory Standing

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - How to Gain Territory Standing
Territory Standing in New World helps the player progress through the game by granting them rewards for each region. This guide will show you a list of all the territory rewards you can get and ways to increase your standing.

Best Territory Standing Rewards

Best Territory Standing Rewards (General PVE and PVP)

Priority Effect
Increase storage space in the region's settlement.
Trading Tax
Decrease trading tax rate by a certain percentage for the current region.
Faction Tokens
Earn more Faction Reputation when completing Faction Quests within the region.
Standing Gain
Earn more Territory Standing when performing actions within the region.
XP Gain
Earn more XP for actions when inside the current region.


Storage Standing Bonus
Always try to get the storage bonus at every opportunity possible, as this will be important as it makes sure that you won't run out of space to store your items later on in the game.

Trading Tax

Trading Tax Standing Bonus
Getting this will help maximize your profits when selling items or equipment that you don't need from loots.

Trading Post Guide

Faction Tokens

New World - Faction Tokens
Taking the Faction Token bonus can help you get the gear you want from the Faction Shop early in the game, especially if you don't have proper gear equipped yet.

Faction Benefits

Standing Gain

New World - Standing Gain Bonus
Standing Gain bonus helps by having you earn more Standing exp, which increases your progression so you can get the other bonuses much quicker. This is great to have early on in the game.

XP Gain

New World - XP Gain Bonus
Always take this one at the first level to increase the amount of exp you get from leveling. However, as tempting as it is to get more of this card, this does not scale well later on in the game. Putting one point is enough for this bonus.

Leveling Guide

Best Territory Standing Rewards (Crafting & Trading)

Priority Effect
Increase storage space in the region's settlement.
Station Fee
Decrease crafting fee by a certain percentage for the current region.
Trading Tax
Decrease trading tax rate by a certain percentage for the current region.
Increase resource gathering speed by a certain percentage for the current region.


Storage Standing Bonus
This is an important bonus that you need to take every time it appears if you're a crafter. This will help you manage and store all the resources you get from gathering.

Since you will constantly be needing more space in your inventory, this bonus will help you out, especially later in the game.

Station Fee

Station Fee Standing Bonus
Since you're to be crafting a lot as a crafter, taking this will help you lessen the amount of gold required for the crafting fee when crafting.

List of Crafting Stations

Trading Tax

Trading Tax Standing Bonus
Minimizing your tax is an ideal way to maximize your gold income. This is good when you're looking into selling crafted items to get gold from the Trading Post.

This is recommended for those looking to make big bucks through trading!

Trading Post Guide


Gather Standing Bonus
The Gather bonus can help you minimize the amount of time you need to gather nodes. This is especially helpful when you're trying to level your Gathering Skills to the max.

All Territory Standing Rewards

New World - Territory Standing Points
Every time you level up, players are given a point. These points are used to spend from 3 choices to select from one of the following bonuses listed below.

Choose carefully, as there is no way to reset the Territory Standing Bonuses after you selected one.

Bonus Description
Standing Gain Earn more Territory Standing when performing actions within the region.
Trading Tax Decrease trading tax rate by a certain percentage for the current region.
Gather Increase resource gathering speed by a certain percentage for the current region.
Station Fee Decrease crafting fee by a certain percentage for the current region.
Storage Increase storage space in the region's settlement.
XP Gain Earn more XP for actions when inside the current region.
Faction Tokens Earn more Faction Reputation when completing Faction Quests within the region.
House Ownership At level 10 Territory Standing, players will unlock the option to buy a house in the region's settlement.
Property Tax After unlocking House Ownership, players will have the option to get this bonus that decreases property fees for their owned houses.

How to Gain Territory Standing

Check Icon Quest Bonuses

Check Icon Faction Missions

Check Icon Gathering, Refining, and Crafting

Check Icon Clearing Mobs and Discovering Landmarks

Check Icon Cleansing Corrupted Breaches

Check Icon Town Board Missions

Quest Bonuses

New World - Territory Standing Quest Reward

A lot of quests given by settlement NPCs will have Territory Standing included as part of the bonuses. Accept them to accumulate territory standing quickly.

To view how much you get per quest, check out the quest summary before accepting one. Alternatively, the Journal (open with J) displays how much you earn per quest.

Faction Missions

New World - Faction Mission Rewards
You also gain standings when you turn in your Faction Missions. This applies to both the PvE and PvP missions, with PvE giving a larger reward.

Gathering, Refining, and Crafting

New World - Gathering, Refining, Crafting

Basic actions such as gathering, refining, and crafting will also net players' territory standing. This means that players who prefer a crafting playstyle will not miss out on any of the bonuses!

Clearing Mobs and Discovering Landmarks

New World - Clearing Mobs Territory Standing Reward

Defeating hostile enemies and discovering landmarks within a region will give you a small amount of territory standing. Even if you're rewarded a small amount, these will all add up as you explore more later on.

Cleansing Corrupted Breaches

New World - Corrupted Breach Territory Standing Reward

Cleansing Corrupted Breaches will net you a lot of territory standing once completed. This not only grants you more territory bonuses, but it also helps keep the area safe for other players.

How to Cleanse Corrupted Breaches

Town Board Missions

New World - Town Board Missions

Settlements will usually have Town Board Missions available. These special quests help out the region's settlement by working towards upgrading its infrastructure.

Do your part and help out by taking on these quests as they also give territory standing bonuses on top of improving quality of life!

Territory Standing System

Region-Based Leveling System

New World - Territory Standing Overview
Territory Standing is a leveling system that rewards the player with certain bonuses, which grants buffs, extra storage capacity, and even reduce tax if certain tasks are accomplished within a region.

You'll be able to select from 3 random bonuses every time you level a region up. Keep in mind that you won't be able to reset the bonuses you selected, and you'll be stuck with your selection.

Region-Locked Bonuses

New World - Newcomer
However, do note that these unique bonuses will only apply to the leveled up region. Entering a new region will not carry over your territory standing. You'll have to raise your standing over that region again if you want to enjoy the same bonuses as before.

Viewing Territory Standings

If you want to check your standing for each region, open up your world map with M and select either the Territory Standings tab or the settlement itself (on the map) to display a summary of your status.

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

Can you change these later on? I would focus on end game perks and not levelling ones as levelling is temporary.


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