New World

New World Gems: List of Flawed, Cut, and Pristine Gemstones

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This guide covers all Gem items such as Cut Gemstones, Flawed Gemstones, and Pristine Gemstones in New World. Read on to see lists of Gemstones across all tiers, what they are used for, and how to get them!

List of Gemstones

Tier 1 Gemstones

There are no available resources in this tier.

Tier 2 Gemstones

Cut Flawed Amber IconCut Flawed Amber Cut Flawed Amethyst IconCut Flawed Amethyst Cut Flawed Aquamarine IconCut Flawed Aquamarine Cut Flawed Carnelian IconCut Flawed Carnelian
Cut Flawed Diamond IconCut Flawed Diamond Cut Flawed Emerald IconCut Flawed Emerald Cut Flawed Jasper IconCut Flawed Jasper Cut Flawed Malachite IconCut Flawed Malachite
Cut Flawed Moonstone IconCut Flawed Moonstone Cut Flawed Onyx IconCut Flawed Onyx Cut Flawed Opal IconCut Flawed Opal Cut Flawed Ruby IconCut Flawed Ruby
Cut Flawed Sapphire IconCut Flawed Sapphire Cut Flawed Topaz IconCut Flawed Topaz Flawed Amber IconFlawed Amber Flawed Amethyst IconFlawed Amethyst
Flawed Aquamarine IconFlawed Aquamarine Flawed Carnelian IconFlawed Carnelian Flawed Diamond IconFlawed Diamond Flawed Emerald IconFlawed Emerald
Flawed Jasper IconFlawed Jasper Flawed Malachite IconFlawed Malachite Flawed Moonstone IconFlawed Moonstone Flawed Onyx IconFlawed Onyx
Flawed Opal IconFlawed Opal Flawed Pearl IconFlawed Pearl Flawed Ruby IconFlawed Ruby Flawed Sapphire IconFlawed Sapphire
Flawed Topaz IconFlawed Topaz

Tier 3 Gemstones

Amber IconAmber Amethyst IconAmethyst Aquamarine IconAquamarine Carnelian IconCarnelian
Cut Amber IconCut Amber Cut Amethyst IconCut Amethyst Cut Aquamarine IconCut Aquamarine Cut Carnelian IconCut Carnelian
Cut Diamond IconCut Diamond Cut Emerald IconCut Emerald Cut Jasper IconCut Jasper Cut Malachite IconCut Malachite
Cut Moonstone IconCut Moonstone Cut Onyx IconCut Onyx Cut Opal IconCut Opal Cut Ruby IconCut Ruby
Cut Sapphire IconCut Sapphire Cut Topaz IconCut Topaz Diamond IconDiamond Emerald IconEmerald
Jasper IconJasper Malachite IconMalachite Moonstone IconMoonstone Onyx IconOnyx
Opal IconOpal Pearl IconPearl Ruby IconRuby Sapphire IconSapphire
Topaz IconTopaz

Tier 4 Gemstones

Brilliant Amber IconBrilliant Amber Brilliant Amethyst IconBrilliant Amethyst Brilliant Aquamarine IconBrilliant Aquamarine Brilliant Carnelian IconBrilliant Carnelian
Brilliant Diamond IconBrilliant Diamond Brilliant Emerald IconBrilliant Emerald Brilliant Jasper IconBrilliant Jasper Brilliant Malachite IconBrilliant Malachite
Brilliant Moonstone IconBrilliant Moonstone Brilliant Onyx IconBrilliant Onyx Brilliant Opal IconBrilliant Opal Brilliant Pearl IconBrilliant Pearl
Brilliant Ruby IconBrilliant Ruby Brilliant Sapphire IconBrilliant Sapphire Brilliant Topaz IconBrilliant Topaz Cut Brilliant Amber IconCut Brilliant Amber
Cut Brilliant Amethyst IconCut Brilliant Amethyst Cut Brilliant Aquamarine IconCut Brilliant Aquamarine Cut Brilliant Carnelian IconCut Brilliant Carnelian Cut Brilliant Diamond IconCut Brilliant Diamond
Cut Brilliant Emerald IconCut Brilliant Emerald Cut Brilliant Jasper IconCut Brilliant Jasper Cut Brilliant Malachite IconCut Brilliant Malachite Cut Brilliant Moonstone IconCut Brilliant Moonstone
Cut Brilliant Onyx IconCut Brilliant Onyx Cut Brilliant Opal IconCut Brilliant Opal Cut Brilliant Ruby IconCut Brilliant Ruby Cut Brilliant Sapphire IconCut Brilliant Sapphire
Cut Brilliant Topaz IconCut Brilliant Topaz

Tier 5 Gemstones

Cut Pristine Amber IconCut Pristine Amber Cut Pristine Amethyst IconCut Pristine Amethyst Cut Pristine Aquamarine IconCut Pristine Aquamarine Cut Pristine Carnelian IconCut Pristine Carnelian
Cut Pristine Diamond IconCut Pristine Diamond Cut Pristine Emerald IconCut Pristine Emerald Cut Pristine Jasper IconCut Pristine Jasper Cut Pristine Malachite IconCut Pristine Malachite
Cut Pristine Moonstone IconCut Pristine Moonstone Cut Pristine Onyx IconCut Pristine Onyx Cut Pristine Opal IconCut Pristine Opal Cut Pristine Ruby IconCut Pristine Ruby
Cut Pristine Sapphire IconCut Pristine Sapphire Cut Pristine Topaz IconCut Pristine Topaz Pristine Amber IconPristine Amber Pristine Amethyst IconPristine Amethyst
Pristine Aquamarine IconPristine Aquamarine Pristine Carnelian IconPristine Carnelian Pristine Diamond IconPristine Diamond Pristine Emerald IconPristine Emerald
Pristine Jasper IconPristine Jasper Pristine Malachite IconPristine Malachite Pristine Moonstone IconPristine Moonstone Pristine Onyx IconPristine Onyx
Pristine Opal IconPristine Opal Pristine Pearl IconPristine Pearl Pristine Ruby IconPristine Ruby Pristine Sapphire IconPristine Sapphire
Pristine Topaz IconPristine Topaz

How to Use Gemstones

NW - How to Use Gems
Gemstones take up the Empty Gem Socket slots on Weapons and Armor. These provide various Perks to the equipped item, such as increased damage or defense.

How to Use Gem Sockets

How to Get Gemstones

Refine Gemstones

NW - Refine Gemstones at the Stonecutting Table
Gemstones can be refined at the Stonecutting Table. They are refined from Raw Gemstones, which are obtained through mining Ores.

This increases your Stonecutting skill.

Stonecutting Table Guide

Random Enemy Drops and Chests

NW - Random Enemy Drops and Chests
Enemies will sometimes drop Gemstones or items with Gemstones already equipped when they die. You can also find them in chests around the world.

Buy at Trading Posts

NW - Buy Gemstones From the Trading Post
You can purchase Gemstones at Trading Posts in Settlements, though they may cost a lot due to their value.

Trading Post Guide: How to Use the Trading Post

New World Related Guides

List of Resources

Resources by Type
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Stone BlocksStone Blocks BrickBrick WoodWood
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GemstonesGemstones Tuning OrbsTuning Orbs Alchemy ResourcesAlchemy Resources
Faction SealsFaction Seals Special ResourcesSpecial Resources Refining MaterialsRefining Materials
DyesDyes Repair KitsRepair Kits Crafting ComponentsCrafting Components
PigmentsPigments AmmoAmmo BaitBait
Cooking Recipes and Crafting SchematicsCooking Recipes & Crafting Schematics Salvageable ScrapsSalvageable Scraps Material GroupsMaterial Groups


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