New World

Furnishing Leveling Guide: How to Level from 0 to 200

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - Furnishing: Crafting Recipes and How to Level
Furnishing is a trade skill in New World that lets you craft all kinds of furniture, decorations, and general items in Workshops throughout Aeternum! This guide will show you how to power-level the Furnishing skill quickly from 0 to 200 and show a list of all Furnishing recipes. Read on to learn more!

How to Level Up Furnishing from 0 to 200

New World - Furnishing Guide
Furnishing is a vital trade skill for all of the crafters in New World. Granting access to multiple Trade Skill trophies and storage increases, Furnishing rivals Jewelcrafting as one of the best trade skills to level up. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to level up the Furnishing skill from 0 to 200 that will aid both new players and veterans of Aeternum.

Furnishing Level Ranges
0 - 75 75 - 100 100 - 120
120 - 150 150 - 170 170 - 200

Use the links above to quickly jump to each Furnishing leveling range!

Furnishing Level 0 to 75

Check IconGather 36900 Green Wood

Check IconGather 3075 Iron Ingot

Check IconCraft 615 Ash Stains

Check IconCraft 615 Ash Wall Shelf

To start Furnishing's power-leveling process, head to Windsward as this is the best place to farm for all the resources you need until Level 75.

Gather 36900 Green Wood

New World - Young Trees
Green Wood can easily be harvested from Young Trees found everywhere in Aeternum. Grab a Logging Axe and start chopping trees near any settlement so you will be able to store the gathered materials in your storage easily. Refine these into Timber using a settlement's Woodshop afterward.

Logging Leveling Guide

Gather 3075 Iron Ingots

Iron Ingots are crafted at the Smelter using Iron Ores. These Iron Ore Veins are usually found right outside of a Settlement. A good place to farm for Iron Ore Veins would be the area near Windsward's Settlement, which contains several spots to farm the Iron Ore Veins.

Mining Leveling Guide

Craft 615 Ash Stains

New World - Craft Ash Stains
Ash Stain can be crafted in the Tier 2 Workshop by using Charcoal and Weak Solvent. You can farm Charcoal easily by processing all your Green Wood through the smelter to create one.

Weak Solvent are Obtained from Containers Across Aeternum. You can also get it using a Common Material Converter and a Tier 3 Refining Materials.

Item Req. Materials
Ash Stain IconAsh Stain
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x10

Craft 615 Ash Wall Shelves

New World - Craft Ash Wall Shelf
Once the required materials above are acquired, start crafting 615 Ash Wall Shelves to reach level 75!

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Ash Wall Shelf IconAsh Wall Shelf
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x10
Timber Icon Timber x15
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2

Furnishing Level 75 to 100

Check IconGather 4052 Aged Wood and 11346 Green Wood

Check IconGather 1013 Fine Sandpaper and 810 Shelldust Flux

Check IconGather 62 Maple Stains

Check IconGather 2431 Iron Ingot

Check IconGather 1550 Life Motes

Check IconCraft 62 Minor Corrupted Combat Trophies

Gather 4052 Aged Wood and 11346 Green Wood

New World - Aged Wood Locations
At this point, you will have enough Logging skill level to be able to get Aged Wood if you gathered Green Wood by yourself from 0 to 75. Young and Mature Trees tend to spawn alongside each other, so simply scour the forests near any settlement.

Logging Leveling Guide

Gather 1013 Fine Sandpaper & 810 Shelldust Flux

New World - Acquire Shelldust Flux
Shelldust Flux and Fine Sandpaper are obtained by opening Supply & Ancient containers, as well as Elite Ancient and Supply Chests. The best place to farm these containers can be found in Great Cleave, Reekwater, or Edengrove, so make sure you reach the appropriate level for Great Cleave, at least, before venturing into these zones!

Alternatively, you can use a Advanced Material Converter to craft either of the materials you need.

Craft 62 Maple Stains

New World - Craft Maple Stains
Maple Stain can be crafted using Oil which can be gathered from Seeping Stones while Weak Solvent using a Tier 3 Workshop in Settlements.

Item Req. Materials
Maple Stain IconMaple Stain
Oil Icon Oil x4
Weak Solvent Icon Weak Solvent x10

Gather 2431 Iron Ingots

Gather another batch of Iron Ingots for the Minor Corrupted Combat Trophies you'll be crafting later on. Head back to Windsward or move on to Everfall for its Iron Ore veins so you can gather the next material on this list alongside it.

Iron Ore Vein: Locations and Maps

Gather 15500 Life Motes

Life Motes are harvested from Lifemoths, which can be easily farmed by going south of Everfall's Settlement. You can gather life motes even faster by having Level 30 Harvesting and Level 100 Mining so you can harvest Lifeblooms and Lifejewels respectively as well.

Craft 62 Minor Corrupted Combat Trophies

New World - Craft Minor Corrupted Combat Trophy
Start crafting Minor Corrupted Combat Trophy once all of the necessary materials have been acquired to get to level 100.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Minor Corrupted Combat Trophy IconMinor Corrupted Combat Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Life Mote Icon Life Mote x25
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3

Furnishing Level 100 to 120

Check IconGather 8430 Potent Solvent

Check IconGather 3372 Oil

Check IconCraft 843 Oak Stains

Gather 8430 Potent Solvent

New World - Acquire Potent Solvent
Potent Solvent can be obtained from Supply and Ancient Containers and Elite Chests in any of the level 34 to 58 areas. The best place to farm these containers can be found in Great Cleave, Reekwater , or Edengrove. Make sure your character level is on par with these zones before venturing into them!

List of Solvents

Gather 3372 Oil

New World - Oil Locations
Oil can be gathered from Seeping Stones. If you want to farm Oil, First Light is the best place you can gather them from as there are a number of them near each other to the north and, It's near a Spirit Shrine which makes traveling easier.

Take note that you will need a Level 20 Mining Skill to gather these yourself.

Mining Leveling Guide

Craft 843 Oak Stains

New World - Craft Oak Stains
Start crafting Oak Stains to reach level 120 once all the materials have been gathered!

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Oak Stain IconOak Stain x10
Oil Icon Oil x4
Furnishing Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4

Furnishing Level 120 to 150

Check IconGather 9434 Wyrdwood

Check IconGather 8221 Aged Wood

Check IconGather 20530 Green Wood

Check IconGather 2055 Fine Sandpaper

Check IconGather 1572 Obsidian Sandpaper

Check IconGather 2044 Hyssop

Check IconGather 2044 Cinnamon

Check IconCraft 2044 Strong Incense

At this level, you will have to gather lots of materials yet again to get to 150. Make sure you have upgraded your tools and have leveled up your gathering trade skills to lessen the time you need to get to Level 150.

Gather 9434 Wyrdwood

Mourningdale has large patches of Wyrdwood Trees for players to farm. However, you will travel long distances when farming in this region, as the trees are located far away from each other.

The best place to farm Wyrdwood trees is in Mourningdale, in the wooded areas to the west of Corvus and the tree patch to the east of Marsic. The northern areas will be trickier to farm as they are either near bear infested areas or are despawned by Corrupted Breaches. Make sure you have a Level 100 Logging skill to cut down the tree..

After you have collected enough Wyrdwood, head over to a settlement with a Woodworking Tier 4 and start processing them into Wyrdwood Planks, which will require you to have a Lvl. 100 Woodworking Trade Skill.

Wyrdwood Tree: Locations and Maps

Gather 8221 Aged Wood

Obsidian Sandpaper is obtained through Supply and Ancient Containers and from Elite Chests in the level 56+ areas. The best place to farm these containers can be found in Great Cleave, Reekwater , or Edengrove.

Gather 20530 Green Wood

The best place to easily farm Spices is in First Light. Other places where you can farm seasonings are in any of the starter beaches, Restless Shore, and Southern Mourningdale since there are a lot of herbs you can harvest there.

It's advisable to equip a sickle with the Harvesting Yield perk since it can increase Hyssop gains by 10% when gathering.

Harvesting Leveling Guide

Gather 2055 Fine Sandpaper

New World - Acquire Fine Sandpaper
Fine Sandpaper can be consistently obtained once players enter mid to high level regions like Weaver's Fen, Restless Shore, Great Cleave, or Mourningdale.

Loot these refining materials from chests or buy them at the Trading Post when prices dip below 1-2 Coins.

Gather 1572 Obsidian Sandpaper

New World - Acquire Obsidian Sandpaper
Obsidian Sandpaper is trickier to gather. Unlike its Tier 4 counterpart, this sandpaper only consistently drops from high level regions like Reekwater, Ebonscale Reach, or Shattered Mountain.

Only attempt looting this refining material once at the appropriate player level range of 55-60. Otherwise, it would be better to get these off the Trading Post when prices are low.

Gather 2044 Hyssop

New World - Gather Hyssop
This resource, while abundant, is one of the more tedious ones to farm en masse. Hyssop is derived from Herb nodes, and each gathered node will give players 2-4 Hyssop. Prepare for a long farming session as this step requires 2044 Hyssop.

Herbs: Locations and Maps

Gather 2044 Cinnamon

New World - Gather Cinnamon
Again, Cinnamon will be trickier to farm than Hyssop. Due to the variety of spices that can be gathered from Herbs, it would be best to mix the gathering methods when it comes to cinnamon.

Gather Cinnamon from Herbs or buy it off of the Trading Post when the prices are cheap. Do note that even in highly populated servers, the price of Cinnamon will not be super cheap as it is essential to a lot of Trade Skill Consumables.

Craft 2044 Strong Incense

New World - Craft Strong Incense
In order to reach level 150 Furnishing, players will need to craft 2044 Strong Incenses. However, it should be noted that most if not all of these crafted Incenses will likely not sell at the Trading Post.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Strong Incense IconStrong Incense
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x1
Hyssop Icon Hyssop x1
Cinnamon Icon Cinnamon x1
Furnishing Lv. 120
Workshop Tier 4

Furnishing Level 150 to 170

Check IconGather 14100 Pure Solvent

Check IconGather 5640 Oil

Check IconCraft 1410 Mahogany Stain

Upon reaching 150, you will be farming for Pure Solvent, acquired from Containers and Elite Chests. You will also be going back to farming Oil at this level. If you don't have the patience to run around, opening containers and chests, you can check the Trade Post and make sure to buy if the materials needed are cheap.

Gather 14100 Pure Solvent

Pure Solvent are obtained from Supply and Ancient Containers and Elite Chests inside level 56+ areas. Players will only be able to farm these resources in high level areas like Rekwater, Ebonscale Reach, or Shattered Mountain.

Gather 5640 Oil

New World - Acquire Oil
Oil can easily be farmed in Weaver's Fen. Mine the abundant Seeping Stone nodes in the marshlands that surround the main settlement for a decent amount per cycle.

Craft 1410 Mahogany Stain

New World - Craft Mahogany Stains
In order to reach level 170 Furnishing, players will need to craft 1410 Mahogany Stains. Once again, do note that most if not all of this will not sell well (or at all) at the Trading Post.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Mahogany Stain IconMahogany Stain x10
Oil Icon Oil x4
Pure Solvent Icon Pure Solvent x10
Furnishing Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5

Furnishing Level 170 to 200

Check IconCraft 3720 Ironwood Planks

Check IconGather 3720 Hyssop

Check IconGather 3720 Cinnamon

Check IconCraft 3720 Powerful Incense

For the final stretch, you will have to farm for Hyssop and Cinnamon again, as well as getting Green Wood. The real challenge will be getting Ironwood, which you get from cutting down Ironwood Trees in endgame regions. Make sure you are at level 175 Logging in order to cut them down.

Craft 3720 Ironwood Planks

New World - Ironwood Planks Location
To get Ironwood Planks, you will have to travel to Edengrove as this area is the best place you can farm for Ironwood Trees. This is because Ironwood Trees are all clumped together near the area where the Blighted Shrine is located. This will make it easier for you to farm the tree and return it to the Settlement to deposit your items in your storage.

At this point, your Logging Skill should at least be at Level 175 to be able to cut the trees down.

Logging Leveling Guide

Gather 3720 Hyssop

New World - Harvest Herbs
This resource, while abundant, is one of the more tedious ones to farm en masse. Hyssop is derived from Herb nodes, and each gathered node will give players 2-4 Hyssop. Prepare for a long farming session as this step requires 3720 Hyssop.

For this step, consider using a Proficiency Booster in order to shorten the amount of time it takes to farm this resource.

Consumable Effects and Level Req.
Weak Proficiency Booster ImageWeak Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 5% for 10 minutes.
Required Level 5
Common Proficiency Booster ImageCommon Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 7% for 15 minutes.
Required Level 20
Strong Proficiency Booster ImageStrong Proficiency Booster Increase the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 10% for 20 minutes.
Required Level 40
Powerful Proficiency Booster ImagePowerful Proficiency Booster Increases the amount of resources gathered with a tool by 15% for 30 minutes.
Required Level 60

Herbs: Locations and Maps

Gather 3720 Cinnamon

New World - Gather Cinnamon
Again, Cinnamon will be trickier to farm especially due to the sheer amount needed for this step. Since Herbs drops a variety of spices, it would be best to mix the gathering methods when it comes to cinnamon.

Gather Cinnamon from Herbs or buy it off of the Trading Post when the prices are cheap. Do note that even in highly populated servers, the price of Cinnamon will not be super cheap as it is essential to a lot of Trade Skill Consumables.

Craft 3720 Powerful Incense

New World - Craft Powerful Incense
To finally reach level 200 Furnishing, players will need to craft a total of 3720 Powerful Incense. Once again, do remember that most if not all of these will not sell well at the Trading Post.

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Powerful Incense IconPowerful Incense
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x1
Hyssop Icon Hyssop x1
Cinnamon Icon Cinnamon x1
Furnishing Lv. 170
Workshop Tier 5

Furnishing Leveling Tips

Check IconReach Level 60

Check IconRun Endgame Content for Furnishing Blueprints

Check IconCraft Storage Chests for Profit

Check IconUpgrade Your Gathering Tools

Check IconPurchase Required Materials at the Trading Post

Check IconUse Proficiency Boosters

Check IconGather Materials While Doing Quests

Check IconCraft In Settlements with Low Trade and Crafting Taxes

Reach Level 60

New World - Reach Level 60
It cannot be stressed enough that when planning to farm or turn a profit from Furnishing, it will always be best to already be at level 60. At the highest level, players will have access to Orichalcum Tools, better gold farming routes, and even better trade skill consumables.

For players leaning heavily into farming to reach level 200 Furnishing, it would best to begin the 100-200 or 150-200 grind at character level 60 as this makes things much easier.

Leveling Guide: Fastest Way To Level (1-60)

Run Endgame Content for Furnishing Blueprints

New World - Endgame Content
A lot of the Furnishings that turn a massive profit will be locked behind Furnishing Blueprints. So even at level 200, without these blueprints, the trade skill will be hard pressed to make coin.

Acquire furnishing blueprints by running endgame content. Alternatively, players can buy these rare blueprints off the Trading Post. However, be warned that a lot of these will cost a lot of coin to purchase.

Craft Storage Chests for Profit

Storage Chests are items that are highly sought after as they grant increased storage for people with settlement houses. Take orders from players or post your crafted chests at the Trading Post to turn a profit.

However, the caveat is that high level storage chests are locked behind Furnishing Blueprints. Gear up at level 60 and start running endgame content if you do not have the blueprint yet.

Upgrade Your Gathering Tools

Upgrade Gathering Materials - New World
One way to speed up gathering required materials to level your Furnishing is through upgrading Tools.

By having better gathering equipment, you can accumulate all the required materials faster and in sizeable amounts. This means you'll spend less time going to and from Settlements looking for places to harvest.

List of Tools

Purchase Required Materials at the Trading Post

New World - Trading Post

While materials you need to craft early on should be easy to complete, doing it at higher levels will take longer due to the time it will take to gather all the materials. If you're willing to part with your gold, however, you can speed up this process by purchasing required materials at the Trading Post instead.

Keep in mind that buying everything will set you back quite a lot, so only do this if you won't need the gold for other purposes.

Trading Post Guide

Use Proficiency Boosters

Proficiency Boosters New World
Proficiency Boosters will help you decrease the time it takes to gather required materials for your cooking by increasing the number of resources obtained through gathering.

This is especially helpful for farming cooking materials that are rare or have their resources node far from one another, trimming down the travel time.

Gather Materials While Doing Quests

New World - Gather Materials While Doing Quests
To make the most out of your time, make sure to harvest all the required materials you need at your current level while you are out on a quest.

Make sure to keep an eye out and gather wherever you go as much as you can, as this will save you a lot of time when leveling.

Harvesting Leveling Guide

Craft In Settlements with Low Trade and Crafting Taxes

New World - Use Settlements with Low Taxes
While trying to level up Furnishing, you'll be spending most of your time at Crafting Stations crafting recipes. If you're not crafting, you're probably spending time purchasing them at the Trading Post instead. These expenses will stack up after some time, so it's best to do these activities in Settlements with low taxes to make the most of your gold.

Keep in mind, that you still need the correct station tier to craft high-level recipes.

Furnishing Recipes

Tier 1 Furnishing Recipes

Furnishing Recipes Categories
Tier 1 Furnishing Recipes Tier 2 Furnishing Recipes Tier 3 Furnishing Recipes
Tier 4 Furnishing Recipes Tier 5 Furnishing Recipes

Click a link above to take you to that section.


Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Ash Bar Stool IconAsh Bar Stool
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x10
Timber Icon Timber x15
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Dining Chair IconAsh Dining Chair
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x10
Timber Icon Timber x15
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Wall Shelf IconAsh Wall Shelf
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x10
Timber Icon Timber x15
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Desk IconAsh Desk
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Open Rickety Bookcase IconOpen Rickety Bookcase
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Large Bookcase IconAsh Large Bookcase
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Small Table IconAsh Small Table
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Chest of Drawers IconAsh Chest of Drawers
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash End Table IconAsh End Table
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Cabinet IconAsh Cabinet
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Dresser IconAsh Dresser
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Small Bookcase IconAsh Small Bookcase
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Armoire IconAsh Armoire
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Iron SettlerIron Settler's Stove
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Full Bed IconAsh Full Bed
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Cerulean Sheets Bunk Bed IconCerulean Sheets Bunk Bed
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Cerulean Curtains IconCerulean Curtains
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x5
Linen Icon Linen x15
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Old Placesetting IconOld Placesetting
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x5
Timber Icon Timber x10
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Round Sunny Rug IconRound Sunny Rug
Linen Icon Linen x15
Crossweave Icon Crossweave x5
Fibers Icon Fibers x5
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Wicker Basket IconWicker Basket
Fibers Icon Fibers x25
Reeds Icon Reeds x35
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Cerulean Drape IconCerulean Drape
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x5
Linen Icon Linen x15
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Cerulean Valance IconCerulean Valance
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x5
Linen Icon Linen x15
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Hewn Log Storage Chest IconHewn Log Storage Chest
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Timber Icon Timber x30
Ash Stain Icon Ash Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 35
Workshop Tier 2
Ash Casual Chair
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x10
Lumber Icon Lumber x15
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Ash Large Table IconAsh Large Table
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x15
Lumber Icon Lumber x30
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x2
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3

Resources & Consumbles

There are no available furnishing items in this tier.

Tier 2 Furnishing Recipes

Furnishing Recipes Categories
Tier 1 Furnishing Recipes Tier 2 Furnishing Recipes Tier 3 Furnishing Recipes
Tier 4 Furnishing Recipes Tier 5 Furnishing Recipes

Click a link above to take you to that section.


Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Warm Iron Chandelier - Bright IconWarm Iron Chandelier - Bright
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Oil Icon Oil x5
Fibers Icon Fibers x5
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Rusty Iron Lantern IconRusty Iron Lantern
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x15
Oil Icon Oil x5
Fibers Icon Fibers x5
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Warm Iron Sconce - Bright IconWarm Iron Sconce - Bright
Iron Ingot Icon Iron Ingot x5
Timber Icon Timber x15
Oil Icon Oil x5
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Warm Iron Lantern - Bright IconWarm Iron Lantern - Bright
Oil Icon Oil x
Fibers Icon Fibers x
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Minor Skinning Gathering Trophy IconMinor Skinning Gathering Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Air Mote Icon Air Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Angry Earth Combat Trophy IconMinor Angry Earth Combat Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Earth Mote Icon Earth Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Weaponsmithing Crafting Trophy IconMinor Weaponsmithing Crafting Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Fire Mote Icon Fire Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Cooking Crafting Trophy IconMinor Cooking Crafting Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Water Mote Icon Water Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Engineering Crafting Trophy IconMinor Engineering Crafting Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Air Mote Icon Air Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Lost Combat Trophy IconMinor Lost Combat Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Death Mote Icon Death Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Corrupted Combat Trophy IconMinor Corrupted Combat Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Life Mote Icon Life Mote x25
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Harvesting Gathering Trophy IconMinor Harvesting Gathering Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Water Mote Icon Water Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Fishing Gathering Trophy IconMinor Fishing Gathering Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Water Mote Icon Water Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Armoring Crafting Trophy IconMinor Armoring Crafting Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Fire Mote Icon Fire Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Ancients Combat Trophy IconMinor Ancients Combat Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Soul Mote Icon Soul Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Arcana Crafting Trophy IconMinor Arcana Crafting Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Earth Mote Icon Earth Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Mining Gathering Trophy IconMinor Mining Gathering Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Earth Mote Icon Earth Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Logging Gathering Trophy IconMinor Logging Gathering Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Air Mote Icon Air Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Minor Wildlife Combat Trophy IconMinor Wildlife Combat Trophy
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x20
Lumber Icon Lumber x25
Fire Mote Icon Fire Mote x25
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 75
Workshop Tier 3
Iron Storage Chest IconIron Storage Chest
Steel Ingot Icon Steel Ingot x15
Lumber Icon Lumber x30
Maple Stain Icon Maple Stain x1
Furnishing Lv. 85
Workshop Tier 3

Resources & Consumables

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Ash Stain IconAsh Stain x10
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x10
Furnishing Lv. 0
Workshop Tier 2
Weak Incense IconWeak Incense
Timber Icon Timber x1
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x1
Hyssop Icon Hyssop x1
Cinnamon Icon Cinnamon x1
Furnishing Lv. 20
Workshop Tier 2

Tier 3 Furnishing Recipes

Furnishing Recipes Categories
Tier 1 Furnishing Recipes Tier 2 Furnishing Recipes Tier 3 Furnishing Recipes
Tier 4 Furnishing Recipes Tier 5 Furnishing Recipes

Click a link above to take you to that section.


There are no available furnishing items in this tier.

Resources & Consumables

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Maple Stain IconMaple Stain x10
Oil Icon Oil x4
Weak Solvent Icon Weak Solvent x10
Furnishing Lv. 50
Workshop Tier 3
Common Incense IconCommon Incense
Lumber Icon Lumber x1
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x1
Hyssop Icon Hyssop x1
Cinnamon Icon Cinnamon x1
Furnishing Lv. 70
Workshop Tier 3

Tier 4 Furnishing Recipes

Furnishing Recipes Categories
Tier 1 Furnishing Recipes Tier 2 Furnishing Recipes Tier 3 Furnishing Recipes
Tier 4 Furnishing Recipes Tier 5 Furnishing Recipes

Click a link above to take you to that section.


There are no available furnishing items in this tier.

Resources & Consumables

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Oak Stain IconOak Stain x10
Oil Icon Oil x4
Furnishing Lv. 100
Workshop Tier 4
Strong Incense IconStrong Incense
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x1
Hyssop Icon Hyssop x1
Cinnamon Icon Cinnamon x1
Furnishing Lv. 120
Workshop Tier 4

Tier 5 Furnishing Recipes

Furnishing Recipes Categories
Tier 1 Furnishing Recipes Tier 2 Furnishing Recipes Tier 3 Furnishing Recipes
Tier 4 Furnishing Recipes Tier 5 Furnishing Recipes

Click a link above to take you to that section.


There are no available furnishing items in this tier.

Resources & Consumables

Item Req. Materials Req. Skill Level/Station
Mahogany Stain IconMahogany Stain x10
Oil Icon Oil x4
Pure Solvent Icon Pure Solvent x10
Furnishing Lv. 150
Workshop Tier 5
Powerful Incense IconPowerful Incense
Charcoal Icon Charcoal x1
Hyssop Icon Hyssop x1
Cinnamon Icon Cinnamon x1
Furnishing Lv. 170
Workshop Tier 5

New World Related Guides

New World - Trade Skills Partial

List of Trade Skills

Gathering Skills
Mining IconMining Logging IconLogging Harvesting IconHarvesting
Tracking and Skinning IconTracking & Skinning Fishing IconFishing
Refining Skills
Smelting IconSmelting Woodworking IconWoodworking Leatherworking IconLeatherworking
Weaving IconWeaving Stonecutting IconStonecutting
Crafting Skills
Cooking IconCooking Weaponsmithing IconWeaponsmithing Arcana IconArcana
Armoring IconArmoring Furnishing IconFurnishing Jewelcrafting IconJewelcrafting
Engineering IconEngineering


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