New World

Great Axe Skills and Skill Trees

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Great Axe Skills.png

This is a list of all Great Axe skills in New World. Read on to see the Great Axe's skill trees and available skills for each of them!

Reaper Tree Skills

Active Skills

Execute.pngExecute Description: A powerful overhead attack dealing 200% weapon damage. Deals 300% weapon damage vs foes under 50% health.
Type: Active Cooldown: 25
Reap.pngReap Description: Extend your axe 5m, pulling foes to you and dealing 70% weapon damage.
Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equiped in your great axe, this ability inflicts taunt for 4s when it hits.(Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.)
Type: Active Cooldown: 18
Charge.pngCharge Description: Charge 10m and deal 120% weapon damage when you reach a target. Press LMB to stop charging and attack early.
This ability has Grit (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks).
Type: Active Cooldown: 20

Passive Skills

Blood Lust.pngBlood Lust Description: You move 20% faster and deal 15% more damage when looking at a foe within 15m.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Executioner.pngExecutioner Description: Execute critical hits 100% of the time vs foes below 30% health.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Unstoppable Greed.pngUnstoppable Greed Description: Execute gains Grit during the attack, making the attack unstoppable.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
ExecutionerExecutioner's Speed Description: Hitting 2+ targets with a single Great Axe light attack swing grants 3s of 20% Haste (You move faster.)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Critical Condition.pngCritical Condition Description: Great Axe attacks against foes below 30% health: critical 15% more often.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
DeathDeath's Embrace Description: Great Axe attacks against foes below 50% health: penetrate armor by 10%
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Greed.pngGreed Description: Light attacks with your Great Axe give you 5% damage for 5s (max 3 stacks.)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Fatal Attraction.pngFatal Attraction Description: After you pull, do a spin attack dealing 115% weapon damage.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Hunger.pngHunger Description: Heal yourself for 30% of damage done by Reap.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
The Collector.pngThe Collector Description: Reap range is now 8m.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Feed.pngFeed Description: Great Axe attacks against foes below 30% health: heal you for 10% of damage done.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Keen Edge.pngKeen Edge Description: Critical damage increased by 10%
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Frustration.pngFrustration Description: After one of your attacks is blocked, gain 15% damage for 10s. (max 1 stack.)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Critical Gains.pngCritical Gains Description: When you make a critical hit with a Great Axe: Heal yourself for 10% of the damage done.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Unpredictable Strike.pngUnpredictable Strike Description: During Charge you may press RMB to execute a swing attack dealing 140 - 165% weapon damage based on how far you traveled.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Frenzied Momentum.pngFrenzied Momentum Description: Charge now deals 120 - 140% weapon damage based on how far you traveled.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -

Mauler Tree Skills

Active Skills

Gravity Well.pngGravity Well Description: Throw an axe to create a vortex that pulls foes to its center for 3s. Ends with a damaging Burst dealing 12% weapon damage. Range 10m.
Type: Active Cooldown: 30
Maelstrom.pngMaelstrom Description: Fast-spinning attack that pulls targets closer to you and deals 110% weapon damage.
Type: Active Cooldown: 20
Whirlwind.pngWhirlwind Description: Spin and attack all nearby foes, dealing 50% weapon damage. If you hit a foe, spin again. (Max 4 spins.) You can move while spinning. This attack cannot backstab. This attack has Grit.
Type: Active Cooldown: 30

Passive Skills

MaulerMauler's Fury Description: Great Axe attacks increase damage by 3 for 3s. (max 10 stacks.)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Unyielding.pngUnyielding Description: Allies gain 10% Fortify while standing in your well. (Fortify reduces damage.)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Crowded Well.pngCrowded Well Description: Increase burst damage by 10 for each foe caught in the vortex.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Crowded Protection.pngCrowded Protection Description: While holding a Great Axe, gain 10% damage absorption when 3 or more foes are within 4m.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Revenge.pngRevenge Description: When you block an attack with a Great Axe, gain % damage for 5s. (max 3 stacks.)
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Enduring Strike.pngEnduring Strike Description: Adds Grit to Great Axe Heavy Attacks, and grants 20% damage reduction during the Heavy attack.
(Grit prevents you from becoming staggered by incoming attacks).
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Heavy Pull.pngHeavy Pull Description: Heavy attacks with a Great Axe pull foes closer to you.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
No Reprieve.pngNo Reprieve Description: Maelstrom does an extra spin attack, pulling in foes and dealing 110% weapon damage.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Absorb.pngAbsorb Description: Consumes all projectiles while Maelstrom is active.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
StormStorm's Reach Description: Extends the reach of Maelstrom's pull range by 0%
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Center Of Attention.pngCenter Of Attention Description: While holding a Great Axe, gain 10% damage when 3 or more foes are within 4m.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Gravity.pngGravity Description: After you cause a pull, your foe is rooted for 0.25s.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
MaulerMauler's Resolve Description: If you get hit while holding a Great Axe and below 50% health: Gain 40 stamina. (20s Cooldown.)
Type: Passive Cooldown: 20
Surrounded.pngSurrounded Description: If you have 3 or more foes around you, deal 30% more damage.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Unending Winds.pngUnending Winds Description: Whirlwind's movement speed increased by 50%
Type: Passive Cooldown: -
Gusting Winds.pngGusting Winds Description: Whirlwind's maximum number of rotations is increased to 7.
Type: Passive Cooldown: -

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New World - List of Weapon Skills.png

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