New World

New World Swords and Shields

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is Game8's hub for all available Swords and Shields in New World. See the general stats and information of Swords and Shields, as well as lists of Swords and Shields across all tiers here!

Tier Lists and Weapon Guides
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Sword and Shield Stats and Information

Sword and Shield
Sword and Shield Icon.png
A pairing of melee focused weapons that, when combined, offer solid offensive and defensive capabilities. Utilizes a combination of arcing swings and lunges for the offensive melee attacks and a Shield to maximize defenses.
Attribute Primary: Strength
Secondary: Dexterity
Weapon Type One-Handed
Light Attack 1 100% Slash Light Attack 2 105% Slash
Heavy Attack 1 120% Thrust Charged Heavy Attack 160% Thrust

List of Sword and Shield Skills

New World Swords

Tier 1 Swords

Swords by Tier
Tier 1 Swords Tier 2 Swords Tier 3 Swords
Tier 4 Swords Tier 5 Swords

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Wood Longsword ImageWood Longsword

Tier 2 Swords

Swords by Tier
Tier 1 Swords Tier 2 Swords Tier 3 Swords
Tier 4 Swords Tier 5 Swords

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Ancient Longsword ImageAncient Longsword Briarmaw ImageBriarmaw Covenant Initiate Longsword ImageCovenant Initiate Longsword
Dark Tidings ImageDark Tidings Defiled Longsword ImageDefiled Longsword Effervescence ImageEffervescence
Eye of Darkness ImageEye of Darkness First Contact ImageFirst Contact Forgotten Memory ImageForgotten Memory
Forsaken Longsword ImageForsaken Longsword Frigid Gale ImageFrigid Gale Iron Longsword ImageIron Longsword
Longsword ImageLongsword Marauder Soldier Longsword ImageMarauder Soldier Longsword Moonlit Dance ImageMoonlit Dance
Mountain Thorn ImageMountain Thorn One Last Breath ImageOne Last Breath Phoenix Ashes ImagePhoenix Ashes
Primastic Vista ImagePrimastic Vista Primeval Longsword ImagePrimeval Longsword Pure of Heart ImagePure of Heart
Runecarved Blade ImageRunecarved Blade Sanguine Crook ImageSanguine Crook Sapling Brand ImageSapling Brand
Soaked Longsword ImageSoaked Longsword Subservience ImageSubservience Syndicate Adept Longsword ImageSyndicate Adept Longsword
ValorValor's Beginnings

Tier 3 Swords

Swords by Tier
Tier 1 Swords Tier 2 Swords Tier 3 Swords
Tier 4 Swords Tier 5 Swords

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Amrine Temple Longsword ImageAmrine Temple Longsword Balance of Time ImageBalance of Time Bloodforged Longsword ImageBloodforged Longsword
Covenant Excubitor Longsword ImageCovenant Excubitor Longsword Covenant Templar Longsword ImageCovenant Templar Longsword Decrepit ImageDecrepit
DiamondDiamond's Edge Enchantress ImageEnchantress First MateFirst Mate's Blade
G.R.E.G ImageG.R.E.G Immortal Flame ImageImmortal Flame JenningJenning's Fury
Marauder Gladiator Longsword ImageMarauder Gladiator Longsword Marauder Ravager Longsword ImageMarauder Ravager Longsword Memory of the First Ones ImageMemory of the First Ones
Natural Formation ImageNatural Formation Obelisk Guard Longsword ImageObelisk Guard Longsword Obsidian Slasher ImageObsidian Slasher
Quick Wit ImageQuick Wit Sarcosanct ImageSarcosanct Sign of Salvation ImageSign of Salvation
Steel Longsword ImageSteel Longsword Steel to Blood ImageSteel to Blood Syndicate Chronicler Longsword ImageSyndicate Chronicler Longsword
Syndicate Scrivener Longsword ImageSyndicate Scrivener Longsword The First of Many ImageThe First of Many Those Who Remain ImageThose Who Remain
Tidal Reaver ImageTidal Reaver ValorValor's Call

Tier 4 Swords

Swords by Tier
Tier 1 Swords Tier 2 Swords Tier 3 Swords
Tier 4 Swords Tier 5 Swords

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Aphedia ImageAphedia Arm of the Aggressor ImageArm of the Aggressor Covenant Lumen Longsword ImageCovenant Lumen Longsword
Deepwatcher Longsword ImageDeepwatcher Longsword Dowsing Blade ImageDowsing Blade Echoes of War ImageEchoes of War
Enigmatic Aeons ImageEnigmatic Aeons Fearful Breath ImageFearful Breath Ghastly Revelation ImageGhastly Revelation
Gift from the Mother ImageGift from the Mother Gracious Host ImageGracious Host Gravebreaker ImageGravebreaker
Grim Edict ImageGrim Edict Hastate ImageHastate Marauder Destroyer Longsword ImageMarauder Destroyer Longsword
Shatterslash ImageShatterslash Shipyard Sentinel Longsword ImageShipyard Sentinel Longsword Soulfire Damascus ImageSoulfire Damascus
Starmetal Longsword ImageStarmetal Longsword Syndicate Cabalist Longsword ImageSyndicate Cabalist Longsword The Cause ImageThe Cause
True Path ImageTrue Path ValorValor's Destiny Whickering Soul ImageWhickering Soul

Tier 5 Swords

Swords by Tier
Tier 1 Swords Tier 2 Swords Tier 3 Swords
Tier 4 Swords Tier 5 Swords

Click a link above to take you to that section.

A Thousand Voices ImageA Thousand Voices Abandoned Sword ImageAbandoned Sword AbominationAbomination's Mandible
AlAl'kazor Anakor, Gaze of Serpents ImageAnakor, Gaze of Serpents Ancestral Longsword ImageAncestral Longsword
Blazing Reaver ImageBlazing Reaver Bloodline Heir ImageBloodline Heir Break Beyond ImageBreak Beyond
Brinelash ImageBrinelash Ciradim, Charge of the Guardian ImageCiradim, Charge of the Guardian Covenant Adjudicator Longsword ImageCovenant Adjudicator Longsword
Crystalline Sword ImageCrystalline Sword Currently UnavailableDesecrated Sword Dryad Sword ImageDryad Sword
DryadDryad's Demise EmeraldEmerald's Eye Final Waltz ImageFinal Waltz
Formal Invitation ImageFormal Invitation Frostbite ImageFrostbite Fulgurite Slasher ImageFulgurite Slasher
Garden Keeper Longsword ImageGarden Keeper Longsword Gravescraper ImageGravescraper Greenkeeper ImageGreenkeeper
GuardianGuardian's Charge Hemogoblin ImageHemogoblin JupiterJupiter's Favor
LaneLane's Lament Lazarus Watcher Longsword ImageLazarus Watcher Longsword Liberator Of Souls ImageLiberator Of Souls
Luminous Dream ImageLuminous Dream Malicious Intent ImageMalicious Intent Malum ImageMalum
Marauder Commander Longsword ImageMarauder Commander Longsword Masterstroke ImageMasterstroke Opus Blade ImageOpus Blade
Orichalcum Longsword ImageOrichalcum Longsword Rallying Cry ImageRallying Cry Reckless ImageReckless
Rimeblade ImageRimeblade Second Chance ImageSecond Chance Seeker of Secrets ImageSeeker of Secrets
SeerSeer's End Shard Of The Obelisk ImageShard Of The Obelisk Sin ImageSin
Slicing Zephyr ImageSlicing Zephyr SoulwardenSoulwarden's Guide Spirithound ImageSpirithound
Surrogate of Justice ImageSurrogate of Justice Syndicate Alchemist Longsword ImageSyndicate Alchemist Longsword Tempest ImageTempest
The Black Blade ImageThe Black Blade The Fairy Queens Jest ImageThe Fairy Queens Jest The Familiar ImageThe Familiar
The Messenger ImageThe Messenger The Way Home ImageThe Way Home ValorValor's Folly
Vinesnapper ImageVinesnapper Voice of the Makers ImageVoice of the Makers Voidforged Harbinger ImageVoidforged Harbinger
Volcanic Reaver ImageVolcanic Reaver Warden of the Wilds ImageWarden of the Wilds Waterlogged Sword ImageWaterlogged Sword
Widowmaker ImageWidowmaker Wildfire ImageWildfire Will of the Hunter ImageWill of the Hunter
Wishful Wail ImageWishful Wail

New World Shields

Lists of Round Shields

Tier 1 Round Shields

Round Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Round Shields Tier 2 Round Shields Tier 3 Round Shields
Tier 4 Round Shields Tier 5 Round Shields

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There are no available weapons in this category

Tier 2 Round Shields

Round Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Round Shields Tier 2 Round Shields Tier 3 Round Shields
Tier 4 Round Shields Tier 5 Round Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Covenant Initiate Round Shield ImageCovenant Initiate Round Shield Iron Round Shield ImageIron Round Shield Marauder Soldier Round Shield ImageMarauder Soldier Round Shield
Round Shield ImageRound Shield Syndicate Adept Round Shield ImageSyndicate Adept Round Shield

Tier 3 Round Shields

Round Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Round Shields Tier 2 Round Shields Tier 3 Round Shields
Tier 4 Round Shields Tier 5 Round Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Amrine Temple Round Shield ImageAmrine Temple Round Shield Covenant Templar Round Shield ImageCovenant Templar Round Shield Marauder Gladiator Round Shield ImageMarauder Gladiator Round Shield
Obelisk Guard Round Shield ImageObelisk Guard Round Shield Steel Round Shield ImageSteel Round Shield Syndicate Scrivener Round Shield ImageSyndicate Scrivener Round Shield

Tier 4 Round Shields

Round Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Round Shields Tier 2 Round Shields Tier 3 Round Shields
Tier 4 Round Shields Tier 5 Round Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Covenant Excubitor Round Shield ImageCovenant Excubitor Round Shield Covenant Lumen Round Shield ImageCovenant Lumen Round Shield Deepwatcher Round Shield ImageDeepwatcher Round Shield
Marauder Destroyer Round Shield ImageMarauder Destroyer Round Shield Marauder Ravager Round Shield ImageMarauder Ravager Round Shield Shipyard Sentinel Round Shield ImageShipyard Sentinel Round Shield
Starmetal Round Shield ImageStarmetal Round Shield Syndicate Cabalist Round Shield ImageSyndicate Cabalist Round Shield Syndicate Chronicler Round Shield ImageSyndicate Chronicler Round Shield

Tier 5 Round Shields

Round Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Round Shields Tier 2 Round Shields Tier 3 Round Shields
Tier 4 Round Shields Tier 5 Round Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Covenant Adjudicator Round Shield ImageCovenant Adjudicator Round Shield Garden Keeper Round Shield ImageGarden Keeper Round Shield Lazarus Watcher Round Shield ImageLazarus Watcher Round Shield
Marauder Commander Round Shield ImageMarauder Commander Round Shield Orichalcum Round Shield ImageOrichalcum Round Shield Syndicate Alchemist Round Shield ImageSyndicate Alchemist Round Shield

Lists of Kite Shields

Tier 1 Kite Shields

Kite Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Kite Shields Tier 2 Kite Shields Tier 3 Kite Shields
Tier 4 Kite Shields Tier 5 Kite Shields

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There are no available weapons in this category

Tier 2 Kite Shields

Kite Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Kite Shields Tier 2 Kite Shields Tier 3 Kite Shields
Tier 4 Kite Shields Tier 5 Kite Shields

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There are no available weapons in this category

Tier 3 Kite Shields

Kite Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Kite Shields Tier 2 Kite Shields Tier 3 Kite Shields
Tier 4 Kite Shields Tier 5 Kite Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Amrine Temple Kite Shield ImageAmrine Temple Kite Shield Covenant Templar Kite Shield ImageCovenant Templar Kite Shield Marauder Gladiator Kite Shield ImageMarauder Gladiator Kite Shield
Obelisk Guard Kite Shield ImageObelisk Guard Kite Shield Steel Kite Shield ImageSteel Kite Shield Syndicate Scrivener Kite Shield ImageSyndicate Scrivener Kite Shield

Tier 4 Kite Shields

Kite Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Kite Shields Tier 2 Kite Shields Tier 3 Kite Shields
Tier 4 Kite Shields Tier 5 Kite Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Covenant Excubitor Kite Shield ImageCovenant Excubitor Kite Shield Covenant Lumen Kite Shield ImageCovenant Lumen Kite Shield Deepwatcher Kite Shield ImageDeepwatcher Kite Shield
Marauder Destroyer Kite Shield ImageMarauder Destroyer Kite Shield Marauder Ravager Kite Shield ImageMarauder Ravager Kite Shield Shipyard Sentinel Kite Shield ImageShipyard Sentinel Kite Shield
Starmetal Kite Shield ImageStarmetal Kite Shield Syndicate Cabalist Kite Shield ImageSyndicate Cabalist Kite Shield Syndicate Chronicler Kite Shield ImageSyndicate Chronicler Kite Shield

Tier 5 Kite Shields

Kite Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Kite Shields Tier 2 Kite Shields Tier 3 Kite Shields
Tier 4 Kite Shields Tier 5 Kite Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Covenant Adjudicator Kite Shield ImageCovenant Adjudicator Kite Shield Garden Keeper Kite Shield ImageGarden Keeper Kite Shield Lazarus Watcher Kite Shield ImageLazarus Watcher Kite Shield
Marauder Commander Kite Shield ImageMarauder Commander Kite Shield Orichalcum Kite Shield ImageOrichalcum Kite Shield Syndicate Alchemist Kite Shield ImageSyndicate Alchemist Kite Shield

Lists of Tower Shields

Tier 1 Tower Shields

Tower Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Tower Shields Tier 2 Tower Shields Tier 3 Tower Shields
Tier 4 Tower Shields Tier 5 Tower Shields

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There are no available weapons in this category

Tier 2 Tower Shields

Tower Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Tower Shields Tier 2 Tower Shields Tier 3 Tower Shields
Tier 4 Tower Shields Tier 5 Tower Shields

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There are no available weapons in this category

Tier 3 Tower Shields

Tower Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Tower Shields Tier 2 Tower Shields Tier 3 Tower Shields
Tier 4 Tower Shields Tier 5 Tower Shields

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There are no available weapons in this category

Tier 4 Tower Shields

Tower Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Tower Shields Tier 2 Tower Shields Tier 3 Tower Shields
Tier 4 Tower Shields Tier 5 Tower Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Covenant Excubitor Tower Shield ImageCovenant Excubitor Tower Shield Covenant Lumen Tower Shield ImageCovenant Lumen Tower Shield Deepwatcher Tower Shield ImageDeepwatcher Tower Shield
Marauder Destroyer Tower Shield ImageMarauder Destroyer Tower Shield Marauder Ravager Tower Shield ImageMarauder Ravager Tower Shield Shipyard Sentinel Tower Shield ImageShipyard Sentinel Tower Shield
Starmetal Tower Shield ImageStarmetal Tower Shield Syndicate Cabalist Tower Shield ImageSyndicate Cabalist Tower Shield Syndicate Chronicler Tower Shield ImageSyndicate Chronicler Tower Shield

Tier 5 Tower Shields

Tower Shields by Tier
Tier 1 Tower Shields Tier 2 Tower Shields Tier 3 Tower Shields
Tier 4 Tower Shields Tier 5 Tower Shields

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Covenant Adjudicator Tower Shield ImageCovenant Adjudicator Tower Shield Garden Keeper Tower Shield ImageGarden Keeper Tower Shield Lazarus Watcher Tower Shield ImageLazarus Watcher Tower Shield
Marauder Commander Tower Shield ImageMarauder Commander Tower Shield Orichalcum Tower Shield ImageOrichalcum Tower Shield Syndicate Alchemist Tower Shield ImageSyndicate Alchemist Tower Shield

New World Related Guides

New World - Weapons Focus Banner.png

List of Weapons

Weapon Categories
Sword IconSword & Shield Rapier IconRapier Hatchet IconHatchet
Spear IconSpear Great Axe IconGreat Axe Warhammer IconWar Hammer
Bow IconBow Musket IconMusket Fire Staff IconFire Staff
Life Staff IconLife Staff Ice Gauntlet IconIce Gauntlet Void Gauntlet IconVoid Gauntlet


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