New World

Meteor Shower Skill: Stats and Information

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Meteor Shower, a skill in New World. Stats, cooldown, mana cost, and effects of Meteor Shower can all be found here and more!

Meteor Shower Stats and Information

Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower Icon.png
Effect Call down a rain of meteors for 6 seconds in the target area, dealing 34% weapon damage on initial impact and an additional 20% weapon damage per second while targets remain in the AoE. Costs 5 Mana Per Second (30 total mana at full cast).
Weapon Tree Type
Fire Staff Fire Mage Active
Mana Cost Cooldown Req. Skill
18 18 None

List of All Fire Staff Skills

New World Related Guides

New World - List of Weapon Skills.png

List of All Skills and Abilities

Active Fire Staff Skills

Active Skills
Burn OutBurn Out FireballFireball FlamethrowerFlamethrower
IncinerateIncinerate Meteor ShowerMeteor Shower Pillar of FirePillar of Fire

Passive Fire Staff Skills

Passive Skills
All InAll In ArsonArson's Advantage CatchCatch
Cauterize WoundsCauterize Wounds Clear CastingClear Casting Clear MindClear Mind
Combat SpeedCombat Speed Fiery DeterminationFiery Determination Fiery RestorationFiery Restoration
FireFire's Reach First StrikeFirst Strike Flame Out!Flame Out!
FlareFlare Heat it Up!Heat it Up! Heat UpHeat Up
ImmolationImmolation Infernal FlamesInfernal Flames Judgment of HeliosJudgment of Helios
KindleKindle Let it BurnLet it Burn Prophet of a Fire GodProphet of a Fire God
Pyro DancerPyro Dancer PyromaniaPyromania ReheatReheat
Runes of HeliosRunes of Helios ScorchedScorched Scorched EarthScorched Earth
SingeSinge Spell FocusSpell Focus SpellslingerSpellslinger
Trial by FireTrial by Fire Watch it BurnWatch it Burn


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