New World

All Elk and Doe Locations

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

Elk and Doe Locations

This is a location guide to all the spawn points of Elk and Does in New World! Read on to find all Elk and Doe locations, areas with the most spawn points, and all kinds of Elk and Doe drops!

Elk and Doe Basic Info

New World - Ironbend Elk.png Elk Type Prey
Size Large

Elk and Doe are highly mobile prey that lives across Aeternum. They are less common compared to other prey type animals like Rabbits and Turkeys so it is highly suggested to team up with other players when hunting these animals.

Where to Find Elk and Does

Elk and Does are commonly found in Forests. They are durable as well so it is suggested to plan out your position first before attempting to take them down to avoid wasting time chasing them across the area.

Elk/Doe Maps
Windsward Monarch's Bluffs Everfall
Brightwood Ebonscale Reach Mourningdale
Reekwater Restless Shore Shattered Mountain
Weaver's Fen

Click a link to take you to that map's section!


The most common cluster of Elks in Windsward can be found in the northern and southern areas of the region. While a few can be found towards the west of the region's Settlement, it's much easier to hunt them if you concentrate on those two points.

Monarch's Bluffs

Elks in Monarch's Bluffs are concentrated towards the southeast area of the region. You can simply focus on this area as their clusters are fairly close together.


Elks in Everfall are mostly isolated from one another, which may make it difficult when you need to skin or harvest a large number of materials from them. While there is one fairly large cluster of them towards the east, you'll be better off hunting them in another, more populous region.


Elks in Brightwood can be found in various areas, so you won't have trouble finding them. There are even clusters right outside one of the forts and the region's Settlement if ever you're in urgent need.

Ebonscale Reach

Elks in Ebonscale Reach can only be found in Palewind Terrace, which is northeast of the region's Settlement. While scarcer than other regions, this makes it easier to know where to go if you need to hunt some Elk.


Elks in Mourningdale can be found in almost a straight path from the southern portion of the region to its northern parts. There's a particularly large number of the near the Settlement, so you can head here upon fast traveling to this region.


Elks in Reekwater are only found in the southeast parts of the region, near its Fort. However, they are quite abundant here so you should have no trouble finding them upon reaching this location.

Restless Shore

Elks in Restless Shore are slightly isolated from one another, so you're better off selecting one area to hunt them in rather than traveling the whole region. Stick to the large clusters to the north of the Settlement for an easier time hunting.

Shattered Mountain

While there's a number of Elks in the northwestern part of Shattered Mountain, it's best to stick to the eastern parts of the region since they'll be more abundant here and their clusters are fairly close together.

Weaver's Fen

Stick to the northern borders of Weaver's Fen if you're hunting Elks. They're commonly seen roaming these parts so you should have no trouble finding them here.

List of Elk and Does and Required Skinning Levels

Animal List
Brackwater Elk ImageBrackwater Elk
(Lv. 33)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 70
Brackwater Stag ImageBrackwater Stag
(Lv. 31)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 70
Brightwatch Elk ImageBrightwatch Elk
(Lv. 26)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 55 451
Brightwatch Stag ImageBrightwatch Stag
(Lv. 25-26)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 40-55 40-55
Corsiars Rise Stag ImageCorsiars Rise Stag
(Lv. 33)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 70 629
DevilDevil's Quarry Doe
(Lv. 6)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 168
Monarch's Bluffs
Divine Rise Doe ImageDivine Rise Doe
(Lv. 14)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 250
Monarch's Bluffs
Doe ImageDoe
(Lv. 9-15)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 0-10 195-263
Eldritch Elk ImageEldritch Elk
(Lv. 26-27)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 55 55
Eldritch Stag ImageEldritch Stag
(Lv. 27)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 451
Feraltidfe Elk ImageFeraltidfe Elk Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Restless Shore
Highlands Doe ImageHighlands Doe
(Lv. 20)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 40 337
Highplain Doe
(Lv. 45)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 100 Coming Soon!
Highplain Stag
(Lv. 45)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 100 Coming Soon!
Ironbend Elk ImageIronbend Elk
(Lv. 32)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 70 600
Lakeshore Elk ImageLakeshore Elk
(Lv. 26-33)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 55-70 55-70
Mallory Elk ImageMallory Elk
(Lv. 38)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 85 790
Weaver's Fen
Mallory Stag ImageMallory Stag
(Lv. 38)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 85 790
Weaver's Fen
Moonshade Doe ImageMoonshade Doe
(Lv. 19-26)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 25-55 320
Monarch's Bluffs
Moonshade Stag ImageMoonshade Stag
(Lv. 19)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 25 320
Monarch's Bluffs
Palewind Doe ImagePalewind Doe Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Ebonscale Reach
Ramshead Doe
(Lv. 49)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Ramshead Stag
(Lv. 50)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Riverseat Doe ImageRiverseat Doe
(Lv. 22)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 40 371
Monarch's Bluffs
Riverseat Stag ImageRiverseat Stag
(Lv. 22)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 40 371
Monarch's Bluffs
Sandclaw Elk
(Lv. 41)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 100 Coming Soon!
Sandhoof Elk ImageSandhoof Elk Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Restless Shore
Sandhoof Stag ImageSandhoof Stag Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Restless Shore
Shattered Buck ImageShattered Buck
(Lv. 60)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 145 1554
Sorrow Elk ImageSorrow Elk
(Lv. 36)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 85 722
Weaver's Fen
Stormglade Doe
(Lv. 47)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Stormglade Stag
(Lv. 47)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Tainted Stag ImageTainted Stag Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Great Cleave
Timeless Deer ImageTimeless Deer Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Verdant Crown Doe ImageVerdant Crown Doe
(Lv. 22)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 40 371
Monarch's Bluffs
Verdant Crown Stag ImageVerdant Crown Stag
(Lv. 22)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 40 371
Monarch's Bluffs
Warrift Stag ImageWarrift Stag
(Lv. 61)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 160 1990
Werna Isle Stag ImageWerna Isle Stag
(Lv. 32)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 70 600
Wolfbough Elk ImageWolfbough Elk
(Lv. 28)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 55 496
Wolfbough Stag ImageWolfbough Stag
(Lv. 28)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 55 55
Woodland Doe ImageWoodland Doe
(Lv. 12)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 227
Woodland Stag ImageWoodland Stag
(Lv. 13)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 238

This section is currently under construction. Come back later for updates!

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