New World

Character Creation Guide

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World Character Creation

This guide will explain how to create your character, as well as all character customization options in New World. Read on to learn all the available options for your character's appearance, how to edit your character's appearance, and if there are races and classes to choose from.

Character Creation Guide

Select A World

New World Select a World

Character Creation begins after you select a World to play in. Keep in mind that you can only use one character for each World Set.
Queue Times: Best Servers to Choose

Character Creation Appearance Options

New World - Character Creation Change Appearance
Character Creation in New World consists of selecting from a set of preset options. Press and hold the right mouse button to rotate the character.

Note that you cannot use sliders to customize the given presets.

The following is a complete list of customizable features for your character:

Character Creation Directory
Body Type Face Skin Tone
Hair Style Facial Hair Eye Color
Features Scars Tattoos

Body Type

There are two body types to choose from, male and female.


Face Presets for Male Characters Face Presets for Female Characters

You can choose from among 20 different face presets for male characters. If you have a female character, you can choose up to 22 face presets.

Skin Tone

A total of 10 skin tones are included to customize your character.

Hair Style

There 40 hairstyles to choose from, with 30 different colors. Note that you cannot change the color of the eyebrows and will always remain in its default brown color.

Facial Hair

You can choose from 33 facial hairstyles, also with 30 colors, and is available for both male and female characters. You also have the option to remove facial hair.

Eye Color

There are 19 eye colors to choose from to customize the player character's eyes.


There are 6 features you can select, or you can opt to not have any. These features consist of beauty marks, freckles, or blemishes. Only one feature can be included for your character.


There are 10 scars you can choose from, or you can opt to not have any. Similar to features, only one scar can be added and you cannot change its placement.


There are 21 tattoo options with 15 color options to choose from. You can also choose not to include any tattoos.

Much like features and scars, only one tattoo can be added and you cannot change its placement.

Name Your Character

New World Name Your Character
Once you've finished customizing your character, you must give them a unique name. There is a 16 character limit when naming the character and letters, spaces, and numbers can be used.

Your name can't be Jeff Bezos

Some names are restricted and can't be used by anyone. These names are usually explicit words, but can also be specific names like Jeff Bezos. Yes, you can't name yourself after the CEO of Amazon. This is probably to avoid people from trying to impersonate him to scam unwitting victims.

Share Your Character

Even if the Character Creation options are limited, there is still room for creativity! Show us the characters you came up with despite the limitations!

How to Edit Your Character

Appearance cannot be edited after creation

New World - Appearance cannot be edited after creation

Unfortunately, there is no way to change the appearance of your character once you've exited the Creation menu. This may change in a future update, but for now, you will want to be sure when you create your character.

Classes and Race Options

No Classes or Races

The character creation does not include any class or race choices. Nor does it have a stat sheet for you to customize your stats right off the bat. Instead, every character will start off the same and you will build your character's class through leveling your Attributes, the Weapons, and Weapon Masteries!

Creating your Class Guides
Attributes Guide List of Weapons Weapon Mastery Guide

Why Is Character Creation Disabled?

Character Creation Disabled on Full Servers

The Server is Full

Amazon Games implemented a feature that would prohibit players from creating a new character in a full server. This is to encourage new players to seek out servers with a lower player base.

If you come across this notice, it would be ideal to enter a server with a Lower Population.

Best Servers to Choose

New World's Twitter Announcement:

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