New World

Best Musket Builds for PVE and PVP (Update 1.2.1)

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New World - Musket Builds
This is a guide on the best Musket builds in New World. Read on to see the recommended stats, skills, armor, and playstyle guides of the best and latest Musket builds for PVE and PVP as of Update 1.2.1!

Musket / Rapier PvP DPS Sniper Build

New World - Musket / Rapier PvP DPS Sniper Build

Build Purpose
PvP (Single Target Focused)
Strengths Weaknesses
・Effective at every range
・High burst single-target DPS
・Requires good aim to be effective
・Lower damage against Undead type enemies
・No AoE attacks

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Musket ImageMusket Rapier ImageRapier
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Ranger
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger

Build Playstyle

This build focuses on using your Musket as your main DPS to fight your enemies from afar while using your Rapier as a close-range weapon to fend off enemies who manage to get close to you. Landing headshots is critical when using this build, as you'll lose a lot of DPS if you don't.

Go for headshots with the musket

Ideally, when participating in massive fights, you will want to shoot the enemies at the backline, especially healers, to prevent them from further casting their spells. Since the Sniper perk helps you aim from a longer distance, it will be safe for you to use Shooter's Stance.

During a 1-on-1 battle, you will want to cripple your enemy with a Power Shot to the head as they approach you. Use Stopping Power to delay their advances. Once they're close enough, switch to Rapiers to finish them off with their high burst damage.

Musket / Ice Gauntlet CC Build

New World - Musket / Ice Gauntlet CC Build

Build Purpose
General (PvP and PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・High burst DPS
・Good crowd-control options
・Requires good aim to be effective
・Weak at close-range fights

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Intelligence

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Musket ImageMusket Ice Gauntlet ImageIce Gauntlet
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)

Build Playstyle

This build focuses on keeping your enemies away from you by having the Ice Gauntlet cast a ton of crowd control abilities while you try to shoot them from a safe distance.

Kite with your Musket and disable with Ice Gauntlet

Generally, you'd want to create some distance first between you and the enemy before you try and engage. Start by using Power Shot and aim directly at the head to maximize your DPS from utilizing Empowering Headshot. Keep hitting the enemy to get the most out of Heightened Precision before they get too close. Use Stopping Power to slow the enemy down, and if they get too close, immediately switch to your Ice Gauntlet. Cast Ice Storm between you and the enemy and make sure you're inside the frosted area as you gain bonuses from perks such as Refreshing Frost, Critical Frost, and Quick Frost.

Try to land as many shots as you can using your Musket while Ice Storm is active if they decide to wait for it to stop. Once your AoE is over, you will want to survive until Ice Storm is off cooldown. Use Ice Shower to keep your enemy away and Entombed if they manage to catch up with you.

If your enemy tries to go inside while Ice Storm is active, use your Heavy Normal Attack to proc Heavy Freeze. This will root them for a second, in which you can switch back to your Musket to throw a Sticky Bomb at your opponent before shooting them with Stopping Power, slowing them even more. This will proc Lethal Combo perk, increasing your damage as long as they're affected by status effects under the Trapper Skill Tree.

Since your opponent is always affected by CCs, Kick 'Em When They're Down is much easier to proc.

Musket / Fire Staff AoE Build

New World - Musket / Fire Staff AoE Build

Build Purpose
Strengths Weaknesses
・High burst damage
・Single target and AoE attacks
・Requires good aim to be effective
・Few close-range options

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Intelligence

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Musket ImageMusket Fire Staff ImageFire Staff
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)

Build Playstyle

Since the Musket only has one Aoe Spell, it is usually hard fighting against multiple mobs. This build focuses on using Fire Staff's AoE to solve that problem.

Rely on the Fire Staff when Outnumbered

Before engaging, make sure to create some distance between you and your enemies. Use the Fireball spell from your Fire Staff and make sure to hit as many enemies as you can. Switch back to your Musket and shoot them with the Power Shot or Powder Burn applied, then kite them as much as you can. Make sure to always hit them right in the head to proc Empowering Headshot, giving you the Empowered Buff.

Apply Stopping Power to your shot to slow their advances. Keep firing until they're close to you, then switch back to your Fire Staff. Wait until they're in melee range or at least 3m away from you to cast Incinerate to keep them away. You can then use Burn Out as mobility to gain some distance from your enemies or use it as a DPS to finish them off.

Musket / Rapier Mobile Sniper Build

Musket & Rapier Mobility Sniper Build

Build Purpose
Strengths Weaknesses
・Both weapons scale off Dexterity
・Lots of mobility and defensive options
・Huge DPS
・Lacks AoE damage
・Difficult to learn and master

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Musket ImageMusket Rapier ImageRapier
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Ranger
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger

Build Playstyle

This build focuses on having the Rapier as a support weapon to give you more mobility, effectively distancing yourself from your enemy. Make sure that you're positioned away from your opponent before a fight. This way, you won't get in trouble when using Shooter's Stance. Use Powder Burn as they approach you to slowly chip away their health.

Musket to land headshots as much as possible against your enemies. If an enemy has caught up with you, use Rapier's Fleche to distance yourself away from them or defend against them by using Riposte. If you managed to land the stun, you can switch back to your Musket and drop a trap that will root them, giving you a chance to headshot your opponent.

Positioning is required when using this build, as you need to consistently land headshots with the Musket. You will also need to learn when to use Riposte and Evade when an enemy does get close. One mistake, and you risk losing the fight, making this build hard to play and will require some degree of mastery.

Musket / Spear DPS Build

Musket & Spear DPS Build

Build Purpose
Strengths Weaknesses
・Both weapons scale off Dexterity
・Effective in mid and long range fights
・High DPS for both weapons
・Highly immobile
・Lacks AoE damage

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Musket ImageMusket Spear ImageSpear
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Ranger
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Medium
Stats: Ranger
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Medium
Stats: Ranger
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Boots Weight: Medium
Stats: Ranger

Build Playstyle

This build uses the spear to make up for the weakness of the Musket when fighting against opponents in close-range combat.

Since both weapons use the same attribute, they won't suffer from any DPS loss, making the spear an excellent choice to have with the Musket. If you're fighting someone in PvP, make sure to fight at a distance as much as possible. You want to chip away their health as they approach you, then finish them off with the spear. Make sure to prioritize landing headshots, as this is where all your damage and perk bonuses will be coming from.

The only main problem with this build is if you're fighting with more than one opponent. You will have a hard time as you don't have a lot of AoE options. Positioning will be the key to winning fights. If all things should fail, you still have the spear to fend off against your opponents.

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