New World

List of Perks

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Perks
This is a hub for all available Perks in New World. Read on to learn what Perks are and their effects, as well as how to apply perks to gear!

List of Perks

Weapon Perks

Perk Categories
Weapon Perks Resistance Perks Enemy-Specific Perks
Trade Skill Perks Exploration Perks

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Abyssal ImageAbyssal % of damage is converted to Void. Damage scales off base weapon stat or INT, whichever is higher.
Accelerated Defiant Stance ImageAccelerated Defiant Stance Movement Speed Increased by 5% for 5 seconds after triggering Defiant Stance.
Accelerating Flamethrower ImageAccelerating Flamethrower Applying 3 stacks of burn damage on a target with Flamethrower grants Haste, increasing movement speed by 5% for 2 seconds.
Accelerating LightAccelerating Light's Embrace Allies below full health gain Haste when hit with Light's Embrace, increasing movement speed by 5% for 3 seconds.
Accelerating Traps ImageAccelerating Traps Increase movement speed by 5% for 3 seconds after deploying a trap. Does not stack.
Accuracy ImageAccuracy You have 25% more accuracy.
Arboreal ImageArboreal % of damage is converted to Nature. Damage scales off base weapon stat or FOC, whichever is higher.
Arcane Damage ImageArcane Damage 3% Arcane Damage increase.
Beloved ImageBeloved You generate 5% less threat.
Bleeding Sweep ImageBleeding Sweep Sweep's Coup De Grace now applies Bleed for -2% of weapon damage for 4 seconds.
Blessed ImageBlessed 10% Healing bonus increase.
Blood Letting ImageBlood Letting Applied Bleeding lasts 3% longer.
Brash ImageBrash % damage increase against targets with full Health.
Burning ImageBurning Applied Burning lasts 3% longer.
Calming ImageCalming You generate -% less threat.
Chain Arcane ImageChain Arcane On light and heavy attack hit hit cause a Chain Arcane attack that bounces between 3 close targets. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Chain Fire ImageChain Fire On light and heavy attack hit, cause a Chain Fire attack that bounces between 3 close targets. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Chain Ice ImageChain Ice On light and heavy attack hit hit, cause a Chain Ice attack that bounces between 3 close targets. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Chain Lightning ImageChain Lightning On light and heavy basic attack hit, cause a Chain Lightning attack that bounces between 3 close targets. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Chain Nature ImageChain Nature On light and heavy attack hit hit, cause a Chain Nature attack that bounces between 3 close targets. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Chain Void ImageChain Void On hit light and heavy attack hit, cause a Chain Void attack that bounces between 3 close targets. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Contagious Reverse Stab ImageContagious Reverse Stab Reverse Stab transfers an active debuff from self to target hit. (Doesn't apply on boss status effects)
Crippling ImageCrippling Applied Slows last 3% longer.
Crippling Powder Burn ImageCrippling Powder Burn Targets hit with Powder Burn are slowed by -5% for 5 seconds.
Crippling Reap ImageCrippling Reap If target hit with Reap is below 50% health, they are Slowed, reducing movement speed by 10% for 2 seconds.
Cruel ImageCruel % damage increase against targets with an active Crowd Control status effect (Slow, Stun, Root.)
Deadly Frost ImageDeadly Frost Frigid Showers ability will cause damage to enemies with Frostbite.
Despised ImageDespised You generate 5% more threat.
Efficient Burnout ImageEfficient Burnout Mana regen rate increased by 10% for 8 seconds after using Burnout.
Electrified ImageElectrified % of damage is converted to Lightning. Damage scales off base weapon stat or INT, whichever is higher.
Empowered ImageEmpowered % of damage is converted to Arcane. Damage scales off base weapon stat or INT, whichever is higher.
Empowering Armor Breaker ImageEmpowering Armor Breaker If Armor Breaker breaks a block, the next attack within 5 seconds deals 3% additional damage.
Empowering Fireball ImageEmpowering Fireball Fireball impact deals 5% additional damage.
Empowering Leaping Strike ImageEmpowering Leaping Strike Deal 3% additional damage to targets slowed by Leaping Strike's Cowardly Punishment upgrade.
Empowering Meteor Shower ImageEmpowering Meteor Shower Meteor Shower hits deal 10% additional damage to targets at full Health.
Empowering ShooterEmpowering Shooter's Stance Hitting a target while in Shooter's Stance grants Empower, increasing damage by 4% for 3 seconds.
Empowering Splinter Shot ImageEmpowering Splinter Shot Splinter Shot hits grant Empower, increase damage by 4% for 10 seconds or until the next attack.
Empowering Whirling Blade ImageEmpowering Whirling Blade Base damage is increased by 20% while performing a Whirling Blade attack if 3 or more enemies are within the radius of the attack.
Enchanted ImageEnchanted Light and Heavy attacks deal 5% more damage.
Energizing Evade Shot ImageEnergizing Evade Shot Gain 2 Stamina after hitting a target with Evade Shot.
Energizing Feral Rush ImageEnergizing Feral Rush Gain 1 stamina for each successful hit with Feral Rush.
Energizing Flourish ImageEnergizing Flourish Gain 5 stamina on hit with Flourish.
Energizing Rending Throw ImageEnergizing Rending Throw Rending Throw kills grant 5 Stamina.
Energizing Splash of Light ImageEnergizing Splash of Light Allies hit with Splash of Light gain 3 stamina.
Energizing Stopping Power ImageEnergizing Stopping Power Gain 10% stamina on kills with Stopping Power.
Enfeebling ImageEnfeebling Applied Weakens last 3% longer.
Enfeebling Maelstrom ImageEnfeebling Maelstrom Targets hit by Maelstrom's No Reprieve are Weakened, reducing their attack damage by -3% for 4 seconds.
Enfeebling Poison Shot ImageEnfeebling Poison Shot Poison Shot's arrow also applies Weaken, reducing target's damage by -3% for 4 seconds.
Enfeebling Skewer ImageEnfeebling Skewer Skewer hits apply Weaken, reducing target's damage by -3% for 8 seconds.
Exhilarate ImageExhilarate % damage against targets with less than 30% Health.
Fire Damage ImageFire Damage 3% Fire Damage increase.
Fortifying Perforate ImageFortifying Perforate Gain a stack of Fortify, increasing damage absorption by 2% for 6 seconds per successful Perforate hit.
Fortifying Rain of Arrows ImageFortifying Rain of Arrows Hitting a target with Rain of Arrows grants Fortify on self, increasing damage absorption by 5% for 6 seconds.
Fortifying Sacred Ground ImageFortifying Sacred Ground Allies healed by Sacred Ground gain Fortify, increasing damage absorption by 3% for 5 seconds.
Fortifying Shield Rush ImageFortifying Shield Rush After hitting a target with Shield Rush, gain Fortify, increasing damage absorption on self by 5% for 4 seconds.
Fortifying Whirlwind ImageFortifying Whirlwind Whirlwind hits grant Fortify on self, increasing damage absorption by 3% for 2 seconds. (10 stacks max.)
Frozen ImageFrozen % of damage is converted to Ice. Damage scales off base weapon stat or INT, whichever is higher.
Gambit ImageGambit % damage while your stamina is not full.
Hated ImageHated You generate 5% more threat.
Healing Tomb ImageHealing Tomb Gain 10% Health after exiting Entomb with full mana.
Ice Damage ImageIce Damage 3% Ice Damage increase.
Iced Refresh ImageIced Refresh Reduce all Ice cooldowns on a killing blow by 20%.
Ignited ImageIgnited % of damage is converted to Fire. Damage scales off base weapon stat or INT, whichever is higher.
Infected ImageInfected Disease you apply lasts 3% longer.
Insatiable Gravity Well ImageInsatiable Gravity Well Gain 20% of your damage with Gravity Well back as Health, and cast another burst around you on successful hit.
Keen ImageKeen 3% Critical chance
Keen Awareness ImageKeen Awareness 3% Critical Chance increase.
Keen Berserk ImageKeen Berserk Increase Crit Chance by 1% while under 50% HP while Berserking.
Keen Speed ImageKeen Speed On Critical: Gain 30% Haste for 2s (10s cooldown)
Keen Tondo ImageKeen Tondo Increase Crit Chance by 2% against targets affected by Tondo's Bleed.
Keen Vault Kick ImageKeen Vault Kick Vault Kick increases random Crit Chance by 2% for 5 seconds.
Keenly Empowered ImageKeenly Empowered On Critical: Gain 15% Empower for 5s (10s cooldown)
Keenly Fortified ImageKeenly Fortified On Critical: gain 3% Fortify for 3 seconds (Cooldown 10 seconds).
Keenly Jagged ImageKeenly Jagged On Critical: Cause bleed that deals 7% weapon damage per second for 10s (10s cooldown).
Kind ImageKind You generate 5% less threat.
Leeching ImageLeeching You gain 0.5% of your damage as health. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Leeching Cyclone ImageLeeching Cyclone Every hit of Cyclone heals you for 10% of weapon damage.
Leeching Flurry ImageLeeching Flurry Each hit of Flurry restores returns 10% of the damage as health.
Leeching Path of Destiny ImageLeeching Path of Destiny Heal for 10% of the damage dealt from Path Of Destiny.
Lifestealing ImageLifestealing You gain 0.5% of your damage as health. Does not trigger off persistent or DoT effects.
Lightning Damage ImageLightning Damage 3% Lightning Damage increase.
Mending Execute ImageMending Execute Gain 5% of health back on kill with Execute.
Mending Infected Throw ImageMending Infected Throw Infected Throw kills return 5% of the player's HP.
Mending Protection ImageMending Protection Increase healing power by 5% for 5 seconds if Orb of Protection heals an ally with no active buffs.
Mending Sticky Bombs ImageMending Sticky Bombs Gain 5% of your max HP on kill with a Sticky Bomb Explosion.
Mortal Energy ImageMortal Energy Gain 5% Stamina when you kill something (5s cooldown).
Mortal Fortification ImageMortal Fortification Gain 10% Fortify when you kill something (5s cooldown).
Mortal Lifesteal ImageMortal Lifesteal When you kill something, gain 3% health (5 seconds cooldown).
Mortal Power ImageMortal Power When you kill something, gain 15% Empowered for 5s (5s cooldown)
Mortal Refreshment ImageMortal Refreshment When you kill something, reduce all cooldowns by 5% (5s cooldown).
Mortal Siphoning ImageMortal Siphoning When you kill something, gain 3% Mana (5 seconds cooldown).
Nature Damage ImageNature Damage 3% Nature Damage increase.
Omnidirectional Evade ImageOmnidirectional Evade Evade's Adagio upgrade is applied when evading in any direction.
Opportunist ImageOpportunist % damage increase against targets with less than 30% Health.
Penetrating Rapid Shot ImagePenetrating Rapid Shot Increase armor penetration of the final arrow of Rapid Shot attacks by 5%.
Penetrating Wrecking Ball ImagePenetrating Wrecking Ball Wrecking Ball penetrates 5% of the target's armor.
Plagued Crits ImagePlagued Crits Critical strikes against targets below 50% health inflict Disease for 6s, reducing the healing effectiveness of the target by 10% - 25%.
Plagued Crits ImagePlagued Crits Critical strikes against targets below 50% health inflict Disease for 6s, reducing the healing effectiveness of the target by 10% - 25%.
Plagued Strikes ImagePlagued Strikes Heavy attacks against targets inflict disease for 8s, reducing healing effectiveness on the target by 10% - 25%.
Plagued Strikes ImagePlagued Strikes Heavy attacks against targets inflict disease for 8s, reducing healing effectiveness on the target by 10% - 25%.
Poisoning ImagePoisoning Applied Poison lasts 3% longer.
Pylon Burst ImagePylon Burst Add a 1 meter radius damage AoE when Pylon Casts.
Rally ImageRally % damage increase and outgoing healing while at full health.
Refreshing ImageRefreshing Reduces max cooldowns by -1%.
Refreshing Charge ImageRefreshing Charge Using Charge on a target with full health reduces the cooldown by 5%.
Refreshing Divine Embrace ImageRefreshing Divine Embrace Using Divine Embrace on a target below 50% health reduces the cooldown by -10%.
Refreshing Evasion ImageRefreshing Evasion Reduces active cooldowns by -0.5% after exiting the dodge animation.
Refreshing Fleche ImageRefreshing Fleche Hitting a target via a Crit backstab with Fleche reduces this ability's cooldown by 5%.
Refreshing Mighty Gavel ImageRefreshing Mighty Gavel Mighty Gavel kills reduce this ability's cooldown by -5%.
Refreshing Move ImageRefreshing Move Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 1%.
Refreshing Penetrating Shot ImageRefreshing Penetrating Shot Penetrating Shot kills reduce this ability's cooldown by -3%.
Refreshing Pillar of Fire ImageRefreshing Pillar of Fire Reduce this ability's cooldown by 3% per enemy hit with Pillar of Fire.
Refreshing Power Shot ImageRefreshing Power Shot Power Shot kills reduce this ability's cooldown by -3.0%.
Refreshing Torrent ImageRefreshing Torrent Every hit of Raging Torrent reduces all Hatchet cooldowns by -1.0%.
Refreshing Ward ImageRefreshing Ward Reduces active cooldowns by -0.5% after being hit 5 times. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Repulsing Clear Out ImageRepulsing Clear Out Clear Out now knocks targets back an additional 50%.
Repulsing Shield Bash ImageRepulsing Shield Bash Shield Bash knocks targets an additional 25%.
Retaliate ImageRetaliate % damage increase after receiving 3 hits.
Revitalizing Beacon ImageRevitalizing Beacon Using Beacon increases healing power on self by 5% for 12 seconds.
Rogue ImageRogue 5% Backstab damage increase.
Ruinous ImageRuinous 20% Siege damage increase.
Siphoning Blow ImageSiphoning Blow You gain 1% mana per hit (10 seconds cooldown). Does not trigger of persistent damage or DoT effects.
Siphoning Incinerate ImageSiphoning Incinerate Restore 2-9.3 mana per hit with Incinerate. (3 hits max).
Skinning Yield ImageSkinning Yield Skinning yields 10% more resources.
Slash Damage ImageSlash Damage 3% Slash Damage increase.
Strike Damage ImageStrike Damage 3% Strike Damage increase.
Sturdy ImageSturdy You take 5% less stamina damage while blocking.
Sundering Javelin ImageSundering Javelin Javelin applies Rend, reducing target's damage absorption by -5% for 10 seconds.
Sundering Riposte ImageSundering Riposte Riposte grants Rend, reducing damage absorption of target by -5% for 10 seconds.
Sundering Shockwave ImageSundering Shockwave Shockwave applies Rend, inducing target's damage absorption by 5% for 10 seconds.
Taunting ImageTaunting Taunts are active. You generate +% more threat.
Thrust Damage ImageThrust Damage 3% Thrust Damage increase.
Thwarting Counter ImageThwarting Counter Deal 5% – 15% additional damage against targets with active Grit. (Melee weapons only)
Thwarting Counter ImageThwarting Counter Deal 5% – 15% additional damage against targets with active Grit. (Melee weapons only)
Thwarting Strikes ImageThwarting Strikes Deal 3% – 12% additional damage while you have active Grit.
Thwarting Strikes ImageThwarting Strikes Deal 3% – 12% additional damage while you have active Grit.
Trenchant Crits ImageTrenchant Crits Fully charged heavy attacks deal 5% - 20% additional Crit damage.
Trenchant Crits ImageTrenchant Crits Fully charged heavy attacks deal 5% - 20% additional Crit damage.
Trenchant Recovery ImageTrenchant Recovery Fully charged heavy attacks heals the player for 10% - 30% of the damage dealt.
Trenchant Recovery ImageTrenchant Recovery Fully charged heavy attacks heals the player for 10% - 30% of the damage dealt.
Trenchant Rend ImageTrenchant Rend Fully charged heavy attacks apply rend for 7s, reducing target's absorption by 4% - 15%. (12s cooldown)
Trenchant Rend ImageTrenchant Rend Fully charged heavy attacks apply rend for 7s, reducing target's absorption by 4% - 15%. (12s cooldown)
Trenchant Strikes ImageTrenchant Strikes Fully charged heavy attacks deal 3% - 15% additional damage. (Melee weapons only)
Trenchant Strikes ImageTrenchant Strikes Fully charged heavy attacks deal 3% - 15% additional damage. (Melee weapons only)
Unbroken Winds ImageUnbroken Winds Gain 10% Mana after a full Wind Chill burst.
Unending Thaw ImageUnending Thaw Frost effects remains on enemies for 2 seconds after exiting Ice Storm.
Vicious ImageVicious 3% Critical damage increase.
Void Damage ImageVoid Damage 3% Void Damage increase.
Vorpal ImageVorpal 5% increase to headshot damage.
Vorpal Distancing Throw ImageVorpal Distancing Throw Social Distancing headshots deal 5% additional damage.

Resistance Perks

Perk Categories
Weapon Perks Resistance Perks Enemy-Specific Perks
Trade Skill Perks Exploration Perks

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Abyssal Ward ImageAbyssal Ward % Void Damage Absorption increase.
Alacrity ImageAlacrity Haste you apply lasts 5% longer.
Ancient Ward ImageAncient Ward 2.5% Damage Absorption increase against Ancient Guardians.
Arcane Protection ImageArcane Protection You take 2% less Arcane damage.
Arcane Shield Ward ImageArcane Shield Ward You take 2% less Arcane damage.
Arcane Ward ImageArcane Ward % Arcane Damage Absorption increase.
Blight Resistance ImageBlight Resistance 5 Blight Resistance
Brillant ImageBrillant 5% max mana increase.
Corrupted Ward ImageCorrupted Ward 2.5% Damage Absorption increase against Corrupted.
Corruption Resistance ImageCorruption Resistance 5 Corruption Resistance increase.
Divine ImageDivine You gain 5% more health from all incoming healing effects.
Duplicating Toast ImageDuplicating Toast When you drink a potion, 5% chance it doesn't get consumed.
Elemental Aversion ImageElemental Aversion You take 2% – 4% less damage from ranged elemental light and heavy attacks.
Elemental Aversion ImageElemental Aversion You take 2% – 4% less damage from ranged elemental light and heavy attacks.
Elemental Ward ImageElemental Ward % Elemental Damage Absorption increase.
Empowered ImageEmpowered Empower you apply lasts 5% longer.
Evasive ImageEvasive Reduce the generation of threat by 50% for 5s after performing a dodge.
Fire Ward ImageFire Ward % Fire Damage Absorption increase.
Flame Protection ImageFlame Protection You take 2% less Fire damage.
Flame Shield Ward ImageFlame Shield Ward You take 2% less Fire damage.
Focused ImageFocused 5% mana regen increase.
Fortified ImageFortified Fortify applied lasts 5% longer.
Fortified Recovery ImageFortified Recovery When you are hit while below 50%, gain 30% Fortify for 5 seconds (90 seconds cooldown). Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Freedom ImageFreedom Armor, Slow, Stun, and Silence expire 3% faster.
Frozen Protection ImageFrozen Protection You take 2% less Ice damage.
Frozen Shield Ward ImageFrozen Shield Ward You take 2% less Ice damage.
Health ImageHealth You have 3% more maximum health.
Healthy Toast ImageHealthy Toast When you drink a mana potion, gain 3% of your max health.
Hearty ImageHearty 5% max stamina increase.
Ice Ward ImageIce Ward % Ice Damage Absorption increase.
Invigorated ImageInvigorated Weaken, Disease, Exhaust, and Rend expires 3% faster.
Lightning Protection ImageLightning Protection You take 2% less Lightning damage.
Lightning Shield Ward ImageLightning Shield Ward You take 2% less Lightning damage.
Lightning Ward ImageLightning Ward % Lightning Damage Absorption increase.
Lost Ward ImageLost Ward 2.5% Damage Absorption increase against Lost.
Mana Recovery ImageMana Recovery When you are hit while below 50%, gain 50 mana (60 seconds cooldown). Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Mana Toast ImageMana Toast When you drink a health potion, gain 10 mana.
Nature Protection ImageNature Protection You take 2% less Nature damage.
Nature Shield Ward ImageNature Shield Ward You take 2% less Nature damage.
Nature Ward ImageNature Ward % Nature Damage Absorption increase.
Nimble ImageNimble 5% stamina regen increase.
Physical Aversion ImagePhysical Aversion You take 2% – 4% less damage from ranged physical light and heavy attacks.
Physical Aversion ImagePhysical Aversion You take 2% – 4% less damage from ranged physical light and heavy attacks.
Physical Ward ImagePhysical Ward % Physical Damage Absorption increase.
Purify ImagePurify When you are hit while below 50% health, you lose all debuffs (90s cooldown). Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Refreshing Toast ImageRefreshing Toast Potions cooldown 10% faster.
Regenerating ImageRegenerating You gain 0.25% health every second.
Reinforced ImageReinforced 20% Durability increase
Resilient ImageResilient Critical hits deal 3% less damage to you.
Sacred ImageSacred 3% Outgoing Healing increase.
Siphoning ImageSiphoning You gain 1% mana per hit (cooldown 10s). Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Slash Protection ImageSlash Protection You take 2% less Slash damage.
Slash Shield Ward ImageSlash Shield Ward You take 2% less Slash damage.
Slash Ward ImageSlash Ward % Slash Damage Absorption increase.
Slash Ward ImageSlash Ward % Slash Damage Absorption increase.
Spectral Ward ImageSpectral Ward % Elemental and % Physical Damage Absorption increase.
Stamina Recovery ImageStamina Recovery When you are hit while below 50%, gain 50 Stamina (30s cooldown). Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects.
Strike Protection ImageStrike Protection You take 2% less Strike damage.
Strike Shield Ward ImageStrike Shield Ward You take 2% less Strike damage.
Strike Ward ImageStrike Ward % Strike Damage Absorption increase.
Sure Footing ImageSure Footing You move 20% faster while blocking.
Thrust Protection ImageThrust Protection You take 2% less Thrust damage.
Thrust Shield Ward ImageThrust Shield Ward You take 2% less Thrust damage.
Thrust Ward ImageThrust Ward % Thrust Damage Absorption increase.
Vigor ImageVigor Armor, Burn, Bleed, and Poison expire 3% faster.
Void Protection ImageVoid Protection You take 2% less Void damage.
Void Shield Ward ImageVoid Shield Ward You take 2% less Void damage.
Wilderness Ward ImageWilderness Ward % Physical and % Elemental Damage Absorption increase.

Enemy-Specific Perks

Perk Categories
Weapon Perks Resistance Perks Enemy-Specific Perks
Trade Skill Perks Exploration Perks

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Ancient Bane ImageAncient Bane 5% increase damage to Ancients.
Angry Earth Bane ImageAngry Earth Bane 5% increase damage to Angry Earth.
Angry Earth Ward ImageAngry Earth Ward 2.5% Damage Absorption against Angry Earth.
Beast Bane ImageBeast Bane 8% damage increase to Beasts.
Beast Ward ImageBeast Ward 2.5% Damage Absorption increase against Beasts.
Corrupted Bane ImageCorrupted Bane 8% damage to Corrupted.
Lost Bane ImageLost Bane Increased damage to Lost.

Trade Skill Perks

Perk Categories
Weapon Perks Resistance Perks Enemy-Specific Perks
Trade Skill Perks Exploration Perks

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Adored Harvesting Luck ImageAdored Harvesting Luck While Harvesting, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Adored Logging Luck ImageAdored Logging Luck While Logging, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Adored Mining Luck ImageAdored Mining Luck While Mining, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Adored Skinning Luck ImageAdored Skinning Luck While Skinning, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Arcanist Expertise ImageArcanist Expertise 2% Arcanist Crafted Item Quality increase.
Arcanist Mastery ImageArcanist Mastery 5% Minimum Arcanist Crafted Item Quality increase.
Armorer Expertise ImageArmorer Expertise 2% Armorer Crafted Item Quality increase.
Armorer Mastery ImageArmorer Mastery 5% Minimum Armorer Crafted Item Quality increase.
Azoth Extraction ImageAzoth Extraction 30% chance when you finish gathering a node to gain 1 Azoth.
Cooking Expertise ImageCooking Expertise 4% chance to craft additional items when Cooking.
Cooking Mastery ImageCooking Mastery 4% chance increase to craft additional items when Cooking.
Daytime Colossus ImageDaytime Colossus boost to chance of catching larger fish during daytime.
Durable ImageDurable 25% Durability increase.
Engineer Expertise ImageEngineer Expertise 2% Engineer Crafted Item Quality increase.
Engineer Mastery ImageEngineer Mastery 5% Minimum Engineer Crafted Item Quality increase.
Fishing Colossus ImageFishing Colossus Boost to chance of catching larger fish.
Fishing Reach ImageFishing Reach % Cast Distance increase.
Freshwater Colossus ImageFreshwater Colossus Boost to chance of catching larger fish in freshwater.
Freshwaters Brawn ImageFreshwaters Brawn % Line Strength increase in freshwater.
Gathering Alacrity ImageGathering Alacrity When you finish gathering a node, gain 3s of 50% Haste.
Harvesting Efficiency ImageHarvesting Efficiency Harvesting speed increased by 5% - 25%
Harvesting Luck ImageHarvesting Luck While harvesting, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Harvesting Yield ImageHarvesting Yield Harvesting yields 10% more resources.
Horticulture Discipline ImageHorticulture Discipline Gain 3% more harvesting experience.
Jewelcrafter Expertise ImageJewelcrafter Expertise 2% Jewelcrafter Crafted Item Quality increase.
Jewelcrafter Mastery ImageJewelcrafter Mastery 5% Minimum Jewelcrafter Crafted Item Quality increase.
Leatherworking Accumulation ImageLeatherworking Accumulation 2% increase yield when leatherworking.
Logging Efficiency ImageLogging Efficiency Logging speed increased by 5% - 25%
Logging Efficiency ImageLogging Efficiency Logging speed increased by 5% - 25%
Logging Luck ImageLogging Luck While logging, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Logging Yield ImageLogging Yield Logging yields 10% more resources.
Lucky Day ImageLucky Day Boost to chance of catching better fish during daytime.
Lucky Night ImageLucky Night Boost to chance of catching better fish during nighttime.
Lucky Waters ImageLucky Waters Boost to chance of catching better fish.
LumberjackLumberjack's Discipline Gain 3% more logging experience.
Mining Efficiency ImageMining Efficiency Mining speed increased by 5% - 25%
Mining Efficiency ImageMining Efficiency Mining speed increased by 5% - 25%
Mining Luck ImageMining Luck While mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Mining Yield ImageMining Yield Mining yields 10% more resources.
Moons Reach ImageMoons Reach +% Cast Distance during night time.
Nighttime Colossus ImageNighttime Colossus Boost to chance of catching larger fish during nighttime.
ProspectorProspector's Discipline Gain 3% more mining experience.
Reinforced Harvesting Luck ImageReinforced Harvesting Luck While Harvesting, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Logging Luck ImageReinforced Logging Luck While Logging, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Mining Luck ImageReinforced Mining Luck While Mining, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Skinning Luck ImageReinforced Skinning Luck While Skinning, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Saltwater Colossus ImageSaltwater Colossus Boost to chance of catching larger fish in saltwater.
Saltwaters Brawn ImageSaltwaters Brawn % Line Strength increase in saltwater.
Skinning Efficiency ImageSkinning Efficiency Skinning speed increased by 5% - 25%
Skinning Luck ImageSkinning Luck While skinning, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Smelting Accumulation ImageSmelting Accumulation 2% increase yield when smelting.
Stonecutting Accumulation ImageStonecutting Accumulation 2% increase yield when stonecutting.
Sturdy ImageSturdy +% Durability.
Suns Reach ImageSuns Reach % Cast Distance increase during daytime.
TannerTanner's Discipline Gain 3% more Skinning experience.
Weaponsmith Expertise ImageWeaponsmith Expertise 2% Weaponsmith Crafted Item quality increase.
Weaponsmith Mastery ImageWeaponsmith Mastery 5% Minimum Weaponsmith Crafted Item Quality increase.
Weaving Accumulation ImageWeaving Accumulation 2% increase yield when weaving.
Woodworking Accumulation ImageWoodworking Accumulation 2% increase yield when woodworking.

Exploration Perks

Perk Categories
Weapon Perks Resistance Perks Enemy-Specific Perks
Trade Skill Perks Exploration Perks

Click a link above to take you to that section.

AlchemistAlchemist's Burden Reduce the weight of alchemy reagants, potions, and sickles by 5%.
Azoth Attuned ImageAzoth Attuned When you gain Azoth, gain 3% more.
Extra Pockets ImageExtra Pockets You can hold 50-95 more weight.
GourmandGourmand's Burden Reduce the weight of raw and cooked food by 5%.
Loyalty ImageLoyalty When you gain faction tokens gain 3% more.
Luck ImageLuck Gain 0.5% chance at rare items from chests and monsters.
Lucky ImageLucky You have +% chance at rare items from chests and monsters.
LumberjackLumberjack's Burden Reduce the weight of wood, timber, and logging axes by 5%.
MercenaryMercenary's Burden Reduce the weight of weapons and ammunition by 5%.
Plentiful Arrows ImagePlentiful Arrows When hit with a bow 5% chance you gain an arrow.
Plentiful Shells ImagePlentiful Shells When hit with a rifle 5% chance you gain ammo.
ProspectorProspector's Burden Reduce the weight of ores, ingots, and pickaxes by 5%.
QuarrymanQuarryman's Burden Reduce the weight of stone, blocks, gems, and pickaxes by 5%.
QuartermasterQuartermaster's Burden Reduce the weight of armor by 5%.
TannerTanner's Burden Reduce the weight of rawhide, leather, and skinning knives by 5%.
WeaverWeaver's Burden Reduce the weight of fiber, cloth, and sickles by 5%.

How to Apply Perks to Gear

Obtain Perks From Crafting

Whenever you craft an equipment, there's a small chance of gaining one or more perks in the process. There's also a chance of getting an item with an empty socket for a gemstone.

Crafting Guide

Use Azoth and Special Resources

While the outcomes of crafting are random, you can increase your chances and ensure the nature of the perk you want to have by adding Azoth and special resources in the crafting process.

Special resources are rare, but you can get them from high level gathering nodes and enemies. Increasing your character's luck will also help in gathering these. Combining special resources with the max amount of Azoth can yield better results, but it's still a gamble.

Obtain Perks From Gemstones

New World - What is Stonecutting
Gemstones can be crafted using the Stonecutting profession and can be found when mining stones or ores. A weapon or armor with a gem slot can be equipped with a gemstone to add its perk to the gear.

Note: Gemstone effects can differ depending on where you put it. Slotting gemstones inside weapons activates its offensive enhancement, while armor gem slots grant defensive effects.

Stonecutting Guide

New World Perks

Infused in Equipment to Grant Buffs and Effects

Perks refer to the special traits or effects of items in New World. They give enhancements and bonuses such as increased weapon damage, cooldown reductions, extra damage against specific enemies, and many other buffs and debuffs that either improves your resistance or decreases the enemy's.

Number of Perks per Rarity

Rarity Number of Perks
Common (Gray) 0 perks
Uncommon (Green) 1 perk
Rare (Blue) 2 perks
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