New World

Entombed Skill: Stats and Information

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Entombed, a skill in New World. Stats, cooldown, mana cost, and effects of Entombed can all be found here and more!

Entombed Stats and Information

Entombed Icon.png
Effect Entomb yourself in ice to become invulnerable and greatly increase mana regeneration. The tomb lasts for 10s but can be destroyed early. Press block to exit the tomb normally or press light attack to exit while causing a damaging knockback at the cost of 10 mana. (Tomb health will be 75% of caster's health).
Weapon Tree Type
Ice Gauntlet Builder Active
Mana Cost Cooldown Req. Skill
30 30 None

List of All Ice Gauntlet Skills

New World Related Guides

New World - List of Weapon Skills.png

List of All Skills and Abilities

Active Ice Gauntlet Skills

Active Skills
EntombedEntombed Ice PylonIce Pylon Ice ShowerIce Shower
Ice SpikesIce Spikes Ice StormIce Storm Wind ChillWind Chill

Passive Ice Gauntlet Skills

Passive Skills
Blocking StaminaBlocking Stamina Chilling BlastChilling Blast Cleansing TombCleansing Tomb
Cold ReachCold Reach Critical FrostCritical Frost Critical RejuvenationCritical Rejuvenation
Deadly PathDeadly Path Defiant FreezeDefiant Freeze Empowered FrostEmpowered Frost
Empowered SpikesEmpowered Spikes Enduring ChillEnduring Chill Enduring ShowerEnduring Shower
Energized CriticalEnergized Critical Frigid ShowersFrigid Showers Frozen TouchFrozen Touch
Gathering StormGathering Storm Greater PylonGreater Pylon Heavy FreezeHeavy Freeze
Punishing StormPunishing Storm Pylon DodgePylon Dodge Pylon RefreshPylon Refresh
Pylon RegenPylon Regen Quick FrostQuick Frost Quick ShowerQuick Shower
Refreshing FrostRefreshing Frost Refreshing SpikesRefreshing Spikes Spiky ReachSpiky Reach
Storm SummonerStorm Summoner Strengthened TombStrengthened Tomb Ultimate ChillUltimate Chill
Ultimate FrostUltimate Frost Weakening GustWeakening Gust


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