New World

Frenzied Momentum Skill: Stats and Information

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Frenzied Momentum, a skill in New World. Stats, cooldown, mana cost, and effects of Frenzied Momentum can all be found here and more!

Frenzied Momentum Stats and Information

Frenzied Momentum
Frenzied Momentum Icon.png
Effect Charge now deals 120 - 140% weapon damage based on how far you traveled.
Weapon Tree Type
Great Axe Reaper Passive
Mana Cost Cooldown Req. Skill
- - Charge

List of All Great Axe Skills

New World Related Guides

New World - List of Weapon Skills.png

List of All Skills and Abilities

Active Great Axe Skills

Active Skills
ChargeCharge ExecuteExecute Gravity WellGravity Well
MaelstromMaelstrom ReapReap WhirlwindWhirlwind

Passive Great Axe Skills

Passive Skills
AbsorbAbsorb Blood LustBlood Lust Center Of AttentionCenter Of Attention
Critical ConditionCritical Condition Critical GainsCritical Gains Crowded ProtectionCrowded Protection
Crowded WellCrowded Well DeathDeath's Embrace Enduring StrikeEnduring Strike
ExecutionerExecutioner ExecutionerExecutioner's Speed Fatal AttractionFatal Attraction
FeedFeed Frenzied MomentumFrenzied Momentum FrustrationFrustration
GravityGravity GreedGreed Gusting WindsGusting Winds
Heavy PullHeavy Pull HungerHunger Keen EdgeKeen Edge
MaulerMauler's Fury MaulerMauler's Resolve No ReprieveNo Reprieve
RevengeRevenge StormStorm's Reach SurroundedSurrounded
The CollectorThe Collector Unending WindsUnending Winds Unpredictable StrikeUnpredictable Strike
Unstoppable GreedUnstoppable Greed UnyieldingUnyielding


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