New World

Gold Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Gold Veins in New World. Read on to see possible locations of Gold Veins, including the necessary trade skill and tools to harvest them!

Gold Vein Basic Information

Gold Vein
Gold Vein ImageGold Vein
Gathering Lv. Tracking Lv. Req. Tool
Mining Lv. 45 Mining Lv. 70 Pickaxe

Gold Vein is a Mining resource node that requires the Pickaxe to harvest. With the tool equipped, walk up to the resource node and press the E key to gather and add it to your inventory.

Gold Vein Locations

Gold Veins looks like a rock with golden veins, giving it a gold tint. It can be differentiated from the other veins with its yellow shine.

You can find them in the highlands and are usually found on rocks. See the section below to learn all the Gold Vein locations.

Resource Node Maps
First Light Windsward Everfall Monarch's Bluff
Cutlass Keys Brightwood Weaver's Fen Restless Shore
Great Cleave Mourningdale

Click a link to take you to that zone's map!

First Light Gold Vein Locations

First Light's Gold Vein nodes are pretty spead out, with only one spot being near the Settlement. You might have to head north to the 2 spots near each other if you plan to farm them.

Windsward Gold Vein Locations

There are a few spots fairly close to the Settlement for the Gold Veins. To two spots near each other to the east is your best bet, but be careful as it is in a high level area.

Everfall Gold Vein Locations

NW - Everfall Gold Vein Locations
Everfall has the fewest amount of Gold Veins among the starting area. It is better to head to Monarch's Bluff if you wish to farm Gold Veins.

Monarch's Bluff Gold Vein Locations

Monarch's Bluff has a few nodes east of the Settlement for easy farming.

Cutlass Keys Gold Vein Locations

You can find plenty of Gold Veins south of the region's settlement. You may need to travel further down near the border of First Light as the resource nodes are in easy to reach places and may have already been harvested by other players.

Brightwood Gold Vein Locations

Gold is abundant in Brightwood. Players can opt to farm the veins to the southwest as these will not have many enemies in the area. If opting to farm the mountainous east, be prepared to climb as these veins appear along different elevations.

Weaver's Fen Gold Vein Locations

There are five locations in Weaver's Fen where Gold Veins can be harvested. The northern areas contain Level 37-38 enemies and are sometimes populated by other players.

The southern area of the region contains plenty of Gold Veins, although you need to cross the border between Weaver's Fen and Reekwater to reach the location.

Restless Shore Gold Vein Locations

You can find Gold Veins in four areas in the northen side of Restless Shore. The locations on the western side contains no enemies, although they are near two Level 41 landmarks.

It is recommended to unlock the Shrine of Sisyphos as it is located within the center all four locations.

Great Cleave Gold Vein Locations

The Defiler Excavation in Great Cleave will have a ton of Gold Veins. You can find this mine to the west of Eastburn Outpost guarded by level 41-43 Corrupted enemies.

The mountainside you use to jump down from Eastburn Outpost will also have Gold Veins. For maximum farm, mine these first before delving into the excavation area.

Mourningdale Gold Vein Locations

There are plenty of Gold Veins in Mourningdale. The easiest locations to farm are the two large rock formations to the south of Hibbotsfeld and Ramshead Cave. This area will not have a lot of enemies making it easy to farm Gold Veins quickly.

Gold Vein Extracted Reources

The table below shows the available resources that you can obtain from Gold Vein.

Resource Node Available Resources
Gold Vein IconGold Vein
Jasper Icon Jasper
Ruby Icon Ruby
Topaz Icon Topaz

Gold Ore is a raw material that can be refined into a Gold Ingot at a Smelter. Gold Ingots can be used in crafting certain recipes.

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List of All Resource Nodes


Mining Resource Nodes
Iron Vein Silver Vein Gold Vein
Platinum Vein Orichalcum Vein Starmetal Vein
Lodestone Seeping Stone Boulder

Alchemy Stones

Mining Resource Nodes
Shockspire Blightcrag Earthcrag
Scorchstone Lifejewel Soulspire

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